well from what i didn't put on my profile i'll put here. i live in a very small town in southern georgia and i moved there from jonesboro where i spent 12 years of my life and grew up with some great people, when i moved here i met and made new friends and some i calim as my second family being as they are always there for me when i need them. i am one of 5 children, im the middle one i have three brothers and one sister, for my non-biological family i have 5 brothers who whatch over me like hawks and wont let any guy bother me in any way or form. i have 4 sisters that im very close to and i wont let nobody dissrespect them. friends are the family you choose yourselves. im multi racial, im native american, filipino, and white but my native and filipino dominate my features. i really don't care what people think or say about me but hell if you're gonna do it grow some balls and say it to my face because i'll sure as hell do it to you. and i guess that's the attitude that gets me in trouble at school. im a junior and hopefully i'll be a senior next year. my life basically revolves around school and home(from what my parents know) i am a bad influence to some just ask Angelique17 she'll be the main to tell you i am. im a big flirt but if i know a guy is taken then i wont mess with them because i have been cheated on so many times i know what it feels like to have ya boy chatting with some other female, i have never cheated on a guy and don't plan on it because that's just tacky if you gonna do that break it off cuase you've gotta be doing that shit for some reason.