Asetianism, Aset Ka, and Vampirism.
A.) I am Asetian.
B.) I am an Aset Ka exile as well.
I have been where none have been and know what is on both sides of the fence.
It is time for a candid conversation about the matter because there are way to many people walking around claiming to be Asetian without even a clue as to what that term really means.
As I said I am Asetian, as an Asetian soul my belief system is based on information given within Symbolist hieroglyphs found within Egyptian Ideologies and our own knowledge which we retain threw the reincarnation process.
I know what real Vampirism is and so did the Egyptians.
This belief system has been in place since long before any of the acknowledged religions of today were even a thought.
In fact the context of the Hermetica an ancient Greek text is entirely Egyptian in it's ideology. Since the Greeks had no belief in reincarnation and the hermetic belief system is based partially on the transformation of the soul it is Egyptian knowledge rewritten. That transformation of the soul is only found in Egyptian doctrine, it is also what we believe to be real definition of Vampirism.
This ideology, is the basis for the greek hermetic belief system, which is in turn also adopted in part by the Romans and Muslim during their occupations. It is then carried in an even more degenerated form up into Europe and the Italian Renaissance and becomes shoot off ideologies and practices such as Alchemy. Which created even more schools of thought and more great minds like Issac Newton, who was more of an Alchemist and numbered symbolist than anything else.
You can debate that all you like but the fact remains that almost all of the forefathers of modern thought and some of the greatest minds in history learned what they knew from Ancient Egyptian's Arcane Schools.
A literal who's who list of history is made up of those who studied scared text form the Arcane schools of Egypt... Pythagoras, Plato, and Alexander the great are just a few individuals who self admittedly studied for decades with the Egyptian Mystery schools.
The great library of Alexandria was an Egyptian City and library of Arcane knowledge which was simply renamed out of Egyptian respect for Alexander the great.
The term Pagan and the idea of pantheistic rituals aka magic that led to the Wiccan beliefs was the Roman Catholic churches attempt to label and vilify Egyptian doctrines which they ultimately wanted to weed out of society.
In short Histories example list goes on and on...
Just because we Asetians choose not to stand there, point at history and say:
"There it is, oh Look and there it is again"
doesn't mean that it was created in 2007 when Aset Ka came forward and made themselves public. Kemetic Orders have been around for ever and so has the belief system of Vampirism that we hold from those beliefs.
Asetianism is a state of being not a group or cult. The fact that Aset Ka has chosen to adopt and publicly announce this as there ideology tracing there roots back to Isis, Atum, and Sekhmet does not mean that all Asetians are members of Aset Ka or walk around with the Asetian bibles in there hands.
To assume so is much like visiting an American Southern Baptist church and saying what is seen and heard is the sum of the christian philosophy.
The goddess Sekmet had a cult in ancient times which devoted themselves to blood drinking during the 12th dynasty. That is in addition to the other well documented Ideologies like the transformation of the soul which lead to the Egyptian alteration theories of vampirism based on text that was found pointing toward this being one of the cosmologies.
This data points to there being real sources of information that go into the heart of what I and many believe to be the true nature of vampirism.
The vampire is not a Religious right of passage for any group or individual, It Is a state of evolved consciousness, it is about the soul.
The farther back in the Vampire legacy you go the more you see them referred to as Demons and other similar spirit like creatures. Reason being that Demons are not human they are spirits (as defined in most of the folklore) and thrive on spiritual energies found within humans not any physical digestive substance you would get from consuming blood or flesh. In short they feed on pranic energy... Life force... what ever you choose to call it. Vampirism is a PSI or Psionic condition.
Vampirism is spiritualism, it is evolved consciousness at it highest form.
But don't take my word for it... discover who you are for yourself. True knowledge always starts by looking inward not outward... When you are calm and without the outside world baring down on you there is a simple exercise you can use to determine who you really are.
Just sit down, close your eyes and clear you mind. Start off by noticing your physical body (outside features) Fact: the idea that you are aware of it means that you must be more than your body. start applying this rule to other areas.
Become aware of your emotions the fact that you are aware of how you feel means that you are more than your emotions.
Finally turn your attention to your thoughts you will notice that thoughts just pop in and out of your mind without you actively thinking them. Because you are objectively aware of the thoughts in your mind, you must be more than your mind.
You will realise that whatever part of yourself you focus on there will always be a sense of awareness that is somehow above and beyond everything else. This inner awareness or inner essence is the real "you".
It is the basis of all your experiences past and present, asleep or awake, "dead" or "alive" and it is eternal.
It is the consciousness... It is Your Soul.
This is proof positive that
"You don't have a soul, You are a Soul... What you have is a body."
16:56 Dec 16 2010
This has been very helpful .. has given me an insight and has helped me to understand myself alot more
Thank you for Sharing your knowledge
01:12 Dec 17 2010
I have always believed the body is just a, I can't think of the right word but house for the soul to reside in so it can interact on this plane of existence.
Very informative Sev as always. I have interests in Aset Ka but would never claim to be Asetian.
23:21 Dec 18 2010
I was prompted to select this from my personal library and opened the page to this excerpt...for your consideration:
"Thy soul to it is given...power...great of the cycle of the gods. Not changeth he his word. the food and the altar is Horus. I go to unite myself unto [my] father. The deliverance from [my] father, is from [my] brother is, from my friend is, of Horus [is]. Cometh Horus upon the water of his father. He dwelleth in decay. He ruleth Egypt (sic). Thy soul have given to him the gods the crown of millions of years; it maketh him to live for millions of years in his eye the only one of its lord, Nebt-er-tcher, queen of the gods."
19:51 Jan 04 2011
"The vampire is not a Religious right of passage for any group or individual, It Is a state of evolved consciousness, it is about the soul."
Ha! Indeed... indeed :)
03:24 Jan 30 2011
very interesting and leaves me intrigued.....much to ponder now...thanks Sev :)