To the Queen. She is strong and wise powerful and shall rise. Again from the ashes from the pits if Hell she rides The top of a wave in the rising tide, of flames that fuel the fury of her love. Betrayed and forgotten soon again she comes. Across the deserts and desolate plains of oblivion. My Queen she comes for me. My One and Only
All my words effort and blood. No more boom I'm just a dud. The time I've spent with nothing to show. But squabbling family at an all time low. I Failed you all
Thinking of yesterday. When it was you and me and all could see that our destiny was for us to be. Yesterday. Its the way it should've been. Now all we do is fight and cry hoping that someday you will, win me over. I just wanna lose. I can't bare to watch you go insane all it does is being me pain. Yesterday. Yesterday. Yesterday.
"I love you so much it drives me insane. The face you wear brings me so much pain. Is it you I see or is it her. Is it your touch and kiss or is it her. I don't trust myself but I trust you less. You had my heart and soul but now its come to this. My heads hung low inside my dreams. I love you so much I just gotta scream. So lonely so empty without you. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Love is not a game and its not a race. So Why'd you have to use her face. I'm tired; I'm broken but not by the enemy. Defeated by those that say they love me."