I am so utterly sick of the idea that there is still stigma attached to the idea of a woman menstruating. It is a sexist notion bound in utter ignorance. Listen here people: the GODS do not make it thunder when they are displeased: that is called an inversion. Women do not bleed because they are cursed. Women menstruate because they are a vessel of life. They have the ability to nurture and bring a new life into this world. Menstruation is a neccesary part of keeping that system functional and there is nothing disgusting or crass about it.
Grow the fuck up.
18:08 Feb 10 2009
Amen. Seriously more people need to understand that the emotional fluxes of women are not much different than that of men- only women talk about theirs far more than men do.
23:34 Feb 10 2009
I don't see a stigma, but neither do I revere it. It's a bodily function. I don't love seeing images of someone else's menses. I don't love images of semen-soaked napkins, fecal-smeared toilet paper, nor cups of urine. They are all bodily functions that perform pretty cool duties, too. I don't wig out when I see them, but I don't really cozy up to them and feel the need to place them on a profile about myself. I kinda figure people know which ones I'm capable of producing. I hope I still qualify as a grown-up. ;)
06:08 Feb 11 2009
I think this has to do with an image on someones profile. Since I don't exactly know about that I'll just comment on the entry itself.
In my opinion obviously there's nothing wrong with it but it isn't something that should be plastered everywhere either. It's natural and part of reproduction, it's a very important thing but so is having a bowel movement, male ejaculation and a whole lot of other things.
I think that the display of menstrual images such as a tasteful drawing or abstract representation is fine. However, a graphic image is not appropriate at all unless it's in an "adult only" situation. I don't want to see a graphic representation of menstruation, I think it is disgusting, the same as any other bodily function of waste. While bleeding is a necessity it is waste and the same that child birth is beautiful the process of which is not.
Maybe I'm just a stupid male but limits and taste should be a part of any society.
As for it being a curse or whatever that's just total crap.
07:30 Feb 11 2009
I concur.
Always love your words of wisdom Sevenn :)
08:13 Feb 11 2009
Oh dear, I guess my humour won't be appreciated on this one ... lol
17:52 Feb 11 2009
Are you sure about the thunder thing ?...*runs*.
21:07 Feb 11 2009
Good point...I think what Sevenn meant was that Thunder is not caused by gods, but by women menstruating! :)
00:37 Feb 13 2009
Any time I get a hard time from a man about menstruating, I have a small smile to myself knowing that when we hit menopause, they have to start going to the docs for a lubed finger in the ass.
I am probably never going to grow up:P
17:08 Feb 13 2009
X-I have always found you to be a very un-sexist type. I dont think a person has to spout frminist poetry and play in a drum circle while wearing birkenstocks in order to understand women's issues. I personally agree with images of what I consider to be "private" functions. I think my comments come from a place of thinking that controversial art usually come from a place of trying to get people worked up about stuff. That's the intention of the artist...like, I feeling like I am being rope-a-doped if I jump into the fray becuase that is what I am "supposed" to do...and ultimately, I agree with joli...body functions...big woop...why do you gotta make a picture about it. But also I dont think the image is sick or weird or disgusting...just the artist trying to pick a fight. And Irony...you make me laugh =)
17:13 Feb 13 2009
and sorry about my horrible grammar in the last...writing fast...fighting a crappy keyboard and I dont feel like re-typing the whole damn thing.
16:46 Feb 17 2009
While I do understand, I'm sorry but I HAVE to hang this blinking neon "Bad Grammar" sign. The arrow points to it and all exits on the freeway have been marked so that everyone can drive by and see. ;)
...Oh, and for the record, if any bad grammar is found in my journal or anywhere on VR, I do NOT get the blinking sign back. I have diplogrammatic immunity. :P