The individual with the profile named Omgs didn't like being rated a 1. I rated them a 1 due to the lame threat of dishonor and revenge rating of a 1 if you did not rate their profile a 10. This immature person also tried to insult and trash talk via email. I would have posted the emails, but the spelling and grammar were atrocious. If they stop acting like a spoiled 10 year old who threw a tantrum for not getting their way, I will rerate their profile to what it is worth.
19:08 Jun 09 2013
There's a lot of this on here , I wish people would get back to acting like decent human beings . I know I have been pulled into drama and have lashed out in anger. Now I plan on letting it roll off my back , ignore people's words and try my best to move forward in a positive way . Maybe I just finally matured and grew up who know's. best thing is to ignore them Scaresforlife seems giving them recognition makes them worse and more bitter. good luck