When i asked to my oh-so-Xtian father whether or not he believed in vampires, he said yes; I asked him why did he believe so and he said, "if angels exists, if demons exists, then vampires do exist." I am not sure I believe in vampires or not. Everyone's so entranced with the glamorized vision of vampires and who wouldn't like to be strong beautiful special powers endowed supernatural being? But thinking about it, i wondered what my reactions would be if i met one...i would probably run away.
What would you do if you met a vampire in person?
A) try to talk to them and become a friend
B) try to seduce them
C) try to find out about vampires and covens
D) run away
E) beg him/her to bite you
I would probably hesitate between D or C
What would you do?
06:10 Jul 01 2010
Thats a very interesting question to ask. Though a person wouldnt exactly act the way they say they would if put face to face with that reality. Honestly I am interested in vampires but if someone walked up to me and told me they were one, I'd think your nuts, I might even giggle at you. But flash real fangs in my direction, some kind of supernatural proof, I'd be gone so fast they'd think they were talking to themself.