Well my day sucked yesterday. Found out sbux in its infinite wisdom is now gonna be charging me 528 dollars a month for health insurance. Annnnd…I got trampled by a horse. Bad wrist even more effed up, opposite shoulder outta whack, ribs on fire, and a bad headache.
Need a vacation, but I can’t afford one. Probably need to visit the doctor. Can’t afford that either. Got work in about an hour and a half. Long day today.
Where to begin. Caught and got over Covid. Fourth time’s the charm. Supervisor isn’t at the ranch anymore. She got fired for stealing firewood from the boss, stealing bolt cutters from the boss’s husband, and making my two coworkers cry. She also had me digging out post holes with one hand (wrist was still sprained), wouldn’t let me use the post hole diggers. Denied a coworker a water break in triple digit heat.
Things have been very hectic, hence my lack of presence around the site. But hopefully I’ll be around more often.