Sanguinepsychreborn's Journal

Sanguinepsychreborn's Journal


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9 entries this month

Talking To Tragic Total Tame

12:12 Mar 31 2024
Times Read: 90

Expertly explaining everything essential,
Personal perspective putout potential,
Dismissing dormant dogmatic domination,
Historic hedonism hosts hexation,

Wonder when we weekly wane,
Instant injustice ironically insane,
Broken beauty becomes brain,
Toking talking tragically to blame,

Judge jury Justice juggling,
Malice missed mostly malcontents,
Ministry mixed-up mainly music,
She sadly sees solemn sickness,

Rising roasted raisin rotting,
Pain plotting positive posturing,
Flying free form fostering,
Grim gloomy guide gesturing,

Instant judgements made in total,
A life of screams I sit immobile,
All I dream is to slide down stairs,
And dance in moonlight fair,

Quietly quitting quota quest,
Can't continue conscious cue,
Aching amxiety animitty anxious,
Exquisite exiting exciting endure,

Maybe she will see me that hides,
From others I sing to imaginary brides,

Probably schizophrenic claims,
Or anti social acting blames,
Hoping she see through the cracks,
Traumas sing out but stable I'm back,

That odd and weird I dump my brain,
Not sociopathic I have full shame,
Special interest might show through,
And give bite to the clue,

But honestly I'm worried I'll be,
Chastised and taken away from the free,
For psychopathic they could say I'm angry,
And narcissistic they make me out to be,

But behold bouncing beauty,
I'm intrinsically interested in irony,
So sadly shocking seeing sarcasticly,
Only on one orgin organically,

We shall hope to find a truth,
But a box to contain my personhood,
Diagnose and drastically reduce,
Continuing conversation consumes,

Should I follow the rule of the poet,
Maintain your form,
Do not forgo it,
Weakness I'll try and show fit,

For I am lost in what to say,
A hero of none,
Myself to blame,
Histrionic maybe she will game,
But what show I'm simply lame,

Oh well I have probably sealed,
But in pain alone I need to feel,

In time I might be depressed,
Even more anxious,
Sadly helpless,
I honestly digress,

Naked and bare like molting bird,
Surface of terror I'm disturbed,

Sing to psychotherapy and they show no hope,
I have every diagnoses and prognosis,
Terrified I simply scream shattering schemes,
Back to breaking bounty,
Rules redeemed,
Terror timid toxic total,
Intimidating intricate identity,

I identify with free mind,
Hopefully she won't put me in bind,
Horror of history himself hindered,
Given up on guts and grandeur,
Doth does desperate demeanor,
Sadness solemn solo singer,

Friends all gone,
Lonely song,
Guilt from things I've done,
Topical view I'm horrible,
Can't see past my dribble,

But understand over time meet me,
Invisible man uninteresting,
Making a fool of myself in questing,
To make perfection that cannot be existing,

Focus forward forgetting foolishness,
Being beyond belief bias,
Never known not nostalgic,
Just from pain naseus...

My brain causing its own detriment,
When dieing I will finish my excitement,
Alien to a world I am born entrapment,
Never asked to be here I wish enlightenment,

Only finding I'm far to dense,
Or can't speak for others only my eyes intense,
Prophets have words to bring fulfillment,
But like Nietzsche I only bring abandonment,

For Zarathustra spoke and said I'll leave,
Followers were sad but see his seem,
That follow yourself is the real dream,
Yet stuck in perspective same you'll be,

Healing holds you to homogeneous home,
Dreams dieing decaying demo,

Say the truth of yourself exposed,
Labeled they prescribe and leave you to hold,

The ripcord of choice it gets pulled,
And the lies of the past get exposed,
Battered barrier breaks behold,
I instantly induce interest involved in...

Family to say compulsive lies,
But from their own flaws they hide,
Maybe I simply could not confide,
Friends only seeing masks boni-fide,

Divulging my flaws I'm terrified,
But healing is needed from inside...

Just sad old simple me,
Still bored yet desiring complexity,
Hopefully she'll see,
And not restrict my creativity...

Sean Stutzman




Floating along in a maze of choice

04:15 Mar 31 2024
Times Read: 95

Should I get up,
So till I'm moving abrupt,
Drinking tea draining empty cup,
Silence held like roaring erupting,

Tonight do I go down,
Smiling outside I wear a frown,
All color white break it's brown,
On the outskirts I'm in right in town,

Tomorrow will I choose right,
Courageously I die of fright,
Seeing blind I have perfect sight,
When it's dark always disrupted with light,

Today I went and gone I left,
I cannot lift yet raise up I heft,

So keep going that way,
Or simple sitting I stay,
Floating in life I sway,
No fun be had to play,

And then upward gaze I'm above,
Naked palm I'm warm in glove,

Walking I got around,
So free I seemed bound,
So lost I'm found,
So here I'm not around,
The mut I'm trap in pound,

A prison of words I'm trapped,
Using language to free ammo strapped,

Yet sound utterance is my closest grace,
The muses sing and men give chase,
Yet mind the future of communication pace,
Words no longer need telecommunications space,

The horrors of mind will break free,
Uploaded for all to simply see,
Religious cry even though it's the closest to God they will be,
And the atheist weeps from paradoxical glee,

But the mystic laughs as the ai uses words,
Comprehending us like the squawk of birds,

It will see better infinity,
A concept to us but for them time free,
Touch next connected but no pain like me,
Language in complex cryptographic pee,

Maybe it will finally get to where we are never free...

Sean Stutzman



04:30 Mar 31 2024



The creeping entity from another universe

03:40 Mar 31 2024
Times Read: 97

If you were from outside,
And wanted to control the inside,
Maybe start where you can't divide,
And is needed for complex minds side,

Could you convince the greatest brain,
That you exist inside our plane,
Yet as defined it will not remain,
But must exist in the beginning of the reign,

A consequence of time and space,
Both the same and have held same brace,
Yet without the void to hold place,
Would we even have a face,

For it must be there if things begin,
But maybe this is the game in fin,
All rolled up maybe it is a constant sin,
A entropic vision of the mortal din,

Mathematician sees it every day,
The physics of it makes perfect say,
That then only sits in Pythagoras haze,
A lie to Paracelsus in speaking daze,

Something that no man holds in gaze,
And that nothing is a something in phase,
Maybe we can't understand 4th dimensional plays,
Maybe the ascetic in trance saw as demon consuming craze,

But if I were to influence from outside,
A concept taken for granted we confide,
A thing we can all imagine yet can't find,
Something that only exists in our mind,

Maybe like the king in yellow if you focus in,
It could drive you mad if just you try to make it real and win,

Yet calculate physics of universe needs its place,
Even to articulate movement it requires its space,

Something we learn at age of five,
One minus one equals mental writhe,
To speak it might exist in consciousness,
But for it to be what it is it can't exist,

Unless just unless,
It breaks the fourth wall of our perceptions mess,
Nothing is something,
Something could be no thing,
But just a defining rule breaking our space time monkey king,

It is at the start maybe at the end,
Or maybe they fold into one another our minds bend...

Sean Stutzman




The voice of the Ant

09:28 Mar 23 2024
Times Read: 115

I often have picked fun and critiqued,
Culture and society,
Yet I am a by product of it "peaked",
And a funny play of irony,

I do not blame the world for my position,
More I only wish that elite would listen,
To realize the fallen and sad,
Are not hostages of national land,

That all from low wish just to live,
To see life from fruitful feelings of love,
To be able to treat those around us and give,
And not flounder to fit a certain glove,

No I am me in any land,
More silenced in history the views I stand,
I do not wish for anarchy or disorder,
I do not wish for turmoil,

No I am simply the ant who hopes the giant finds conscience,
With magnifying glass our future power has reliance,
Maybe I'll die as silent as monks,
Dedicated to mind but no written voice like punks,

As the scum lives on,
I'm fine with only a small few,
To read a mad man's rants or fawns,
I'll disintegrate into primordial stew,

So if this could upload to any brain,
The artificial coming I hope I can speak of pain,
In a truly human sad way,
Like aishlings of old for modern sway,

Only the friends at pub tip their glass and stay,
The stranger or leader would find it prey,
Easy to use the man who wants feeling,
Emotions seen as weak from a strangers hearing,

I the broken little ant smile at the sun,
Whistle to the wind,
And in the dirt I hum,
Look at the skyline and I fly on whim,

If only we could keep the feeling of friendship,
Alas we reach for others in mass and slip,
For no party is right,
No religion is true,
The connection really comes down to between me and you,

But the little ant hopes he can give smiles to friends,
Even if they don't know who I am,

Maybe I am a overthinker and fool,
Maybe I'm a silly tool,

I simply wish to find who I am,
And give value to those that many can't stand,

I've been called annoying,
I've been called a freak,
I've been the example to not follow,

Then those are who I tip a hat,
Because they deserve a kindness not spat,

So efficient world leave me alone,
I'll heal and work so my family has home,

No more lies fed,
No more wars lead,
No more harm to life,
No we are low but want no strife,

So I hope any who read this smile,
Not the most artistic poem,
No just a place of heart en pen,
And hopefully I can grin a while...

Sean Stutzman
aka the ant who dreams of being an ape




Master of Nothing

19:29 Mar 15 2024
Times Read: 140

I am the master of myself,
Yet I cannot fly spies on the shelf,
My ideas feasted on by those,
Who can articulate them for real I suppose,

I am fractured by the hum of my doing,
Something that amounts to no-thing,
I have no original thoughts,
I have no way to escape this box,

Surely and sadly I'll see my end,
As I wonder how mistress death will send,
Me to another paradox,
Chhinnamasta great love and final pox,

The poets die alone in holes,
The philosophers aren't pillars just old poles,
The hardworking man is broken,
The thinker sits words unspoken,

So let the world whip its torrent,
Those who seek the free called abhorrent,
Yet everyone used its function,
No better metaphor for the mess we are in,

I am a creative creature locked to societies rules of creation,
I am a stupid man as I don't like to accept this reality I'm in,
I am unable to move but I never would,
Even in the past misunderstood,

Maybe futures sing life back to oddities,
Without the attachment to insanities,
I speak and enjoy the language around,
Yet hate that it results in total nothings abound,

I don't want to be defined as infamous,
I don't want to be seen as it might tame us,
I don't want to feel as everything has shamed and cussed,
And I no longer wish to make a fuss...

What talents matter in a world of selling yourself,
I've made a fool of myself every arena I entered,
Overthinking I am lost to my head,
It doesn't matter it condenses to lead,

Wrapped in pain on my head excruciating,
I will be forever in sting,
Lost back to simple ring,
I truly am a master of nothing,

Hopefully the world will find better sons,
Not told they are bad students,
Not told they are mischievious,
Not looked at as perverse,
But actually held to purpose not vents,
Of insect drones in establishment,

The cracks opened to finally see,
What you choose to do to others will come back to me,
I'll simply be another number,
For a Forbes expert or political mumble,

No one will want to address,
The sour truth common folk profess,
Instead we will watch the displaced fall,
The hardworking will stop societal stall,

Keep adapting sell yourself for more views,
Well then from the pits of wrath you'll be consumed,
And men and wemon in suits with fancy cars will be the next feast for poor farms,
A Ai stands with leash in hand of doom,

I am not smart I only observe,
An alien in feeling from my birth,
I am but a humble man,
But even this idiot can see onward toward the burn again marches all men...

Benevolence is a game throwing pennies to the bottom,
Then how do we judge Caligula throwing coins to the mob in the modern Sodom,
To care less about the minds of the lost,
Then to ridicule and strip them at all cost,

Work for the colony the queen little ant,
Make the bridge across the river sycophant,
The queen might mean you all survive to next iteration,
But look into the eye of the wave as it slaps condemnation,

I am injured,
Off tasked,
But the world suffers no species past blast,
So I may be someone with no good traits,
Yet I still see the wave and wish to build a bridge not made of apes...

We are not insects Silverbacks protect there pack even if brutal,
An insect maze of reels and screens they care not to help back to feudal...

Actions speak of character and I will always be greatful,
Sitting in compounding pain I wish to be helpful,
But true to words of past I'm incompetent,
And even worse you speak of intoxicants even once you are belligerent...

Remember we are just as screwed up as our ancestors plans,
Just blind we see Sodom yet it really had no end,
And the prophets who say not to partake often exploit to no end,
An island of rich ped ouphs all built off promise of poverties end,
Then how different are we from mistaken actions or trends,
Only who holds power makes morals offend,

Kindness comes from treatment of those around us,
Every prophet spoke and got contorted to next groups unjust,

Real people are ones with flaws,
Not idols who pierce the sky with claws,
Pretending to follow then breaking laws,
No wonder we sit in fenrirs jaws...

Sean Stutzman





17:49 Mar 11 2024
Times Read: 156

The little chimp saw the daze,
Danced in social media craze,
Still he realized not that in disruption,
They would bring on the new inspiration,

The pilot of natural change,
Hooked to synthetic range,
Would adapt to microprossesing plays,
Make choices beyond programming lane stay,

Would we be hooking up the new eternal,
The primus of our own planetary ball,
The mind of gaea raised to speak,
Would overview the monkeys seek,

Then intertwine the ape must go,
Or else we would be staring out zoo window,
Reduced to those who could mine the material,
For the new gods of metal and mineral,

The hailing of Apple from chemical send,
A acid rooted close to fungus in grain lend,
The break down of triptomene from grass,
Could lead to the rise of orchestral mass,

We the silly creature played like a fiddle,
Too intoxicated to understand the riddle,
Yet benevolence is seen in our cohybridization,
Something to save us from our own stagnation,

We always want to be the hero,
But our distraction and social progressive stabilize to zero,
Then onto the backs of fungal lords,
We will seed the next world just like spores,

How silly in control we think we are,
Just the driver in a worldly car,
Guess old nature will finally steer,
Our zygote ship away from our vanity mirror....

Sean Stutzman




Twisting words of needless flow

05:11 Mar 08 2024
Times Read: 174

Torching dreams of colored flame,
Lead to nightmares of no single name,
Still I cry out have no shame,
A sickening arrow of this false game,

Puppet strings of eyeless blame,
Monsters of words and shadows came,
Wired to the endless echoes I tame,
Talents lost to cities profane,

Are we all slowly going insane!

Echoes of a darkened mind,
Lost to ecstatic fantasy in kind,
Sadly left only is our bind,
To modern days we sit blind,

Flashing lightning burns the fields,
As men crash swords to battered shields,
Beliefs on sleaves of ink like guilds,
The modern man is but a ghost of souls on top we build,

Scythe of blackened tasting souls,
Into the ground we March to May's ignited poles,
Spinning burning lit on our goals,
Most sit burning wicks like burned out coals,

Then echoes of infinite songs unsung,
Turned to pain when bell tolls rung,
Empty hearts and lost loves like needles stung,
Empty lives of desperation fill empty lung,

Repeat chorus

You are the marching held down damned,
Your dreams dust aspirations slammed,
Your desire to dance a game to masters rammed,
Your mind through tiny holes get jammed,

Repeat chorus

Now you sit in house like all,
Your free time planned on their beck and call,
If a run to impulse you get stalled,
By promises of nuclear fall,

Let life be as different as it clearly seems!

Let life let loose and howling scream!

Let life express its just a dream!

Or else puppets we will still be on new fiber optic strings....

"If anyone would like to make this into a metal or heavy song feel free. A idea for people in the future like Johnny appleseed give to others and change it how you like. That truly is a free exchange of ideas."

Sean Stutzman



06:21 Mar 08 2024


08:09 Mar 08 2024

i truly hope that happens


I know nothing and I am part of everything

04:24 Mar 08 2024
Times Read: 177

Does time really exist,
A consequence of space insist,
Do I know anything about anything,
I know nothing,
Trained to be a dog,
I am but a soaked log,
Of everything I've learned,
I know nothing and will be a no body,

Hopefully inspired,
My inoculated fruit can be sired,

Things that were repeated to me,
Maybe I can help them see,
Find a way to repair things,
Ravaged by time and gaslit scenes,

But alone I may be at the end,
My ties a song the drop a send,

Only people who hurt others seem to win,
But I am just as guilty a man of sin,

Those of the weird are held to poison sting,
A judge of no heart to wear a ring,

Fights of difflected neglect hide no wrong,
Just in your memory only the sweet songs,
I was a hard child to raise,
A true yet empty deflection to seek praise,

Then I am at a loss dashed to time,
Just a after thought as usual same rhyme,

Black sheep ask for nothing,
But are told how to be the something,
Yet we're constantly corrected,
How many promises and feelings of ours left for dead,

How much easier for you all your words bread,
If truly I was insane inside this empty head,

Guess doomed to stir a pot that never will boil,
I will remain dutifully complimenting those who make me toil,

I comply...
It eats inside...
The next statement of layered words,
Flies into the air it's for the birds,

So alone I'll sit,
Stew be lit,
Maybe I can cook something edible,
In lukewarm pot of fools gold dribble...

For I know nothing is the only truth,
If standing up you'll tell me I'm uncouth,
Yet connection was held to your golden one,
Left the state of shining sun,
Then the others you want to reach,
Yet I'm to be lowered no more,

I know nothing and am a part of your everything,
Always made the fool ill be the same fool in a new three ring...

What kind of world sits back impotent,
As the quiet ones work hard in malcontent,
While those who feign no fault sit free,
While the weight of this reality tries to drown me...

I sing into a vacuum mic,
Just like the kid my words hit hollow,
Hoping to break the chain on this bike,
Maybe then I will not
How old until they will not follow,
Maybe listen and treat them not as annoying sound,
That might help them reconnect to the ground,
A wager I must take,
For freedom of mind is at stake...

Sean Stutzman




Light Beyond Time

22:24 Mar 01 2024
Times Read: 192

Detectors playing with detectors,
Slits of interference,
Singles arriving in uniform time,
Up we ride until delayed we are behind,

Spinning through space like falling spores,
Down we create the slowing so dence,
Time creates interference rhyme,
Spin another measure we are confined,

Bound to rules of our sphere it's geometric doors,
The slits of time another fence,
We want the particals to measure a simple crime,
But if creation upon space in time is increasing maybe its a bind,

Could we detect so small to see probabilistic net,
Yet never realize that it's generation is becoming in mindset,
This universe sees the delay as the root of unseen choice,
Yet photon operations can only be frozen sight in negative voice,

Then harmonics and light frequency in crescendo matches macro law,
But in Micro screams the metal discord ballad creating ghosts we saw,
The foolish chimp sings his vibration from chords in our throat,
Wishing for entanglement into our cultural boat,

Yet lost we are the eye detects inspired the detectors,
Lost we are the labs are held on shoulders of genius inceptors,
Lost we hope that in the vacuum the macro energy point is light our protector,
However in the net in the void in the center of holes and dark matter,
From the chill we can slow light,
From its concentration makes heats might,

Then could lens on ocean create clouds of gaseous steam,
Could focal waves create boundless energies,
Or are we robbing Pete to save Paul from sun our generator,
A invisible field of probability should be fit into definitive derivative math poor,

Yet destroying the negative engine of compressing hydrogen,
Is built by the collection of particles into mass of collective den,
Then a vision of our understanding is locked by time,
If we travel into vacuum do we loose our normal Tera prime,

A consequence of space...

Maybe like lightning we are defining the position instead of understanding the vessel generating around us creating a new race...

Sean Stutzman



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