Sanguinepsychreborn's Journal

Sanguinepsychreborn's Journal


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2 entries this month

Fool of hope

08:03 Jan 31 2024
Times Read: 229

Laughing I thought to find,
A world of love and with love of mind,
Yet adults find a world cold,
Transactional and with saddened mold,

No different than our earlier stories,
We are hissing scoffing leaves,
Branches built on common outlooks,
Roots brought by disease...

For our world will crumble,
One by one we suffocate,
Age and life through death we are humbled,
No magic to escape our fate...

I hope that days are far sweeter,
Yet more preying on others minds feeders,
Come racing through soft tissues of electronic spine,
A world of freedom tethered by what minority calls sublime...

I wonder if we are all sick with new mind,
Yet a hundred years ago you find,
Sick monstrosity against race sexuality and individuality,
So we are just a electronic hive...

What horrors faced in rooms no one cares,
What stories put to ears fifty percent will never spare,
We live trying to finally bring kindness,
Yet always destroying it with convincing mess...

How many lives destroyed by words,
How many more by actions,
How many more by judgments,
How many more by choices,

Ill fated shadows under a full moon,
People claiming they know everything,
See everything,
Yet they barely see dark glimpses from a reflection...

Weapons of personal taste used to ensnare,
A world built of transactions,
People thinking themselves Sherlock,
Yet they never even leave their Holmes,

Sickened by what our minds make,
Yet we probly can't fathom depravity before proof with camera,
We are shocked by the lightest darkness,
What a shell we setup...

Families barely know one another,
Finding cracks after time,
There is no bond among the living,
Shattered glass from generations long gone...

So the hard sighted I'll sit in darkness,
Next to my darling blessings,
A voice can still sing poems,
Even if under deluge of stress,

Not as eloquent,
Not as far thought,
Not as beautiful in dreaming,
No I'm another reflection of the sun...

Kindness is abstracted to distance,
Words used to increase lines none fair,
I ask where is an honest man by chance,
Lantern swinging in blinding glare,

Thousands of years to hope for promise,
Yet no profettic or golden chosen one,
Diogenes was correct sadly missed,
There is none...

Sean Stutzman



08:46 Jan 31 2024


06:37 Feb 13 2024

Thank you Cadre hope life is good, and you are enjoying a drink just like you picture!

03:17 Feb 24 2024

nice poem

00:42 Mar 23 2024

Thank you Silva hope you are doing well!


Vessels of slowly dieing gods

11:53 Jan 19 2024
Times Read: 276

Husks of matter spin forward gritting,
Pain and fear holding from youth,
Nashing gnawing I continue spitting,
Yet nothing comes to me to sooth,

The criminals I saw have no problems,
The good hearted souls are all consumed,
They focus on the obvious and not where the problems stem,
So alone I can be judged though no crimes do I do,

My life a joke as always told,
I got angry that simply gave reasons to bind,
So I tried to be complacent and sold,
Now no friends beside allowed ones I find,

Like raging fire I spat at life and culture,
Yet only embers left I have in me,
My greatest fear I now have to see my vulture,
As it comes racing down to consume you'll see,

I hoped the pain was real from a problem,
Yet last visit taught me its actually mine,
The worst possible truth was all was catching them,
My mind might not have left horrors behind,

Maybe I'm just a vessel for all I hated in myself,
I tried so hard to not be the lost cause,
Then ended sitting on a prison shelf,
No honesty was never a given blessings pause,

So here I sit with open eyes,
The pain I cannot control comes from inside,
I have attached my children to similar guise,
Something I can't forgive myself for blind pride,

What I desire now just illusion,
My personality sculpted and fried,
I am lost back to no profession,
A husk to talk to me a echo cried,

So take back my life I now will try,
Walking through a field of mines,
No I cannot sit smiling at people who trapped me and lied,
So on I tip toe eggshells shattering on every line,

For I will always be the bad guy,
I will always be the sad guy,
I will always be the silent guy,
Eating myself from inside,

For all my learning I am worthless,
For all my action I am useless,
For all my truth I am but another lie,
Screaming at the sky,

I wish I could say I was honest and embraced,
Instead I was ridiculed and faulted,
Pushed to be providing what I never wanted,
Used for an illusion empire never constructed,

I sit with damage from past and present,
I will forever deal with my mind corrupt,
And horribly I have made issues for doctors who only showed care,
With which I find my mind wanting to erupt,

I am a vessel of dieing gods,
Who whisper in my ear yet I can't help myself win,
I am the injury and the self fulfilled prods,
I am the crazy man they want me to be for actuallizing seems a sin,

What good do I do repeating a cycle,
Causing the same fiendish pain,
Children do not understand emotion culled,
So I will simply stain,

For even if I run away,
Tied to her they stay,

I am a vessel of dieing gods,
A vessel I wish to uphold and create,
Yet never did I escape the bonds,
Tied to my tree I lay,

So please sweet valkeries I spawned,
Don't hate me for what I must do,
For dieing gods must be reborn,
And I need to come back from the doom,

Please hear the cries from someone always pivoting,
A trait brought in to a complex life,
Love to any who understand,
From rot we try to create no strife...

Sean Stutzman



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