My husband and I only have 1 car at the moment, so I woke up to drive him to work. Smoked a bowl first, though. Gotta medicate or else my brain and nerves go into overdrive.
Got back and smoked another bowl. Feeling of being on edge are growing.
Nerves decide it's time to scream, "FUCK YOUUUUU!!!" Overdrive activated.
Pop half a .5mg Clonazepam.
Say a pray to my Gods to give me strength and courage.
Tell myself repeatedly that, "You're okay, Sam. You're okay."
Calm down a little.
Currently writing this journal entry and listening to the Best of Ludwig Van Beethoven.
I don't know, man. There's something about Jazz and Classical.
I love all types of music, but that specifically calls out to me.
I was reborn in the wrong generation. Fucking 90's, man....
I have to go to work at 3pm.
Yesterday was physically exhausting.
We're in the process of FULLY setting up our store for the season.
Like, putting up fucking walls and shit.
I only had a 4 hour shift, but I've never personally carried walls that heavy before. I'm going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger by the end of the season.
Ugh. 40 minutes left til I have to attempt to find clean clothes to wear. My husband and I have been negligent on our laundry. Either busy or just too anxious to move.
Story of my life.
Anywho, whatever.
Enjoy this stupid entry. Or don't. I really don't give a shit. :* xoxo
21:37 Aug 03 2018
Lol 💖