The feelings i have deep down inside are indescribible, your eyes, your smile, that loveable personality. Everything you are i adore!!
The time we spend apart is time too much, when im not with you its like apart of me is missing, I've realised that i love you more than than words can say!
You brought me back from the brink of nothingness & made me whole, i wana stand on the tallest building & tell the world, Im with you & I love you!
As the wind gets colder
My eyes start to water
I feel the dark deep down inside
The water washes over me & i have no breath
Thoughts race through my mind
The needles puncture me, slowly but deeply
I wonder........
...Is this how life is suppose to feel?
If this is what IM suppose to feel?
Is this what life has install for me?
I wonder......If so...what should i do?
Go up for air.......or sink to the bottom!!?
Dancing in my dreams,
I'm dancing with death,
a smile on his face &
a blade to my chest,
oh how i've longed for this moment in time
it fills my head with a childhood ryhme....
I've thought of so many ways to greet this creature
but only one springs to mind
that would be with my hands held out high...
i embrass that exact moment when his blade slices me into...
now that i'm dead....what are you to do!?
With no-one to talk to and no-one to care
you remeber the good times, i.e, stroking my hair
Now i'm below you in the hell of all hells
This creature will come for you..ring ring of the big black bell,
I loved you with every inch of my being,
my soul would sing when you were near
I still loved you with my last breath and my last tear!
The day i died was dark and gloomy, Not just i that lost their dear sweet brother...11 you were that dreadful day, i can still remember mum telling me of how it were crossing the road when that bitch struck you...your frail body lying in that bed...i still cant get it out of my head...that was the last memory of you i knew! I close my eyes but all i see is the dark that took you away from me...i cry for you and weep but then i realise your safe in heaven you dont have to be here with war and famin...but i still find it hard, hard to go day i'll see you again...soon, soon my friend
Love....what is it? how do we know we have it?and how do we know we feel it? it the taste off your lips as we kiss is it the look n your eyes, is it the way you hold my hand or is it the way you say goodbye...what is it....i feel something, somethig strong, something beautiful but also something terrifying...i love but hate this feeling i have inside, i'm scared to tell you, scared of what it'll mean if i do...this heart of mine has been burned before...i dont want it to burn again...but i cant deny the feelings for you i have inside...I've tried to stop...tried to deny but alas i've failed to hide told me something once & i was a fool not to come clean and tell you the truth...yes a fool but also a scared kitten...i had you but then i had to let you have your life and i have mine but now i want you in my life....your special and unique, no other could ever take your place...tho i know its not been that long since we first met i feel as tho i've know you my entire life...i'm scared you not want me and meet someone heart would break and melt away if i didnt have to here to stay!
When we were together the earth use to melt away, but when we were apart you'd forget about me all the same.
Kisses and cuddles cant make up for all the pain you've caused me
I never knew that love could hurt so fucking much, from now on the heart i had for you is in a steel box, SAFE, where you cant hurt it anymore.
The damage you caused i thought would never repair itself, but in time i learned that strenght from within was all i needed to heal and find myself
Dont you wish you'd been nicer to me, dont you wish you'd had the time to talk instead of ignoring me
But you made a big mistake, you thought you were better.WELL boy yes i said BOY you no longer matter because your just another face in the crowd!
Feeling lonely feeling depressed
how on earth did i get into this mess
i need to find myself, i need to know....
know why i feel this way, way so low!
I had some one who knew , better than i did
but he's gone, i cry so much i clamed and hide...
hide away from the pain, its too much to take...i lost someone i loved very dearly, and i miss him sincerely!
Robin....Oh robin...dear brother of mine....oh how i long to see you, to speak to you...even as i write this now im flooding up with tears, tears of pain tears of hurt...why did you go away...the day you died was the day i woke up...i realise there is no god there is only pain! I lost my faith and i lost myself....i sometimes wish we could swap had so much to give...and yet i was the one that lived....i hate it, i hate it so much....
Love is just another form of suicide, you give them your heart & they just rip it out like it was nothing...then walk away for you to pick up the pieces...well i'm done picking up my heart...... told me you loved me but that was a lie...all this time you kept stringing me along like a lil puppy dog....well this dog has grown & wised up...she's not gonna play anymore...instead she's gona bite the first fucker that thinks he can play her...or pretend to like her...she's not your toy...she's human and has feelings!!!!!
This is dedicated to You....You know who you are and what you did...I'm hope your happy.... still have abit of my heart on your shoe!!
This song is about my home town in ireland & a Lost love!!
The cold winds from the mountains are calling soft to me,
The smell of scented heather bring bitter memories:
A wild and lonely eagle up in the summer sky,
Flies high o'er shanagolden, where my love willie lies.
I met him in the winter time when snow was on the ground
The irish hills were peaceful and love was all around.
Scarcely twenty one yrs old, a young man in his prime.
We were married, darling Willie by the eve of christmas time.
Do you remember willie, we walked the moonlit road
I held you in my arms, love, i would never let you go.
Our hands they were entwined, my love, allin the pale moonlight,
By the fields of shanagolden on a lonely winters night.
Then came the call to arms, love, the heather was aflame.
Down from the silent mountains, the saxon strangers came.
I held you in my arms then, my young heart wild with fear.
In the fields of shanagolden, in the springtime of the year.
You fought them, darling Willie, all throught the summer days,
I heard the rifles firing in the mountains far away,
I held you in my arms then, your blood ran free and bright,
And you died in shanagolden, on a lonely summers night.
But that was long ago, love, now our son grows fine and tall;
The hills they are at peace again: the saxon strangers gone.
There's rose growing on your grave, there's an eagle in the sky.
Flying high o'er shanagolden, where my love Willie lies