I am now an Assistant House Master for Jason and the House of Umbrae Octo. Thank you, Jason, for allowing me the pleasures and hospitalities of UO.
I am reading the house forums and am now starting to go through all of the member's profiles. I have talked with a great many of my new housemates in the past and I look forward in rejuvinating old friendships as well as making new friends.
I want to thank Daire, for letting me indulge my power hungry delusions of grandeur. My time as Assistant House Master for The House of Caomhnóir-an-Eolas was nothing short of amazing. A house that is as honorable as it's Master. I can't say enough about how much I respect Toilet Duc, King 'Tarquin, and Radu. We made a hell of a team.
My new housemates are warm people from around the world.
I really am looking forward to the time that I get to spend here on VR in my new home,
Domus Ex Umbrae Octo.
I have joined Jason's house. The House of Umbrae Octo. I come into the house with a favor # of 2488.
I need that number to be 3000 to fulfill house requirements. Look out blue guy. Here I come.
Fairly Looted from Jason! ARRRRR!
What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
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