Dr. Bob and I meet when I was a student at massage school. He was the anatomy & physology instructor. His son Steve is Regan's husband.
Dr. Bob passed away on Thursday at 12:50pm.
Dr. Bob was a brillant man. He was a great friend. I will miss him.
Regan and I meet when I was a student at massage school. She was the practical application instructor. After I finished school and had my new license in hand, Regan and her husband (Steve - who is a Director at the school and was my theory instructor.) asked me to join their practice as a partner. I started the next day.
Regan and I celebrated our 1st year in business together on April 1st, 2007. On April 6th Regan was admitted to our local hospital for severe abdominal cramps and a persistant cough. Within an hour the hospital airvacced her to the Las Vagas hospital. A few days and many tests later Regan had a historectomy and was diagnosed with type 4 cancer that was spreading to her lungs.
Regan passed away at 1:45 this afternoon.
The world is a much dimmer place without her radiant smile in it.