This ain't Florida though, so I guess I'll have to learn my lesson here. I never realised I had posted so many bad replies...
I lost 60 posts today. All my own fault, but I also blame meeper and MBK, because I can, and they know why.
Son of a dog darned beatch.
It's been years since I created a thread in the top forum, but I read a story today that made me think of posting one. Amazing.
"Stop using it ...Im white and it makes me sick, my nephews are twins-ones black and ones white (funniest thing-both beautiful kids) and my 7 year old angel(niece) is Indian and beautiful. I hate the N word. It means ignorant and those that use it are ignorant. I know many older Black folk who hate it...Its a FUCKING ABOMINATION to use that word. Thousands of people have been lynched to get rid of that word.AND LYNCHED BECAUE THEY WERE CONSIDERED THAT WORD! STOP SAYING IT! LIKE HARLOT OR WHORE, the same fucking thing cept people were not killed for it and people dont go up to family adn friends "HI SLUT" How you going to call your friends and family and say it means brother or something it doesnt... It means IGNORANT and many people are still killed today saying that word. YOU THINK ITS COOL? GO down south and say it...My sisters boyfriend is white and says it in every phrase, he thinks hes black-A REAL BLACK MAN WOULDNT THINK OF SAYING IT IN EVERY PHRASE OUT HIS MOUTH-And who is a black girl to say it then tell a white girl not too??? BULL SHIT
ITS A BAD WORD, IGNORANT, RUDE, IMMATURE, AND FUCKING INSULTING! I dont swear much(hard to believe) but this is a disturbing matter with me. I have been to Manhatten once-1-4am outside and the rascism there is against white people! The girl was telling someone else on the street to "tell her boyfrind not to lower himself for the white man" THE WHITE MAN??? Thats hundreds of years since I ve heard that-since history class learning of slavery-PEOPLE, COLOR DONT MATTER BUT IT ONCE DID-AND THE N WORD WAS USED WHEN IT DID-PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND DIED WITH THAT WORD WRITTEN ON THEM ANS SCREAMED IN THEIR FACE-STOP SAYING IT OR GO SOUTH AND SAY IT, PLEASE LET THEM BLACKS KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT- THEN YOU WILL ALL LEARN- LET OBAMA BE PRESIDENT AND LET RASCISM END COMPLETELY ONCE AND FOR ALL"
OK, take a valium, sit down, and watch this:
Seriously, chill the fuck out people. Phobia of that word only gives it power.
The thing that annoys me the most now, espically in the uk,
Black people can be racist to white pople by saying something like i dunno "your a stupid white ass bitch"
but if a white person says the exact same thing to a black person (just changing the white to black)
he gets in all sorts of trouble for it, while the black person gets off scot free, i just dont know how it can work one way like that. really boggels me.
It's a forum thread that I'm actually interested in, where people are making valid, polite and understandable contributions.
hehehe ...
a serious thread on VR: 12,534 to 1
injury from shaving: 6,585 to 1
injury from using a chain saw: 4,464 to 1
injury from mowing the lawn: 3,623 to 1
fatally slipping in bath or shower: 2,232 to 1
getting hemorrhoids: 25 to 1
being on plane with a drunken pilot: 117 to 1
Earth will experience a catastrophic collision with an asteroid in the next 100 years: 5,000 to 1
18:24 May 31 2008
-.-;; I lost about 180 posts. I think you'll live. ;P lol
19:20 May 31 2008
Ok so Its not just me losing posts like crazy.
19:26 May 31 2008
Heh, I lost better than half of mine!
It won't be long and I'll be starting from scratch again, woohoo! ;P
20:13 May 31 2008
I lost about half mine too...the good news is I can and will spank Meeper, one for everybody, get your requests in now!
20:19 May 31 2008
Two please!
You have no-one to blame but yourself, Sevenn! :P
"Vampire Rave has high posting standards. If your thread or post is closed or deleted, you should learn from the experience and construct better posts in the future. Nagging Dominars or Administrators about your threads/replies getting closed/deleted is a good way to get suspended."
(I may have crossed a line here. lol)
20:20 May 31 2008
I'm going to cry- I lost about 60! Damn myself :P
10:06 Jun 04 2008
Lol I lost a lot don't know how many more than 100 for sure yet I got in the 3rd place again lol.