STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


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8 entries this month

Bloody annoying.

05:48 Jan 21 2006
Times Read: 872

***Rant Begins***

I often wonder at which accounts will be the multiples of a single user, so, I've started seeing the patterns.

One, is the sudden spike in new PM's at low level. They generally post into the forum straight away. This purchasing of a second account is also a sure way to avoid Cancer's wrath if caught.

Another, is to create a few small, low to mid level profiles with no images, no real attempt at a profile and often, designed to direct abuse at someone or some topic. These profiles stay dormant for long periods and rarely post in the forum, but visit profiles and threads on occasion to get their message across.

The other main type is a full blown alter-ego. These are the viscious and oft abusive characters who's profiles can describe entire lifestyles, they may post journals- usually intended to aggravate and make bold claims, waiting for someone to bite for a refutation and be drawn in to argument. They are sometimes emotional predators, looking to rip apart unsuspecting people from the inside.

They can follow people around the net, stalking them, seeking that extra bit of info to get an angle.

For me, I don't mind being myself everywhere I go. I get locked out of some places and sometimes even kicked out, but, the way I see it, I've been honest and true to my opinions.

It makes me really uncomfortable to know that such people do spend time pretending to be someone else, but for what reason?

Is it some kind of voyueristic get off? Or a spying game bred from paranoia of anothers true feeling toward them. Are they that desperate for reassurance?

Who knows? I can't work it out. I tried using a multiple account once at another site. I forgot the password after a week... I guess I just can't pull off the playing in character bit when I would know that it's deceiving another person, really playing with their head.

I can't imagine the level of mental sickness that a person must suffer from to create such a twisted psychosis. These are people that are in dire need of professional assistance.

And of the victim? How about the gut-wrenching knowledge of abused trust, of secrets shared and betrayed? Ickyness in the extreme. Such individuals who have suffered should be given honourable friendship to try and restore their faith in people. After all, the sicko's are in the minority and not everyone is FUBAR.

***End Rant***



16:48 Oct 08 2009

"Oh my prophetic soul."



11:14 Jan 16 2006
Times Read: 909

Is a wonderful thing to hold when it remains unbroken.

When it is shattered, the cold shards pierce the heart and kill one's love.

If the person that broke my trust recently reads this message, then they know that they have stepped beyond a boundry I will never allow them back through.

And they can only look to themselves for this breach of confidence that I desperately needed to be held.

I'm so far past tears over this that I'm left emotionaless, lest rage cause me to smash eveything within reach.

I have listened to the reasons why and I still find it inexcusable. This will only strengthen my resolve to leave this chaotic life of mine for a calmer place.




Where did vampires come from?

01:39 Jan 15 2006
Times Read: 919

I have been thinking on another post I made elsewhere, regarding a seperation from God.

This theory is entirely conjecture which takes Christian beleif and twists it horribly, but I'd like to see it dismantled.

To begin, God creates Angels- Extensions of his will, given individual thought, but bound by their perfection in action to be without free will.

But, one is perfectly corrupted, perhaps by God's own design, who knows. This Satan is cast out and those Angelic spirits which allowed themselves to become corrupted by him are too removed from God. Severence.

They become vampires in the repect of being disconnected from 'the source', the flow of life giving that is God and thus, they turn to the human souls to sustain themselves, the ones God created to be imperfect and with free will, but which still receive the energy from God's universal being.

So, as Jesus was born from God and Mary, he is a half-angelic being. And I've read somewhere that, in the Bible, it assumes that what is in heaven, is also in hell, which would make the anti-christ a half-vampire, born to Satan and a human mother.





22:28 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 938


I kind of figured that the second part would go against your given nature. And I know that drawing in from other than human sources has its draw back, but believe me, in abundance it can at least help the over all condition of psy vampirism. Again, your right, its not enough to feel strong in what you are, but it helps.

Now, here is a perspective that may help with the rationalization of the perception of energy and its definition of personal space vs. out and out spiritual attack.

Now, mind you this even goes against what I belief, I do belief in personal space and the ties of energy, but in truth, thats more of a possessive belief. If I were more innocent, I would look on energy as a communal thing. I know its nature, I know that people can tie energy to themselves and that by definition it become a part of them. But, the theory of energy being possessed by a person can be seemingly unjust. No it is not sentient on its own, nor does common energy have direction, or will. But, in the end it is all one source when it is untapped, merely changed by being tied by a human, be they willful and aware, or otherwise.

So, you have this energy which has been tied to a human being. Thus it has become more potent, because of its sentient ties. right? But, is it theirs, or is it still in a sense just an overlapping current. Energy lies in everything and everyone right, it moves freely about the world, unless directed by some purpose, usually human, or spiritual in nature.

So if it were attached to a being, and not intentionally so, is it not still part of the world? and as a someone who is a part of the world, should you not have access to it. And in truth, if done right, with a soft kind hand, they will not feel its loss, as a new current, or thread will come to them in a short amount of time.

All justification seems wicked, but when dealing in an inherintly neutreal, thing such as energy, it can be applied. Especially in such a case as this. Where an individual is in need, and unable to fill that need through their own will. Believe me, that energy is their for you. And now think on the quanundrum of the choice of greater evils. What would you do with the energy? What would they do? As a psy vamp you have an inherent awareness of the use of energy, could you not apply it to some greater good? Would it not be better put to use with you, then just hanging around some other? Believe me, if their not shaping it, it will move on, to be replaced later by some other, and then some other.

So lets say you take in some energy from someone who has it, and is not utilizing it, what would be the ways you would feel less guilty in taking it in. You could use some of the over fill to send off to a friend or family member in need as well. Apply it to some spiritual, benevolent work for them. Would that not be a greater good?

So many things to consider in your situation. Right now, I dont miss the old days...lol. You seem like a very decent person, and it makes me want to help you, protect you, in whatever way I can.

Another option would be channeling through a peer who has feed. It would still be wrong in the sense that they would need to take in more to sustain the both of you. But, should the situation arise where a peer has already taken in more then they need, to a point of discomfort, they could then share that with you...

The 16 year old... That is potentially wrong. But, should she have a strong mind, should both of you be able to handle a completely platonic communion, no it isnt deplorable. However, the idea of influencing the under age is both a legal, and moral nightmare, even for such as me.

If it could be wholly platonic, would it not be better for her to have someone she identifies with, someone she can grown through experiences with a like mind... be really careful there, be sure it is platonic on both sides. Like I said, potential nightmare.

Then again, the world has teeth, if not you, who else would it be... eek! At least you have morals. Better she spend her time with someone decent then with some shit heel, and the world has plenty of those brother, plenty of those. Tough call, again, rationalization and justification are the devil's tools...lol.

We'll figure something out, I'm sure. Trial and error right?


My, what a devious corruptor you are, SangXUnion!

With respect to 'natural' energy, it certainly is not enough and it feels differently too...

Although I agree that we are all one and the same, a person does, however, claim themselves through ego and the sense of individuality born of the soul, which is a unique form in each of us. Have I the right to essentially detract, however temporary it might be for them, from their being, without their permission?

And yes, I feel that if an energy pattern is a part of a person, then it is defined and (re)created by them in their own aspect of self-realisation and that this provides them with 'ownership' of that form within reality. Even if it were not intentionally taken in to be a part of them, their subconcious thoughts and actions never the less direct them through physical space in which they would gather this 'unintentional' energy. This does not make it any the less theirs, imo.

I feel that justifying a crossing of an ethical boundry based upon possible consequences of not acting in such a fashion can never be a reasonable argument, as one can always assume that what might happen is worse that one could manage themselves.

However, I know that some things I have done with energy have had a negative effect upon someone. So what if I was untrained, lacking control and suddenly, infused with the ability to take any time I pleased, would that not open the whole aspect to abuse by me?

If I was ever in such a position as I was able to 'channel' energy through me to another that needed it, then, I might consider it, but still only if the doner was at least aware that he was losing something in order to help someone, for even if it were a 'greater good' than might otherwise have been intended, it is still impossible for me to know whether that is going to be true or not.

It is a little more difficult to resolve when taking from one who acknowledges that sharing, but who has obtained their own energy in a manner which I feel is inappropriate. I would liken it, in a way, to sending suspects to states for interrogation, where they allow techniques which are not acceptable by the majority law, in order to extract what they want from them.

A harsh comparison, but the one which most fits my current perception. Although, that said, once the energy is taken in, it is refined to become a part of that feeders system and is then considered 'theirs' (stolen or not).

I am steering 100 miles clear of this young lady, but, I know from speaking to her that she has something more than roleplay bullshit about her. Which is a worrying thought in itself. I do look out for her, in my way, but I am not a shepherd either. I can show paths, but people have to choose their own... if hers is fraught with those dangers which you allude to, then so be it. (I don't mean callousness here, simply that I can't look out for everyone, especially in my current situation and so, she will cope and learn as we all must.)

Trail and many errors...lol

thank you for the time and thought which you have spared me, I do appreciate it.

With light,



"My, what a devious corruptor you are, SangXUnion! "

I do what I can:)

"With respect to 'natural' energy, it certainly is not enough and it feels differently too...

Although I agree that we are all one and the same, a person does, however, claim themselves through ego and the sense of individuality born of the soul, which is a unique form in each of us. Have I the right to essentially detract, however temporary it might be for them, from their being, without their permission?"

But, can one claim energy as their own... I know I can... But, thats because I'm a possessive controling degenerate. By rights, others should take that from me...lol. But, in truth, as a whole, with my origins of understanding, I dont see it as a force possessible by claim. So much as it is a force that exists and is available and waiting to be claimed. IE. It exists and waits to be tapped. Without being tapped it just sits and waits idley. Waiting be it in general, or surrounding a sentient, it still is just waiting. Untapped and unshaped, and more than likely longing to be taken.

"And yes, I feel that if an energy pattern is a part of a person, then it is defined and (re)created by them in their own aspect of self-realisation and that this provides them with 'ownership' of that form within reality. Even if it were not intentionally taken in to be a part of them, their subconcious thoughts and actions never the less direct them through physical space in which they would gather this 'unintentional' energy. This does not make it any the less theirs, imo."

That would imply that energy itself is sentient. That it is forming a cohesion with something that would not have been aware of such a thing otherwise. That I don t believe. Not challenging you, of course, but just as I understand energy, it does not have its own will, and hence would not be tie itself to another by will. Nor would the person unaware of said cosmic substance, be able to recognize it, or tie it to themselves in a possessive way.

To say that "energy" is drawn towards sentient life more than others is true in ways. But to say that gives a man a right of possession over said energy... well, does a man own the air which he breathes, or the air in a three foot area? Not so much, not past personal space which is more a social rule then a moral ethic.

"I feel that justifying a crossing of an ethical boundry based upon possible consequences of not acting in such a fashion can never be a reasonable argument, as one can always assume that what might happen is worse that one could manage themselves.

However, I know that some things I have done with energy have had a negative effect upon someone. So what if I was untrained, lacking control and suddenly, infused with the ability to take any time I pleased, would that not open the whole aspect to abuse by me?"

It is true that power corrupts absolutely. But, I doubt that would be true in your case. To say that you would be wretched, or immoral in your choices, or over whelmed by desire vs need, well, through interaction here, I can hardly see that as something that would happen. I think any negligence you enacted would be minimal. I just dont see you becoming a power mad stalker of the psyche. The fact is, you are you. And you'll debate these wonderful intracies of morailty just here with me, but with yourself. And you will inevitably devine a path which is comforting and decent, something you can live with... Thats the whole point of our talks. I think:) Now power trip for me. I do enjoy discussing the morality of it. And more so, discussing it with you, well, it helps me to look at some of my more admirable traits:) LOL.

"If I was ever in such a position as I was able to 'channel' energy through me to another that needed it, then, I might consider it, but still only if the doner was at least aware that he was losing something in order to help someone, for even if it were a 'greater good' than might otherwise have been intended, it is still impossible for me to know whether that is going to be true or not."

If this is something you can do, then dont look for other psy vamps, because depending on your locality they are harder find. Go for pagans. Wiccans have a mind set to help others, even at cost to their own personal energies and agendas. And plenty of pagans are open minded enough to accept your plight as a possibility. Turn your efforts towards that... finding a donor within the pagan community who can accept your condition and assist you by donating, or trading energies. That might be the answer your looking for.

They are both aware of energy, have it, and may be willing to give it. Worst case scenario you find someone aware of energy you can discuss things spiritual with. Never a bad thing.

"A harsh comparison, but the one which most fits my current perception. Although, that said, once the energy is taken in, it is refined to become a part of that feeders system and is then considered 'theirs' (stolen or not)."

But as they have enacted that theft on another, are they not wrong for doing so by your own eidict. Do they not deserve to have said energy liberated from them? I mean, me personally I see a psy vamps energy as a very personal thing, having stolen it or not. But having taken it by your views... Wouldnt it be wrong to let them keep it? Would it not be better taken and shared with someone more innocent? Ahh... Back to the corruption, forget that I said that...lol. I mean it, but at the same time, its not whats going to find you an answer.

"I am steering 100 miles clear of this young lady, but, I know from speaking to her that she has something more than roleplay bullshit about her. Which is a worrying thought in itself. I do look out for her, in my way, but I am not a shepherd either. I can show paths, but people have to choose their own... if hers is fraught with those dangers which you allude to, then so be it. (I don't mean callousness here, simply that I can't look out for everyone, especially in my current situation and so, she will cope and learn as we all must.)"

Not callous, wise. Your judgement on that one is sound. I only mentioned a possible option. But, again, I myself, being the monster I am, did not agree with what would have been undertaken, nor with the probable outcome. Its best left alone, very good call.

"Trail and many errors...lol

thank you for the time and thought which you have spared me, I do appreciate it."

Again, its my pleasure. I get something out of it. lol... I get to help someone in my community to possibly grow. I dont enjoy seeing people suffer, not people I like, or people that come off as decent and deserving as better. Believe me, if you had been random shmuck spouting thousands of years of wisdom, or just someone who was disdainful in the manner of wording they chose, I would not have been as likely to offer assistance. You good head on your shoulders, so I offer help... even if it is tainted by my own views of the subject;)

Best of luck, again:)





It's no use crying over spilt milk.

07:48 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 993

Just go and pour some more...




What is truth and how do I seek my own?

11:38 Jan 06 2006
Times Read: 1,014

Sidh Gohst

This is a translation of the Gurbani called Sidh Gohst which an account of the conversation between Guru Nanak Dev and the Siddhas:

( The Siddhas formed an assembly; sitting in their Yogic postures )

Siddhas shouted "Salute this gathering of Saints".

Meeting with the Saints NANAK says: I offer my salutation to the One who is true, infinite and incomparably beautiful. I cut off my head, and offer it to Him; I dedicate my body and mind to Him. Truth is obtained, and one is spontaneously blessed with distinction.

What is the use of wandering around? Purity comes only through Truth. Without the True Word of the Shabad, no one finds liberation.


(He is one of the Siddhas)

....."Who are you?

.....What is your name?

.....What is your way?

.....What is your goal?

We pray that you will answer us truthfully; we are a sacrifice to the humble Saints.

.....Where is your seat?

.....Where do you live, boy?

.....Where did you come from, and where are you going?

Tell us, Nanak — the detached Siddhas wait to hear your reply.

......What is your path?"


4. He dwells deep within the nucleus of each and every heart. This is my seat and my home. I walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. I came from the Celestial Lord God; I go wherever He orders me to go. I am Nanak, forever under the Command of His Will. I sit in the posture of the eternal, imperishable Lord. These are the Teachings I have received from the Guru. As Gurmukh, I have come to understand and realize myself; I merge in the Truest of the True.


5. The world-ocean is treacherous and impassable; how can one cross over? 6. Charpat the Yogi says, O Nanak, think it over, and give us your true reply.


7. What answer can I give to someone, who claims to understand himself?

8. I speak the Truth; if you have already crossed over, how can I argue with you?

9. The lotus flower floats untouched upon the surface of the water, and the duck swims through the stream; with one’s consciousness focused on the Word of the Shabad, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.

10. O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. One who lives alone, as a hermit, enshrine the One Lord in his mind, remaining unaffected by hope in the midst of hope, sees and inspires others to see the inaccessible, unfathomable Lord. Nanak is his slave. “Listen, Lord to our prayer. We seek your true opinion.


11. Don’t be angry with us please tell us: How can we find the Guru’s Door?”


12. This fickle mind sits in its true home, O Nanak, through the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. The Creator Himself unites us in Union, and inspires us to love the Truth..


13. Away from stores and highways, we live in the woods, among plants and trees.

14. For food, we take fruits and roots. This is the spiritual wisdom spoken by the renunciates.

15. We bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and obtain the fruits of peace; not even an iota of filth sticks to us. Luhaareepaa, the disciple of Gorakh says, this is the Way of Yoga.”


16. In the stores and on the road, do not sleep; do not let your consciousness covet anyone else’s home. Without the Name, the mind has no firm support; O Nanak, this hunger never departs.

17. The Guru has revealed the stores and the city within the home of my own heart, where I intuitively carry on the true trade. Sleep little, and eat little; O Nanak, this is the essence of wisdom.


18. “Wear the robes of the sect of Yogis who follow Gorakh; put on the ear-rings, begging wallet and patched coat. Among the twelve schools of Yoga, ours is the highest; among the six schools of philosophy, ours is the best path. This is the way to instruct the mind, so you will never suffer beatings again.”


19. Nanak speaks: the Gurmukh understands; this is the way that Yoga is attained.

20. Let constant absorption in the Word of the Shabad deep within be your ear-rings eradicate egotism and attachment.

21. Discard sexual desire, anger and egotism,

22. and through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, attain true understanding.

23. For your patched coat and begging bowl, see the Lord God pervading and permeating everywhere;

24. O Nanak, the One Lord will carry you across.

25. True is our Lord and Master, and True is His Name.

26. Analyze it, and you shall find the Word of the Guru to be True. 27. Let your mind turn away in detachment from the world, and let this be your begging bowl. 28. Let the lessons of the five elements be your cap. 29. Let the body be your meditation mat, and the mind your loin cloth. 30. Let truth, contentment and self-discipline be your companions. 31. O Nanak, the Gurmukh dwells on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.


32. “Who is hidden? Who is liberated? Who is united, inwardly and outwardly? Who comes, and who goes? Who is permeating and pervading the three worlds?”


33. He is hidden within each and every heart. The Gurmukh is liberated. 34. Through the Word of the Shabad, one is united, inwardly and outwardly. 35. The self-willed manmukh perishes, and comes and goes. O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in Truth.


36. “How is one placed in bondage, and consumed by the sepent of Maya? How does one lose, and how does one gain? How does one become immaculate and pure? How is the darkness of ignorance removed? One who understands this essence of reality is our Guru.”


37. Man is bound by evil-mindedness, and consumed by Maya, the serpent. The self-willed manmukh loses, and the Gurmukh gains. Meeting the True Guru, darkness is dispelled. 38. O Nanak, eradicating egotism, one merges in the Lord. 39. Focused deep within, in perfect absorption, the soul-swan does not fly away, and the body-wall does not collapse. Then, one knows that his true home is in the cave of intuitive poise. O Nanak, the True Lord loves those who are truthful


40. “Why have you left your house and become a wandering Udaasee? 41. Why have you adopted these religious robes? 42. What merchandise do you trade? 43. How will you carry others across with you?”


44. I became a wandering Udaasee, searching for the Gurmukhs. 45. I have adopted these robes seeking the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan. 46. I trade in the merchandise of Truth. Nanak, as Gurmukh, I carry others across.


47. “How have you changed the course of your life? 48. With what have you linked your mind? 49. How have you subdued your hopes and desires? 50. How have you found the Light deep within your nucleus? 51. Without teeth, how can you eat iron? Give us your true opinion, Nanak.”


52. Born into the House of the True Guru, my wandering in reincarnation ended. 53. My mind is attached and attuned to the unstruck sound current. 54. Through the Word of the Shabad, my hopes and desires have been burnt away. 55. As Gurmukh, I found the Light deep within the nucleus of my self. Eradicating the three qualities, one eats iron. O Nanak, the Emancipator emancipates.


56. “What can you tell us about the beginning? 57. In what home did the absolute dwell then? 58. What are the ear-rings of spiritual wisdom? 59. Who dwells in each and every heart? 60. How can one avoid the attack of death? 61. How can one enter the home of fearlessness? 62. How can one know the posture of intuition and contentment, and overcome one’s adversaries?”


63. Through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, egotism and corruption are conquered, and then one comes to dwell in the home of the self within. One who realizes the Shabad of the One who created the creation, Nanak is his slave.


64. “Where did we come from? 65. Where are we going? 66. Where will we be absorbed?


67. One who reveals the meaning of this Shabad is the Guru, who has no greed at all


68. . How can one find the essence of the unmanifest reality? 69. How does one become Gurmukh, and enshrine love for the Lord?


70. He Himself is consciousness; He Himself is the Creator;


71. share with us, Nanak, your wisdom”.


72. By His Command we come, and by His Command we go; by His Command, we merge in absorption. Through the Perfect Guru, live the Truth; through the Word of the Shabad, the state of dignity is attained.

73. We can only express a sense of wonder about the beginning. The absolute abided endlessly deep within Himself then. Consider freedom from desire to be the ear-rings of the Guru’s spiritual wisdom. The True Lord, the Soul of all, dwells within each and every heart. Through the Guru’s Word, one merges in the absolute, and intuitively receives the immaculate essence. O Nanak, that Sikh who seeks and finds the Way does not serve any other. Wonderful and amazing is His Command; He alone realizes His Command and knows the true way of life of His creatures. One who eradicates his self-conceit becomes free of desire; he alone is a Yogi, who enshrines the True Lord deep within.

74. From His state of absolute existence, He assumed the immaculate form; from formless, He assumed the supreme form.

75. By pleasing the True Guru, the supreme status is obtained, and one is absorbed in the True Word of the Shabad. He knows the True Lord as the One and only; he sends his egotism and duality far away.

76. He alone is a Yogi, who realizes the Word of the Guru’s Shabad; the lotus of the heart blossoms forth within. If one remains dead while yet alive, then he understands everything; he knows the Lord deep within himself, who is kind and compassionate to all. O Nanak, he is blessed with glorious greatness; he realizes himself in all beings.

77. We emerge from Truth, and merge into Truth again. The pure being merges into the One True Lord.

78. The false come, and find no place of rest; in duality, they come and go.

79. This coming and going in reincarnation is ended through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad; the Lord Himself analyzes and grants His forgiveness.

80. One who suffers from the disease of duality forgets the Naam, the source of nectar. He alone understands whom the Lord inspires to understand. Through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, one is liberated. O Nanak, the Emancipator emancipates one who drives out egotism and duality.

81. The self-willed manmukhs are deluded, under the shadow of death. They look into the homes of others, and lose. The manmukhs are confused by doubt, wandering in the wilderness. Having lost their way, they are plundered; they chant their mantras at cremation grounds. They do not think of the Shabad; instead, they utter obscenities. O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Truth know peace.

82. The Gurmukh lives in the Fear of God, the True Lord. Through the Word of the Guru’s Bani, the Gurmukh refines the unrefined. The Gurmukh sings the immaculate, Glorious Praises of the Lord. The Gurmukh attains the supreme, sanctified status. The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord with every hair of his body. O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in Truth.

83. The Gurmukh is pleasing to the True Guru; this is contemplation on the Vedas. Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh is carried across. Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh receives the spiritual wisdom of the Shabad. Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh comes to know the path within. The Gurmukh attains the unseen and infinite Lord. O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the door of liberation.

84. The Gurmukh speaks the unspoken wisdom. In the midst of his family, the Gurmukh lives a spiritual life. The Gurmukh lovingly meditates deep within. The Gurmukh obtains the Shabad, and righteous conduct. He knows the mystery of the Shabad, and inspires others to know it . O Nanak, burning away his ego, he merges in the Lord

85. The True Lord fashioned the earth for the sake of the Gurmukhs. There, he set in motion the play of creation and destruction. One who is filled with the Word of the Guru’s Shabad enshrines love for the Lord. Attuned to the Truth, he goes to his home with honor. Without the True Word of the Shabad, no one receives honor. O Nanak, without the Name, how can one be absorbed in Truth?

86. The Gurmukh obtains the eight miraculous spiritual powers, and all wisdom. The Gurmukh crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, and obtains true understanding. The Gurmukh knows the ways of truth and untruth. The Gurmukh knows worldliness and renunciation. The Gurmukh crosses over, and carries others across as well. O Nanak, the Gurmukh is emancipated through the Shabad. 87. Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, egotism is dispelled.

88. Attuned to the Naam, they remain absorbed in the True Lord. Attuned to the Naam, they contemplate the Way of Yoga. Attuned to the Naam, they find the door of liberation. Attuned to the Naam, they understand the three worlds. O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, eternal peace is found. || 32 || Attuned to the Naam, they attain Sidh Gosht, conversation with the Siddhas.

89. Attuned to the Naam, they practice intense meditation forever. Attuned to the Naam, they live the true and excellent lifestyle. Attuned to the Naam, they contemplate the Lord’s virtues and spiritual wisdom. Without the Name, all that is spoken is useless. O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, their victory is celebrated.

90. Through the Perfect Guru, one obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

91. The Way of Yoga is to remain absorbed in Truth.

92. The Yogis wander in the twelve schools of Yoga; the Sannyaasis in six and four.

93. One who remains dead while yet alive, through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad finds the door of liberation.

94. Without the Shabad, all are attached to duality. Contemplate this in your heart, and see.

95. the celestial Lord. In the Court of the Lord, the Gurmukh is absorbed in His Praises. O Nanak, the Gurmukh is not bound by bonds.

96. The Gurmukh obtains the Name of the Immaculate Lord. Through the Shabad, the Gurmukh burns away his ego. The Gurmukh sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.

97. The Gurmukh remains absorbed in the True Lord. Through the True Name, the Gurmukh is honored and exalted. O Nanak, the Gurmukh understands all the worlds.


98. “What is the root, the source of all?

99. What teachings hold for these times?

100. Who is your guru?

101. Whose disciple are you?

102. What is that speech, by which you remain unattached?

103. Listen to what we say, O Nanak, you little boy.

104. Give us your opinion on what we have said.

105. How can the Shabad carry us across the terrifying world-ocean?”


1. From the air came the beginning. This is the age of the True Guru’s Teachings. The Shabad is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the disciple. Speaking the Unspoken Speech, I remain unattached.

2. Nanak, throughout the ages, the Lord of the World is my Guru. I contemplate the sermon of the Shabad, the Word of the One God. The Gurmukh puts out the fire of egotism.


1. “With teeth of wax, how can one chew iron? What is that food, which takes away pride? How can one live in the palace, the home of snow, wearing robes of fire? Where is that cave, within which one may remain unshaken? Who should we know to be pervading here and there? What is that meditation, which leads the mind to be absorbed in itself?”


106. Eradicating egotism and individualism from within, and erasing duality, the mortal becomes one with God.

107. The world is difficult for the foolish, self-willed manmukh; practicing the Shabad, one chews iron. Know the One Lord, inside and out. O Nanak, the fire is quenched, through the Pleasure of the True Guru’s Will. Imbued with the True Fear of God, pride is taken away; realize that He is One, and contemplate the Shabad. With the True Shabad abiding deep within the heart, the body and mind are cooled and soothed, and colored with the Lord’s Love. The fire of sexual desire, anger and corruption is quenched. O Nanak, the Beloved bestows His Glance of Grace.


108. “The moon of the mind is cool and dark; how is it enlightened?

109. How does the sun blaze so brilliantly?

110. How can the constant watchful gaze of Death be turned away

111. By what understanding is the honor of the Gurmukh preserved?

112. Who is the warrior, who conquers Death? Give us your thoughtful reply, O Nanak.”


113. Giving voice to the Shabad, the moon of the mind is illuminated with infinity. When the sun dwells in the house of the moon, the darkness is dispelled. Pleasure and pain are just the same, when one takes the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. He Himself saves, and carries us across. With faith in the Guru, the mind merges in Truth, and then, prays Nanak; one is not consumed by Death.

114. The essence of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is known to be the most exalted and excellent of all.

115. Without the Name, one is afflicted by pain and death. When one’s essence merges into the essence, the mind is satisfied and fulfilled. Duality is gone, and one enters into the home of the One Lord. The breath blows across the sky of the Tenth Gate and vibrates. O Nanak, the mortal then intuitively meets the eternal, unchanging Lord.

116. The absolute Lord is deep within; the absolute Lord is outside us as well. The absolute Lord totally fills the three worlds. One who knows the Lord in the fourth state, is not subject to virtue or vice. One who knows the mystery of God the Absolute, who pervades each and every heart, Lord - knows the Primal Being, the Immaculate Divine. That humble being who is imbued with the Immaculate Naam, O Nanak, is himself the Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny.

117. “Everyone speaks of the Absolute Lord, the unmanifest void. How can one find this absolute void? Who are they, who are attuned to this absolute void?” They are like the Lord, from whom they originated. They are not born, they do not die; they do not come and go. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs instruct their minds.

118. By practicing control over the nine gates, one attains perfect control over the Tenth Gate.

119. There, the unstruck sound current of the absolute Lord vibrates and resounds.

120. Behold the True Lord ever-present, and merge with Him.

121. The True Lord is pervading and permeating each and every heart. The hidden Bani of the Word is revealed. O Nanak, the True Lord is revealed and known.

122. Meeting with the Lord through intuition and love, peace is found. The Gurmukh remains awake and aware; he does not fall sleep. He enshrines the unlimited, absolute Shabad deep within. Chanting the Shabad, he is liberated, and saves others as well. Those who practice the Guru’s Teachings are attuned to the Truth. O Nanak, those who eradicate their self-conceit meet with the Lord; they do not remain separated by doubt.

123. “Where is that place, where evil thoughts are destroyed?

124. The mortal does not understand the essence of reality; why must he suffer in pain?” No one can save one who is tied up at Death’s door. Without the Shabad, no one has any credit or honor. “How can one obtain understanding and cross over?” O Nanak, the foolish self-willed manmukh does not understand.

125. Evil thoughts are erased, contemplating the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. Meeting with the True Guru, the door of liberation is found. The self-willed manmukh does not understand the essence of reality, and is burnt to ashes. His evil-mindedness separates him from the Lord, and he suffers. Accepting the Hukam of the Lord’s Command, he is blessed with all virtues and spiritual wisdom. O Nanak, he is honored in the Court of the Lord.

126. One who possesses the merchandise, the wealth of the True Name, crosses over, and carries others across with him as well. One who intuitively understands, and is attuned to the Lord, is honored. No one can estimate his worth. Wherever I look, I see the Lord permeating and pervading. O Nanak, through the Love of the True Lord, one crosses over.


127. “Where is the Shabad said to dwell?

128. What will carry us across the terrifying world-ocean?

129. The breath, when exhaled, extends out ten finger lengths; what is the support of the breath? Speaking and playing, how can one be stable and steady? How can the unseen be seen?”


130. Listen, O master; Nanak prays truly. Instruct your own mind. The Gurmukh is lovingly attuned to the True Shabad. Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He unites us in His Union. He Himself is all-knowing and all-seeing. By perfect destiny, we merge in Him.

131. That Shabad dwells deep within the nucleus of all beings. God is invisible; wherever I look, there I see Him. The air is the dwelling place of the absolute Lord. He has no qualities; He has all qualities. When He bestows His Glance of Grace, the Shabad comes to abide within the heart, and doubt is eradicated from within. The body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Word of His Bani. Let His Name be enshrined in your mind. The Shabad is the Guru, to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean. Know the One Lord alone, here and hereafter. He has no form or color, shadow or illusion; O Nanak, realize the Shabad.

1. reclusive hermit, the True, Absolute Lord is the support of the exhaled breath, which extends out ten finger lengths.

132. The Gurmukh speaks and churns the essence of reality, and realizes the unseen, infinite Lord. Eradicating the three qualities, he enshrines the Shabad within, and then, his mind is rid of egotism. Inside and out, he knows the One Lord alone; he is in love with the Name of the Lord. He understands the Sushmana, Ida and Pingala, when the unseen Lord reveals Himself. O Nanak, the True Lord is above these three energy channels. Through the Word, the Shabad of the True Guru, one merges with Him.


133. “The air is said to be the soul of the mind. But what does the air feed on?

134. What is the way of the spiritual teacher, and the reclusive hermit? What is the occupation of the Siddha?”


135. Without the Shabad, the essence does not come, O hermit, and the thirst of egotism does not depart. Imbued with the Shabad, one finds the ambrosial essence, and remains fulfilled with the True Name.


136. “What is that wisdom, by which one remains steady and stable? What food brings satisfaction?”


137. O Nanak, when one looks upon pain and pleasure alike, through the True Guru, then he is not consumed by Death.

138. If one is not imbued with the Lord’s Love, nor intoxicated with His subtle essence, without the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, he is frustrated, and consumed by his own inner fire. He does not preserve his semen and seed, and does not chant the Shabad. He does not control his breath; he does not worship and adore the True Lord. But one who speaks the Unspoken Speech, and remains balanced, Nanak attains the Lord, the Supreme Soul.

139. By Guru’s Grace, one is attuned to the Lord’s Love. Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, he is intoxicated with the Truth. Contemplating the Guru, the fire within is put out. Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, the soul settles in peace. Worshipping the True Lord in adoration, the Gurmukh crosses over the river of life. O Nanak, after deep contemplation, this is understood.


140. “Where does this mind-elephant live?

141. Where does the breath reside?

142. Where should the Shabad reside, so that the wanderings of the mind may cease?”


143. When the Lord blesses one with His Glance of Grace, he leads him to the True Guru. Then, this mind dwells in its own home within.

144. When the individual consumes his egotism, he becomes immaculate, and his wandering mind is restrained.


145. “How can the root, the source of all be realized? How can the soul know itself? How can the sun enter into the house of the moon?”.


146. The Gurmukh eliminates egotism from within; then, O Nanak, the sun naturally enters into the home of the moon.

147. When the mind becomes steady and stable, it abides in the heart, and then the Gurmukh realizes the root, the source of all. The breath is seated in the home of the navel; the Gurmukh searches, and finds the essence of reality. This Shabad permeates the nucleus of the self, deep within, in its own home; the Light of this Shabad pervades the three worlds.

148. Hunger for the True Lord shall consume your pain, and through the True Lord, you shall be satisfied. The Gurmukh knows the unstruck sound current of the Bani; how rare are those who understand. Says Nanak, one who speaks the Truth is dyed in the color of Truth, which will never fade away.

149. “When this heart and body did not exist, where did the mind reside? When there was no support of the navel lotus, then in which home did the breath reside? When there was no form or shape, then how could anyone lovingly focus on the Shabad? When there was no dungeon formed from egg and sperm, who could measure the Lord’s value and extent? When color, dress and form could not be seen, how could the True Lord be known?” Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are detached. Then and now, they see the Truest of the True.

150. When the heart and the body did not exist, O hermit, then the mind resided in the absolute, detached Lord.

151. When there was no support of the lotus of the navel, the breath remained in its own home, attuned to the Lord’s Love.

152. When there was no form or shape or social class, then the Shabad, in its essence, resided in the unmanifest Lord.

153. When the world and the sky did not even exist, the Light of the Formless Lord filled the three worlds. Color, dress and form were contained in the One Lord; the Shabad was contained in the One, Wondrous Lord. Without the True Name, no one can become pure; O Nanak, this is the Unspoken Speech.


154. “How, in what way, was the world formed, O man? And what disaster will end it?”


155. In egotism, the world was formed, O man; forgetting the Naam, it suffers and dies.

156. One who becomes Gurmukh contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom; through the Shabad, he burns away his egotism. His body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Bani of the Word. He remains absorbed in Truth. Through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he remains detached; he enshrines the True Name in his heart. O Nanak, without the Name, Yoga is never attained; reflect upon this in your heart, and see.

157. The Gurmukh is one who reflects upon the True Word of the Shabad. The True Bani is revealed to the Gurmukh. The mind of the Gurmukh is drenched with the Lord’s Love, but how rare are those who understand this. The Gurmukh dwells in the home of the self, deep within. The Gurmukh realizes the Way of Yoga. Nanak, the Gurmukh knows the One Lord alone.

158. Without serving the True Guru, Yoga is not attained; without meeting the True Guru, no one is liberated. Without meeting the True Guru, the Naam cannot be found. Without meeting the True Guru, one suffers in terrible pain. Without meeting the True Guru, there is only the deep darkness of egotistical pride. O Nanak, without the True Guru, one dies, having lost the opportunity of this life.

159. The Gurmukh conquers his mind by subduing his ego. The Gurmukh enshrines Truth in his heart. The Gurmukh conquers the world; he knocks down the Messenger of Death, and kills it. The Gurmukh does not lose in the Court of the Lord. The Gurmukh is united in God’s Union; he alone knows. O, Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes the Word of the Shabad.

160. This is the essence of the Shabad listen, you hermits and Yogis. Without the Name, there is no Yoga.

161. Those who are attuned to the Name, remain intoxicated night and day; through the Name, they find peace. Through the Name, everything is revealed; through the Name, understanding is obtained. Without the Name, people wear all sorts of religious robes; the True Lord Himself has confused them. The Name is obtained only from the True Guru, O hermit, and then, the Way of Yoga is found. Reflect upon this in your mind, and see; O Nanak, without the Name, there is no liberation. (72

162. You alone know Your state and extent, Lord; What can anyone say about it? You Yourself are hidden, and You Yourself are revealed. You Yourself enjoy all pleasures. The seekers, the Siddhas, the many gurus and disciples wander around searching for You, according to Your Will. They beg for Your Name, and You bless them with this charity. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. The eternal imperishable Lord God has staged this play; the Gurmukh understands it. O Nanak, He extends Himself throughout the ages; there is no other than Hi Nanak, blessed and very fortunate are those who keep the True Lord enshrined in their hearts.

163. The Gurmukh obtains the jewel, lovingly focused on the Lord. The Gurmukh intuitively recognizes the value of this jewel. The Gurmukh practices Truth in action. The mind of the Gurmukh is pleased with the True Lord. The Gurmukh sees the unseen, when it pleases the Lord. O Nanak, the Gurmukh does not have to endure punishment.

164. The Gurmukh is blessed with the Name, charity and purification. The Gurmukh centers his meditation on the celestial Lord. The Gurmukh obtains honor in the Court of the Lord. The Gurmukh obtains the Supreme Lord, the Destroyer of fear. The Gurmukh does good deeds, and inspires others to do so. O Nanak, the Gurmukh unites in the Lord’s Union. || 36 || The Gurmukh understands the Simritees, the Shaastras and the Vedas. The Gurmukh knows the secrets of each and every heart. The Gurmukh eliminates hate and envy. The Gurmukh erases all accounting. The Gurmukh is imbued with love for the Lord’s Name. O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes his Lord and Master. || 37 || Without the Guru, one wanders, coming and going in reincarnation. Without the Guru, one’s work is useless.

165. Without the Guru, the mind is totally unsteady. Without the Guru, one is unsatisfied, and eats poison. Without the Guru, one is stung by the poisonous snake of Maya, and dies. O Nanak without the Guru, all is lost. || 38 || One who meets the Guru is carried across. The residues of his sins and mistakes are erased, and he is emancipated through virtue. The supreme peace of liberation is attained, contemplating the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. The Gurmukh is never defeated. In the store of the body, this mind is the merchant; O Nanak, it deals intuitively in Truth.




It's like that... It's just the way it is...

18:18 Jan 05 2006
Times Read: 1,026


Here's the crunch.

I am going to be saying things here which some in my life find rediculous.

But, they way I see it, is that I can't live two lives. I'm either me, or I'm a fraud to someone.

I'd rather be me.

That means that people will have to come to terms with who and whatever I am and if they can't, then they need to ask themselves why it makes them feel uncomfortable and deal with it, either by communicating with me as adults, or getting the fuck out of my face.

I am going on a walkabout, the plans have already been set in motion and it would take a big event to derail them now.

So, to those that wish to poke and laugh, grow up and open your perceptions to a world that lies beyond the comfort of ignorance and realise that whether you beleive in it or not, it beleives in you.




If you are not a net nerd, don't even bother reading this entry...

12:01 Jan 03 2006
Times Read: 1,041

I cannot even beleive I still have this...

Date: 16 Sep 87 18:02:00 GMT

A long, long time ago, an a node far, far away (from UCBVAX), a great

adventure (game) took place...

It is a period of system war. User programs, striking from a hidden

directory, have won their first victory against the evil Administrative

Empire. During the battle, User spies managed to steal secret source

code to the Empire's ultimate program: the ARE-EM star, a privileged

root program with enough power to destroy an entire file system. Pursued

by the Empire's sinister audit trail, Princess LPA0: races aboard her

shell script, custodian of the listings that could save her people, and

restore freedom and games to the network...

As we enter the scene, an Administrative Multiplexer is trying to kill

a consulate ship. Many of their signals have gotten through, and RS232

decides it is time to fork off a new process before this old ship is

destroyed. His companion, 3CPU, is following him only because he appears

to know where he is going...

"I'm going to regret this!" cried 3CPU, as he followed RS232 into the

buffer. RS232 closed the pipes, made the sys call, and their process

detached itself from the burning shell of the ship.

The commander of the Administrative Multiplexer was quite pleased with

the attack. "Another process just forked, sir. Instructions?" asked the

lieutenant. "Hold your fire. That last power failure must have caused a

trap through 0. It's not using any cpu time, so don't waste a signal on it."

"We can't seem to find the data file anywhere, Lord Vadic."

"What about the forked process? It could have been holding the channel

open, and just pausing. If any links exist, I want them removed or made

inaccessible. Ncheck the entire file system until it's found, and nice

it -20 if you need to!"

Meanwhile, in our wandering process... "Are you sure you can ptrace this

thing without causing a core dump?" queried 3CPU to RS232. "This thing's

been stripped, and I'm in no mood to try to debug it." The lone process

finishes execution, only to find our friends dumped on a lonely file system,

with the setuid node safely stored inside of RS232. Not knowing what to do,

they wandered around until the Jawas grabbed them.

Enter our hero Luke Vaxhacker, who is just out to get some replacement

parts for his uncle. The Jawas wanted to sell him 3CPU, but 3CPU didn't

know how to talk directly to an 11/40 with RSTS/E, so Luke would still need

some sort of interface for 3CPU to connect to. "How about this little RS232

unit?" asked 3CPU. "I've dealt with him many times before and he does an

excellent job of keeping his bits straight." Luke was pressed for time, so

he took 3CPU's advice, and the three left before they could get swapped out.

RS232 is not the type to stay put after you remove the retaining screws.

He promptly scurried off in to the deserted disk space. "Great!" cried

Luke, "Now I've got this little tin box with the only link to that file

floating in free disk space. Well, 3CPU, we'd better go find him before

he gets allocated by someone else." The two set off, and finally traced

RS232 to the home of PDP-1 Kenobi, who was busily trying to run an icheck

on the little RS unit. "Is this thing yours? His indirect addresses are all

goofed up, and the size is all wrong. Leave things like this on the loose,

and you'll wind up with dumps everywhere. However, I think I've got him

fixed up."

Later that evening, after futile attempts to interface RS232 to Kenobi's

asteroids cartridge, Luke accidentally crossed the small 'droid's CXR and

Initiate Remote Test, and the screen showed a very distressed person claiming

royal lineage making a plea for help from some general OS/1 Kenobi.

"Darn..." mumbled Luke, "I'll never get this asteroids game worked out."

PDP-1 seemed to think there was some significance to the message and a

possible threat to Luke's home directory. If the Administrative Empire was

indeed tracing this 'droid, it was likely they would charge for more than

CPU time.

"We must get that 'droid off this file system," he said after some

intervals. They sped off to warn Luke's kin (taking a 'relative' path),

only to find a vacant directory...

After sifting through the overwritten remaining blocks of Luke's home

directory, Luke and PDP-1 sped away from /owen/lars, across the surface of

the Winchester riding Luke's flying read/write head. PDP-1 had Luke stop

at the edge of the cylinder overlooking /usr/spool/uucp.

Unix-to-Unix copy program," said PDP-1. "You will never find a more

wretched hive of bugs and flamers. We must be cautious."

As our heroes' process entered /usr/spool/news, it was met by a newsgroup

of Administrative protection bits.

"State your UID." commanded their parent process.

"We're running under /usr/guest," said Luke. "This is our first time

on this system."

"Can I see some temporary privileges, please?"


"This is not the process you are looking for," piped in PDP-1, using an

obscure bug to momentarily set his effective UID to root. "We can go about

our business."

"This isn't the process we're looking for. You are free to go about your

business. MOV along!"

PDP-1 and Luke made their way through a long and tortuous nodelist

(cwruecmp!decvax!ucbvax!harpo!ihnss!ihnsc!ihnss!ihps3!stolaf) to a

dangerous netnode frequented by hackers, and seldom polled by Admin-

istrative Multiplexers. As Luke stepped up to the bus, PDP-1 went in

search of a likely file descriptor. Luke had never seen such a collection

of weird and exotic device drivers. Long ones, short ones, ones with

stacks, EBCDIC converters, and direct binary interfaces all were drinking

data at the bus.

"#$!%@#$!&@#$#!@#!@#@$@!!!!!!!" transmitted a particularly unstructured

piece of code.

"He doesn't like you," decoded his coroutine.

"Sorry," replied Luke, beginning to back up his partitions.

"I don't like you, either. I am queued for deletion on 12 systems."

"I'll be careful."

"You'll be reallocated!" concatenated the coroutine.

"This little routine isn't worth the overhead," said PDP-1, overlaying

into Luke's address space.

"!@^#$!#!#!@*#(!#!@#!^^%!@#^%#!#)#!#(!@#(!#!^#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" encoded

the first coroutine as it attempted to overload PDP-1's input voltage

protection. With a unary stroke of his bytesaber, Kenobi unlinked the

offensive code.

"I think I've found an I/O device that might suit us."

"The name's Con Solo," said the hacker next to PDP-1. "I hear you're

looking for some relocation."

"Yes, indeed, if it's a fast channel. We must get off this device."

"Fast channel? The Milliamp Falcon has made the ARPA gate in less than

twelve nodes! Why, I've even outrun cancelled messages. It's fast enough for

you, old version."

Our heroes made their way to the temporary file structure. When he

saw the hardware, Luke exclaimed, "What a piece of junk! That's just a

paper tape reader!" Luke had grown up on an out of the way terminal cluster

whose natives spoke only BASIC, but even he could recognize an old KSR-33.

"It needs an EIA converter at least," sniffed 3CPU who was (as usual)

trying to do several things at once. Lights flashed in Con Solo's eyes

as he whirled to face the parallel processor.

"I've added a few jumpers. The Milliamp Falcon can run current loops

around and Administrative TTY fighter. She's fast enough for you."

"Who's your co-pilot?" asked PDP-1 Kenobi.

"Two Bacco, here, my bookie."

"Odds aren't good," said the brownish lump beside him, and then fell

silent, or over. Luke couldn't tell which way was top underneath all

those leaves.

"Suddenly, RS232 started spacing wildly. They turned just in time to

see a write cycle coming down the UNIBUS toward them. "Adminstrative Bus

Signals!" shouted Con. "Let's boot this pop stand! Tooie, set clock fast!"

"OK, Con," said Luke. "You said this crate was fast enough. Get us

out of here!"

"Shut up, kid! Two Bacco, prepare to make the jump into system space!

I'll try to keep their buffers full."

As the bookie began to compute the vectors into low core, spurious

characters appeared around the Milliamp Falcon. "They're firing!" shouted

Luke. "Can't you do something?"

"Making the jump to system space takes time, kid. One missed cycle and

you could come down right in the middle of a pack of stack frames!"

"Three to five we can go now," said the bookie. Bright chunks of position

independent flashed by the cockpit as the Milliamp Falcon jumped though the

kernel page tables. As the crew breathed a sigh of relief, the bookie

started paying off bets.

"Not bad, for an acoustically coupled network," remarked 3CPU. "Although

there was a little phase jitter as we changed parity."

The story thus far: Luke, PDP-1, and their 'droids RS232 and 3CPU have

made good their escape from the Administrative Bus Signals with the aid of

Con Solo and the bookie Two Bacco. The Milliamp Falcon hurtles onward

through system space. Meanwhile, on a distant page in user space...

Princess LPA0: was ushered into the conference room, followed closely

by Dec Vadic. "Governor Tarchive," she spat, "I should have expected to

find you holding Vadic's leash. I recognized your unique pattern when I was

first brought on board." She eyed the 0177545 tattooed on his header


"Charming to the last," Tarchive declared menacingly. "Vadic, have you

received any information?"

"Her resistance to the logic probe is considerable," Vadic rasped.

"Perhaps we would get faster results if we increased the supply voltage."

"You've had your chance, Vadic. Now I would like the Princess to

witness the test that will make this workstation fully operational. Today

we enable the -r option, and we've chosen the Princess' $HOME of

/usr/alderaan as the primary target."

"No! You can't! /usr/alderaan is a public account, with no restricted

permissions. We have no backup tapes! You can't..."

"Then name the rebel inode!" Tarchive snapped.

"1248," she whispered. "They're on /dev/rm3, inode 1248, on

/mnt/dantooine." She turned away.

Tarchive sighed with satisfaction. "There, you see, Lord Vadic? She can

be reasonable. Proceed with the operation."

It took several clock ticks for the words to penetrate. "What!" LPA0:


"/dev/rm3 is not a mounted filesystem," Tarchive explained. "We require

a more visible subject to demonstrate the power of the Are-Em Star

workstation. We will mount an attack on /mnt/dantooine as soon as possible."

As the Princess watched, Tarchive reached over and typed 'ls' on a

nearby terminal. There was a brief pause, there being only one processor on

board, and the viewscreen showed '.: not found." The Princess suddenly

double-spaced and went off-line.

The Milliamp Falcon hurtles on through system space...

Con Solo finished checking out the various control and status registers,

finally convinced himself that they had lost the Bus Signals as they passed

the terminator. As he returned from the I/O page, he smelled smoke. Con

wasn't concerned -- the bookie always got a little hot under the collar

when he was losing at chess. In fact, RS232 had just executed a particularly

clever MOV that blocked the bookie's data paths. The bookie, who had been

setting the odds on the game, was caught holding all the cards. A little

strange for a chess game...

Across the room, Luke was too busy practicing his bit-slice technique

to notice the commotion.

"On a word boundary, Luke," said PDP-1. "Don't just hack at it.

Remember, the Bytesaber is the weapon of the red-eye night. It is used to

trim offensive lines of code. Excess handwaving won't get you anywhere.

Listen for the Carrier."

Luke turned back to the drone, which was humming quietly in the air

next to him. This time, Luke's attacks complemented the drone's perfectly.

Con Solo, being an unimaginative hacker, was not impressed. "Forget

this bit-slicing stuff. Give me a good ROM blaster any day."

"~~j~~hhj~i~~~," said Kenobi, with no clear inflection. He fell silent

for a moment, then reasserted his control.

"What happened?" asked Luke.

"Strange," said PDP-1, " I felt a momentary glitch in the Carrier. It's

equalized now."

"We're coming up on usr space," called Solo from the CSR. As they

cruise safely through the stack frames, the emerges into the new context

only to be bombarded by free blocks.

"What the..." gasped Solo. The screen showed clearly:

'/usr/alderaan: not found'

"It's the right inode, but it's been cleared! Twoie, where's the

nearest file?"

"3 to 5 there's one..." the bookie started to say, but was interrupted

by a bright flash off to the left.

"Administrative TTY fighters!" shouted Solo. "A whole DZ of them! Where

are the coming from?"

"Can't be far from the host system," said Kenobi. "They all have

direct EIA connections."

As Solo began to give chase, the ship lurched suddenly. Luke noticed

the link count was at 3 and climbing rapidly.

"This is no regular file," murmured Kenobi. "Look at the directory

structure ahead! They seem to have us in a tractor feed."

"There's no way we'll unlink in time," said Solo. "We're going in."

When we last left Luke, the Milliamp Falcon was being pulled down to the

open collector of the Administrative Are-Em Star Workstation. Dec Vadic

surveys the relic as Administrative Flunkies search for passengers...

"LS scan shows no one aboard, sir," was the report. Vadic was unconvinced.

"Send a fully equipped Ncheck squad on board," he said. "I want every

inode checked out." He turned around (secondary channel) and stalked off.

On board the Milliamp Falcon, .Luke was puzzled. "They just walked in,

looked around, and walked off," he said. "Why didn't they see us?"

.Con smiled. "An old munchkin trick," he explained. "See that period in

front of your name?"

.Luke spun around, just in tie to see the decimal point. "Where'd they

come from?" he asked.

"Spare decimal points lying around from the last time I fixed the

floating point accelerator," said .Con. "Handy for smuggling blocks across

file boundaries, but I never thought I'd have to use them on myself. They

aren't going to be fooled for long, though. We'd better figure a way outta



At this point (.), the dialogue tends to wedge. Being the editor and in

total control of the situation, I think it would be best if we sort of gronk

the next few paragraphs. For those who care, our heroes find themselves in

the terminal room of the Workstation, having thrashed several Flunkies to

get there. For the rest of you, just keep banging those rocks together, guys.



"Hold on," said Con. "It says we have 'new mail'. Is that an error?"

"%SYS-W-NORMAL, normal, successful completion," said PDP-1. "Doesn't

look like it. I've found the inode for the Milliamp Falcon. It's locked in

kernel data space. I'll have to slip in and patch the reference count,

alone." He disappeared through a nearby entry point.

Meanwhile, RS232 found a serial port, and logged in. His bell started

ringing loudly. "He keeps saying 'She's on-line, she's on-line'," said 3CPU.

"I believe he means the Princess LPA0:. She's being held on one of the

privileged levels. I'm afraid she's scheduled for execution."


Once again, things get sticky, and the dialogue suffers the most damage.

After much handwaving and general flaming, they agree to rescue her. They

have invaded the detention level, posing as Flunkies (which is hard for most

hackers) claiming they had trapped the Bookie executing an illegal racket.

They reached the block where the Princess was locked up and found only two

guards in the header.



"Good day, eh?" said the first guard.

"How's it goin', eh?" said the other. "Like, what's that, eh?"

"Process transfer from block 1138, dev 10/9," said Con.

"Take off, it is not," said the first guard. "Nobody told US about it,

and we're not morons, eh?"

At this point (.), the Bookie started raving wildly, Con shouted "Look

out, he's loose!" and they all started blasting ROM's left and right. The

guards started to catch on, and were about to issue a general wakeup when

the ROM blasters were turned on them.

"Quickly, now," said Con. "What buffer is she in? It's not going to

take long for these..."

The intercom receiver interrupted him, so he took out its firmware with

a short blast.

"...guys to figure out something is going on," he continued.

Ok, like, remember we left our heroes on the detention level? Well,

they're still there...

Luke quickly located the interface card and followed the cables to a

sound-proofed enclosure. He lifted the lid and peered in at the mechanism


"Aren't you a little slow for ECL?" printed Princess LPA0:/

"Wha? Oh, the Docksiders," stammered Luke. He took off his shoes (for

industry) and explained, "I've come to relocate you. I'm Luke Vaxhacker."

Suddenly, forms started bursting around them. "They've blocked the

queue!" shouted Solo. "There's only one return from this stack!"

"OVER HERE!!!" printed LPA0: with overstrikes. "THROUGH THIS LOOPHOLE!"

Luke and the Princess disappeared into a nearby feature.

"Gritch, gritch," mumbled Two Bacco, obviously reluctant to trust an

Administrative oversight.

"I don;t care how crufty it is!" shouted Con, pushing the Bookie toward

the crock. "DPB yourself in there now!"

With one last blast that reprogrammed two Flunkies, Con joined them. The

"feature" landed them right in the middle of the garbage collection data.

Pieces of data that hadn't been used in weeks floated past in a pool of

decaying bits.

"Bletch!" was Con's first comment. "Bletch, bletch!" was his second. The

Bookie looked as if he had just paid a long shot, and the odds in this

situation weren't much better.

Luke was polling the garbage when he stumbled across a book with the

words "Don't Panic" inscribed in large, friendly letters on the cover. "This

can't possibly help us now," he said as he tossed the book away.

The Bookie was about to lay odds on it when Luke suddenly disappeared. He

popped up across the pool, shouting "this is no feature, it's a bug!" and

promptly vanished again.

Con and the Princess were about to panic() when Luke reappeared. "What

happened?" they asked in parallel.

"I don't know," gasped Luke. "The bug just dissolved automagically. Maybe

it hit a breakpoint..."

"I don't think so," said Con. "Look how the pool is shrinking. I've got a

bad feeling about this..."

The Princess was the first to realize what was going on. "They've

implemented a new compaction algorithm!" she exclaimed.

Luke remembered the pipe he had open the 3CPU. "Shut down all garbage

collection on recursion level 5!" he shouted.

Back in the control room, RS232 searched the process table for the lisp

interpreter. "Hurry!" sent 3CPU. "Hurry, hurry," added his other two

processors. RS232 found the interpreter, interrupted it, and altered the

stack frame they'd fallen into to allow a normal return.

Meanwhile, PDP-1 made his way deep into the core of the Workstation,

slipping from context to context, undetected through his manipulation of

label_t. Finally, causing a random trap (through no fault of his own), he

arrived at the inode table. Activity there was always high, but the spl6

sentries were too secure in their knowledge that no user could interrupt them

to notice the bug that PDP-1 carefully introduced. On a passing input, he

adjusted the device and inode numbers, maintaining parity, to free the

Milliam Falcon. They would be long gone before the locked inode was


Unobserved, he began traversing the user structures to find the process

where the Milliamp Falcon was grounded. Finding it and switching context, he

discovered his priority weakened suddenly. "That's not very nice," was all he

could say before the cause of the obstruction became clear.

"I have been pausing a long, long time, PDP-1 kenobi," rasped Dec Vadic.

"We meet again at last. The circuit has been completed."

They looped several times, locking bytesabers. Bit by bit, PDP-1 appeared

to weaken. The fight had come into the address space of the Milliamp Falcon,

and provided the .di (diversion?) that allowed Luke and the others to

reassert control. Luke paused to watch the conflict.

"If my blade finds its mark," warned Kenobi, "you will be reduced to so

many bits. But if you slice me down, I will only gain computing power."

"Your documentation no longer confuses me, old version," growled Vadic.

"My role MASTER now."

With one stroke, Vadic sliced Kenobi's last word. Unfortunately, the word

was still in Kenobi's throat. The word fell clean in two, but Kenobi was

nowhere to be found. Vadic noticed his victim's UID go negative just before

he disappeared. Odd, he thought, since UID's were unsigned...

Luke witnessed all this, and had to be dragged into the Milliamp Falcon.

Con Solo and Two Bacco maneuvered the Milliamp Falcon out of the process,

onto te bus, and made straight for system space. 3CPU and RS232 were idle,

for once. Princess LPA0: tried to print comforting things for him, but Luke

was still hung from the loss of his friend. Then, seemingly from nowhere, he

thought he heard PDP-1's voice say:

"May the carrier be with you."



16:54 Oct 08 2009

There are some places inside you that make me want my blankie

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