Tonight, while I was looking through a bin liner full of old paperwork for my credit card pin number, I found a small stack of old poetry.
In it were some pieces that I had completely forgotten that I had ever written. Nearly two dozen of them, dating from ten years ago.
Looking back from this new perspective, to a time when I had no interest and even less knowlwedge of vampirism, of the myths, legends and modern concepts, it's incredibly surprising to me to read these words which I produced as a young man.
I'm in two minds as to whether to post them, because in this light, they are as emo cheese filled and sterotypical as any other written on this site and others like it, but at the time, they were bare and unadulterated expressions.
I need to transcribe them all, then make that decision. I'm curious, sort of intrigued as to what to make of them, now that I know what I know, understand what I've learned and have experienced.
This is the poem which inspired me to begin writing in the first place.
It was written on the inside cover of Black Sabbath's self titled first album.
I first read it when I was fifteen and it spoke to me in ways I find hard to describe now.
Still the rain falls,
The veils of darkness shroud the blackened trees,
Contorted by unseen violence
Shed their tired leaves,
And bend their boughs toward a grey earth
Of severed birds wings.
Among the grasses,
Poppies bleed before the demons of the mind
Takes them to a gesticulating death,
And young rabbits,
Born dead in traps,
Stand motionless,
As though guarding the silence that surrounds
And threatens to engulf all those foolish enough to listen.
Mute birds;
Weary of repeating yesterdays horrors,
Huddle together in the recesses of dark corners,
Their heads turned away from the dead
Black swan that floats upturned in a small lake in the hollow.
There emerges from this lake a faint sensual mist
Which traces it's way upwards,
To caress the feet of the headless martyrs' statue,
Who's only acheivement in life was to die too soon,
And who couldn't wait to escape from the terror of existence.
The cateracts of darkness form fully,
The long dark night begins,
Yet still;
By the lake a young man waits,
Unseeing he believes himself unseen,
He laughs;
Quietly at the distant tolling bell,
Calling him to his fate,
And still the rain falls.
"Director [name omitted] said a gentleman in England is donating his time to build the new Web page, but she emphasizes it is still under construction and will likely be completed in a few weeks."
Nothing like a bit of pressure to get the job done. lol
I am pleased with it, and that it is getting good press. I'm in the process of completely redesigning the whole thing, which will take some time, but at least we have something up already.
I get the best feeling from knowing that I have something to contribute, to help in the ways that I can, even though I'm not a web designer by trade.
I try my best and have hope. And am rewarded with such a wonderful feeling, that I understand why people give to receive nothing. It has it's own rewards in a very special way.
Thank you for bringing me this opportunity, dear lady.
It is going to be very beautiful when it is done:) You have an eye for design:)
Well I'm not surprised. Your a hard working, thoughtful and creative individual. Well done you.
I still don't think you understand how truly wonderful this is. Thank YOU for seeing a need and offering forward a gift you have. You are so appreciated.
Occam's razor (sometimes spelled Ockham's razor) is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory. The principle is often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae ("law of parsimony" or "law of succinctness"): "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem", or "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity".
This is often paraphrased as "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." In other words, when multiple competing theories are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the theory that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities. It is in this sense that Occam's razor is usually understood.
~ Wikipedia
I don't understand why I'm not able to make myself clear.
Reaching out is hard, but I am trying none the less. I hope that will be accepted in the future.
Perceptions are a bitch. What one considers honest communication others view as attacts. That is the price of being in a one dimential place such as VR.
I agree. Text is a poor sole substitute for hearing another person's intonation and intent. It makes miscommunication and misunderstanding the norm rather than the exception.
It happens to me too, even in real life, and I speak so simple -_-
It's been a strange day, I'll admit.
Journal conflicts bursting out here and there and everywhere. It's almost like the famed 'war on terror', but rather, it's a war on tenor.
Tone, inflection, we all lack the ability to really see it in people's written words, but sometimes, the message is clear, or not, as the case may be.
I feel for the Sentorans who have to manage all of these little firefights, especially as I care so much about one in particular.
I fired quite a lot of indiscriminate missiles of my own and at times, I worry that I may cause some friendly fire incidents.
I did however, make sure that the really dangerous ones were smart bombs. I don't have the live video links hooked up, but you can see the highlights on VR TV later.
"you all are cock sucking jews..."
Is that not just a little bit on the racist side of things?
You are appearing more and more like a troll to me.
You just die soon.
Prepare yourself. The end is nigh for you, strange one.
There's got to be a different term for them...
What about Brownies?
Jews, or Trolls?
And I actually like chocolate brownies.
Wait...should I be admitting that in my journal?
Okay Cartman.
"Goddammit! Respect mah authoritahhh!!!"
*waves the truncheon of power abuse*
I am not a prejudist, I just hate everyone.
Ok not original but that would have sounded better lol!
Jousting, jostling, jockying. Perhaps even friendly banter. Call it what you will, at least it's a mentally stimulating challenge.
As always, because I really am that lazy, please read from the bottom up.
07:55:55 - Feb 16 2008
Nah, she likes living with you.
07:55:18 - Feb 16 2008
Oh, you are quite the martyr. So few can emulate, so many have tried. They have tried and they have failed. I could have said 'died', but that would just be bad poetry.
07:54:45 - Feb 16 2008
did you gramma ever get out of the gutter?
07:53:44 - Feb 16 2008
It even causes my grammar to drop into the sewer with the rest of the masses.
07:53:22 - Feb 16 2008
If that would bring the world together, I'm quite willing to sacrifice myself.
07:48:35 - Feb 16 2008
It's tricky, hearing text...unless you have one of those speech synthesizers. Then you could sound like Stephen Hawking. It may add weight to your points.
07:45:24 - Feb 16 2008
Nobody, no-, nobody heard what, nobody, nobody heard what I said 'cause I haven't ever said anything so you can't set me on fire
07:44:24 - Feb 16 2008
I may use lighter fuel, since it gets it going nicely.
07:43:12 - Feb 16 2008
I think I shall wait for you to post and then burn you on sight...
07:41:55 - Feb 16 2008
So am I. I think Toiletduc must be drooling in some chemical straight jacket
07:41:18 - Feb 16 2008
I always slip on linoleum floors when I wear socks.
07:40:50 - Feb 16 2008
You must be slipping in your old age. heh.
07:40:23 - Feb 16 2008
I'm actually amazed that sockpuppet hasn't been castrated yet.
07:39:56 - Feb 16 2008
You must have had close to that in profiles yourself. lol
07:39:09 - Feb 16 2008
I would think that having you with access to the Acolyte questions might be counter-productive to actually *helping* people.
07:38:42 - Feb 16 2008
so I thought I would have forty trolls
07:38:22 - Feb 16 2008
seven houses can't use that biblical number
07:38:01 - Feb 16 2008
Happy valentine day!
07:37:40 - Feb 16 2008
There aren't too many of us.. Krab, me, we are the only two I think who have been refused a acolytes
07:36:18 - Feb 16 2008
You sent WK to my coven. I thought it was a present
07:34:13 - Feb 16 2008
Kind of like a vengeful Mafia hit?
07:33:16 - Feb 16 2008
Err, and the family dog, the budgie, they're all good, er, grist to the-, to the mill.
07:32:36 - Feb 16 2008
... squash 'em all
07:31:44 - Feb 16 2008
07:31:02 - Feb 16 2008
Serial killers and other such psychopaths disassociate guilt for their victims... Oh dear.
07:29:45 - Feb 16 2008
There should be no guilt associated .....
07:29:18 - Feb 16 2008
I am sure that they do, but it's unusual for you to be concerned with that. You're so insouciant in regards to the feelings of others, I could learn from you.
07:28:58 - Feb 16 2008
Not you. Might as well fuck 'em.
07:28:07 - Feb 16 2008
..... but! .....
07:27:45 - Feb 16 2008
Now, a lot of people have hang-ups about mocking people .....
07:26:05 - Feb 16 2008
It certainly does. I find it hard to mock people who aren't stupid beyond the pale.
07:24:54 - Feb 16 2008
I think it's the biting their heads off that may be the problem...although that one's been claimed already.
07:24:44 - Feb 16 2008
hahaha I'll find him a mentor him. VR needs my protege
07:22:45 - Feb 16 2008
Hey sockpuppet, your uglier little cousin, WK, seems to have given up. They just don't breed trolls like they used to...
Anyone would think you two did'nt like each other lol
Aww, of course I like him. He's a little cootie!
So, do you know what they do to people found having extended conversations with sock puppets?
Send them to an STD clinic for testing and disinfecting?
"Your trade offer to The Coven of Esoteric Truth has been declined. "
Oh man, I was really wanting that puppy.
Actually, I do have to read it. That's my role here, to moderate the forum.
Your inane little critique is quite sorrowful. Is it because I asked you a difficult question when you wanted to join this 'holier than thou' group?
There's never any ownership around here, you know. No decision is correct unless they make it. Punkarellis.
Keep on keppin' on.
Do not tempt the grammar Nazi's.
Ah, a minor journal conflict.
"I can't defend myself!"
"Now I'm a victim!"
What a load of bollocks.
You are blocked for sending me a rude message in response to my perfectly reasonable request.
Grow up.
Blocked? Awww. And you could have possibly forged a friendship beyond compare. Now you'll never know... and be plagued with the 'what if' till the ends of time.
You know what- you are right.
I have to take responsibility for my actions which will prevent me from ever making friends again.
I might as well go slit my wrists now.
Down, not across...
"It's not working any more."
"We never talk any more."
"It's not you, it's me."
"This relationship is over."
"I'm moving on with my life."
"I hope we can still be friends."
Date: 15:40:42 - Feb 16 2008
Rating: 8
Comment: Fuck, while were in the midst of humiliating the ignoramuses, maybe we should brand them Gangs of New York style.
A hot blade across the face should suffice for their mortal sin of spelling mistakes, & poor punctuation, the burn mark to recognise who has made this heinous crime, so they can be humiliated further in public.
How dare they write & brutalize the English language before our almighty spell check policing eyes!
We should get the twat seeking sporks out to hunt these vile excuses for human being's down.
Off with their head!
Damn right!
See, now you're getting the hang of it!
Well done.
"With regards to [member name omitted]: We took a look at his journal and had a serious discussion about his admission. We have decided that you need to sweeten the deal a little if you want us to take him off your hands. Our demands are as following: We want 1500 favour, any less would be insufficient to convince our other coven members of his worth. We also want a box of chocolates. These must not be hersheys because I really don't like them very much. I will accept anything cadburys and I think we are all fond of godiva. We would like you to compose a poem on the forum about how wonderful we are. Haikus are acceptable:D We also want a puppy. "
Ah well done, my faithful assistant.
As the teacher teaches, so does the student tutor the teacher, so that he may learn and in turn re-teach that which he has learned.
You are welcome:) Shame we were declined, I was holding out for the chocolate myself:(
Wait...the puppy is out? dammit
'hate rays' - A personal interpretation of a theoretical concept in directed energy transfer between individuals of diametrically opposing positions...
I have a new plan for the future. And so, my first application for work in Nawlens ;)
It's an IT Support Specialist at LSU Health Sciences Center. Good money, good job. I hope I at least get a response. lol
Hope higher....I hope/wish/pray/ not only for a response but a wonderful new future for you Stabb, please keep us informed.
*rat crosses all parts of her body that will cross*
:) Be so happy for you WHEN it happens.
Good luck STABB!
You will excel I am certain.
Be sure to use your very best english accent for the interview:) If it is a woman, you are a shoe in! Good luck Stabb, you truly do deserve this.
Wear a crown and act really arrog... well, try the crown thing; the rest should be a breeze for you. Americans love the royals.
Thank you for the well wishes.
Not many people know this, but I have a liking for classical. Piano music especially is able to give me the shivers. Chopin being possibly my favourite, even though I love Rhapsody in Blue.
This piece is one that speaks to me about loss, sorrow and regret, tinged with an underlying frustration, boiling up and then back down into resigned quiet acceptance, culminating in an almost cheerful last expression.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Ah, the beauty of a hidden partition containing a full system recovery image. Other manufacturers should learn from this...
Acer, you rock, good and clever people that you are.
Vista Sucks.
It randomly killed my network connection, in a way which has no reason to it. Nor a solution. Yet.
I've done everything, down to reinstalling the PCI bus. But I still get the incredibly helpful message 'General Failure' when trying to ping anything, even the locahost loopback address.
So far I've never heard anyone talking positively about Vista.
Haha fail!
And I love that they set his crotch on fire. I could use a good second job; put in a good word for me?
OOOO Can I tape them for you tube?
LOL there should be one in the Acolythe Questions!
Oh and I am glad you haven't stopped writing, what would I do when I am bored?
21:42 Feb 29 2008
Who doesnt like cheese? C' them.
22:23 Feb 29 2008
Stabb, your poetry of any kind is beautiful. Between you and Joli, I have never read any so beautiful in a very long time. And until I read from the two of you, I had always hated poetry, but now it stuns me. When I read poetry, I want to see the images in my mind come to life, not try to decipher some ill-written and misspelled crap most people put out these days - and my own poetry sucks so badly I wouldn't wish that on anyone, lol.
23:20 Feb 29 2008
I them.
23:38 Mar 01 2008
I add my plea for you to post your works. Fear not "cheesy" as you put it for that age does things to our minds as we move from youth to the true horror of adulthood.