*wants to be a Guinea Pig*
Or is it "Snuffle"?
I have been delurkyficationalised all day.
Some people have taken note and commented.
I have to come out sometimes. Usually it is sunday lunch, when most of America is tucked up in bed and it's quiet.
Mostly, its a good experience and gives me some sense of freedom here on VR. Today, there was a very minor cloud which threatened to rain on my parade. But it's ok, because I like the rain too. It made the mistake of raining on other people and they didn't like the rain so much as I do.
Yesterday saw a massive earthquake off the coast of Kent, in England. Measuring an ungodly 4.3 on the Richter scale (wooo), it broke at least 200 chimneys in an affluent area of the country.
No-one died, so we can all laugh, but it's a rare event. I wonder at why. Maybe the chunnel has undermined the seabed, or global warming is changing the balance of weight on the Earths crust///
Personally, I think the Tories have just sent loads of BNP members down with jackhammers, to try and break the UK away from Europe...lol
Since I binned the portfolio, here are some of the better pictures I managed to take in America.
These are all straight from the camera...no cropping or adjustments...a bit rough.
Not many of people....where did those go? o.0
I saw a squirrell!
Followed by a Water Moccassin...
He wasn't small either...
There were many lizards. This a ickle one which I thought was cute...
Then the slighty bigger and maybe even cuter...baby Alligator!
They have a thing for reptiles in Florida. They really do.
I took loads of flower pictures, but I had the automatic panaoramic view setting on for most. Duh me.
These were the ones that made it on manual...
On the beach...All too briefly.*sigh*
Over the Atlantic at dawn...watching the moon rise over the horizon just before was pretty awesome. I got my forehead stuck to the window...Must have looked a bit weird, but most people were asleep.
I'll be paying the deposit on Monday.
I may have to start working out...my ass has got some toning up to do.
But damn, am I lazy...I almost have an 'A' cup of man-boobs.
Still, plenty of time yet. But it does fly.
I'm not a happy bunny today.
Some may have noticed this already.
I have my reasons, most of which are not VR related, so don't get the popcorn out just yet...
I don't have a problem with people who live a lifestyle when they themselves can accept that the fact that they are not.
I also don't have a problem with people who aren't, but also cannot accept that others believe themselves to be, since we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs.
I do however, have issues with those who make claims, yet cannot 'walk the walk', as I've seen recently on VR.
Is it wrong for me to confront such people? I don't think so.
And never once have I went out in public, or on the internet and announced 'I am a vampire!'. But several times, I have had people try to tell me what I am, as if they know me better than myself.
In certain cases, those others claim to be vampires themselves and have shown me that they have the skills associated.
But...and this is crucial, I have yet to decide for myself exactly what and how I am.
As far as I can tell, I am me and if the things I say and do, present me as a vampire, then thats how some people will relate to me, but then, that is their choice to do so and I'm not asking to be treated in any particular way.
I don't need reassurance of who I am. I know who I am. I just need to understand more of why and how and effectively, what I am. I suppose it is a need for a label, to categorise myself, to find companionship, but even then, there are always those within the community who will take exception to whatever I see myself as.
So much for unity, for I don't believe it yet exists in any great sense, nor will for some time, as people are far too self-involved in their 'right' way of being.
If I or others don't fit into a certain predefined notion, then it is unacceptable to those who are so sure of themselves.
A sad fact of life that humanity is so diverse, but at the same time, it could be honoured, if more were willing to be open to ideas which aren't 'set in stone'.
Recently, in the thread on VR to which I responded, I took someone to challenge, to take that same view myself, as those with no wish to accept the outlandish ideas, to see how the reaction would come back. And I was surprised at the defensive nature and wonder if I am also that way, when people disbelieve and attack me for my expressions.
As an aside, I still disbelieve this person and their inability to counter my questioning with meaningful discourse, further entrenched my opinion.
For me, if someone can come back and explain themselves, rather than be avoidant and abusive, then I will be more accepting. If only others, more experienced and respected in the wider community, were to be so open.
Well, thats my view for the moment. But I've got a lot more to learn.
Is that the clank of shackles discarded, that I hear?
So, I ask myself, what has the last couple of weeks, upon the return from America, taught me?
More importantly, what has it taught others about me?
Read that post three down. What does it actually say?
And where did all those thoughts of mine go?
Who was that masked man?
No sword, no horse- so thats Zorro and the Lone Ranger out of the picture.
Maybe I'm Tonto. He had a mask too, didn't he?
Oh, just before I go, I forgot to mention;
"Beware Greeks bearing gifts."
"Never judge a book by its cover."
"Trust no-one."
I've not had a lot of time online since I've been here in Florida....the schedule is a killer. lol
But it all good...seen a lot of cool stuff, got some wicked pictures, eaten well and am now very tired.
Most annoyingly, I can't seem to get a HD TV tuner card on a PC to accept the satellitte sgnal...media centre seems ok, he hardware is good, but all I get is static...
Oh well, thats my minor rant and now, I must go.
Damn this keyboard too.
I'm in Florida!
It's hot, but it's cool...
Had some damn fine lasagne...my favourite pasta dish...just like Garfield.
That cat and I share a number of traits.
Anyway, I'm going up to 'Mount' Dora later. I think it's called a Mount because it's the only bit which isn't flat.
Or water.
Airline lost my bag, which sucked, but gave me an excuse to do my first ever mall shop for a new outfit.
Damn do I now love shopping in America!
Everything costs about a third the cost of the UK.
And I'm claiming 50% back from the airline. Heh.
I spent less than 100$ for a load of clothes that would normally have cost the equivalent of near 300$.
I am a happy bunny.
And I'm not sunburned yet either. What a good Friday.
I just got curious about how many VR members have had children since becoming members...and how many parents are both members.
I know a few, but any extra names would be appreciated. Cheers!
Maybe I will make a poll...