Get me through june,
and i promise you a kiss,
help me past july,
and i will grant you a single wish.
Quide me past August,
where the summer begins to wein,
Help me past september,
and i am yours all the same.
get me through the fall,
and I will make your l smile.
Let me live into the winter,
and i will be your sky.
bring me back to summer,
bring me back to june.
let us stay together,
beneith an eternal moon.
Play your violin young minstrel,
plus the strings and play the story out.
each note is a mere day in the life,
of a life that was filled with doubt.
I can fel my hear beat,
as your lay your bow to string,
I can feel the thawing,
i can feel the stirings of a dream.
So play on young master,
your songs of yesteryear,
play on and remind the readers,
of life, of loss, of tears.
If i shut up long enough i can hear things,
I can hear the crack of nuerons,
I can hear my own thoughts as the plot my downfall.
If you were really my friend,
you would satand before me.
car my way into maddness
If you were really my lover,
you would stand behind me.
I wrap me in the safety of your touch.
If you were really my family,
you would walk besides me.
supporting me when my own stregnth failed me.
If I was really worth it,
maybe I could have had any of that.
but in the end i wasnt enough to keep you
Scent of Magnolia
sweet and fresh
then the sudden smell
of burning flesh
love is closckworks
and cold steel
fingers too numb to feel
squeeze the handle
blow out the candle love is blindness
I thought i heard him
call my name
its wasnt so loud
its was so nice and plain
the moons just went behind the clouds
to hide his face and cry
Come a littel biut closer
Hear what i have to say
Just like children sleeping
we could dream this night away
Sickness accompanies a waning moon;
a new moon cures disease.
what is worse oh friend of mine,
to feel real pain,
or to lose your mind.
to feel yourself go from stright to bent,
to feel your drop,
while your wings get wet.
what is worse lost & alone,
when the the first strings snap.
are the oldest of monuments.