Requiem's Journal

Requiem's Journal


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9 entries this month


16:03 Jan 31 2006
Times Read: 882

Meeting Tiny for dinner tonight. He's blowing through town on his way to Corpus Christi, so I am making time this evening to meet with him.

I'm rather excited to hang out with Tiny. =)




Me? Ordained?

23:39 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 909

No, but the laws of Colorado are such, that as long as a marriage license exists, anyone may perform the ceremony.

I was asked to officiate at one of my oldest friend's wedding.

We've chosen a handfasting ceremony. It is as follows. (Gods, I am nervous!)

Ric and Rebecca , please join hands.

Know now before you go further, that since your lives have crossed in this life you have formed ties between each other.

As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive to make real, the ideals, which give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage.

With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be hand-fasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to the Gods. The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul's growth.

Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?

Couple: Yes, We Seek to Enter.

In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East. Communication of the heart, mind, and body. Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun. The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South. Warmth of hearth and home. The heat of the heart's passion. The light created by both To lighten the darkest of times.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake. The swift excitement of the river. The refreshing cleansing of the rain. The all encompassing passion of the sea.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North. Firm foundation on which to build. Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives. A stable home to which you may always return.

Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things, which will help you build a happy and successful union. Yet they are only tools. Tools, which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.

I bid you look into each other’s eyes.

Ric , Will you cause her pain?

I May

Is that your intent?


Rebecca , Will you cause him pain?

I may

Is that your intent?


*To Both*

Will you share each other's pain and seek to ease it?


And so the binding is made.

*First cord is draped across the couple’s hands*

Rebecca , Will you share his laughter?


Ric Will you share her laughter?


*To Both*

Will both of you look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?


And so the binding is made.

*Second chord is draped across the couples hands*

Rebecca , Will you burden him?

I may

Is that your intent?


Ric Will you burden her?

I may

Is that your intent?


*To Both*

Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?


And so the binding is made.

*Drape third chord across the couples hands*

Rebecca , will you share his dreams?


Ric will you share her dreams?


*To Both*

Will you dream together to create new realities and hopes?


And so the binding is made.

*Drape fourth chord across the couples hands*

Ric will you cause her anger?

I may

Is that your intent?


Rebecca , will you cause him anger?

I may

Is that your intent?


*To Both*

Will you take the heat of anger and use it to temper the strength of this union?

We Will

And so the binding is made.

*Drape fifth chord across the couples hands*

Rebecca , Will you honor him?

I will

Ric Will you honor her?

I will

*To Both*

Will you seek to never give cause to break that honor?

We shall never do so

And so the binding is made.

*Drape sixth chord across the couples hands*

*Tie chords together while saying:*

The knots of this binding are not formed by these chords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the chords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making or breaking of this union.

*Once chords are tied together they are removed and placed on altar*

Blessing and Exchange of Rings

Who holds the rings?

Assignees: We do

(the hold their hands up to display the rings and holds them up to be blessed)

Let us bless these rings! These rings are circles, symbols that remind us of the Sun, and the Earth, and the universe. Symbols of holiness, of perfection and peace ... that which has no beginning and no end.

And so, in this moment, bring your blessing to these rings to also be symbols of unity, of joining and of commitment. Grant that the love which Rebecca and Ric have for each other now may always be just this way.

These are the rings that Rebecca and Ric will wear for the rest of their lives, that express the love that they have for one another. Let us take a moment and send our prayers, our thoughts and our love to these rings, so that as they wear them, they will carry our love with them as well.

(Exchange rings and state for each, “with this ring, I thee wed”)

Recognition Of Marriage

Only a couple can administer the sacrament of marriage to each other, and only a couple can sanctify it. Neither the church, nor any power vested in me, can grant me the authority to declare what only two hearts can declare, and what only two souls can make real.

And so now, inasmuch as you, Ric , and you, Rebecca , have announced the truths that are already written in your hearts, and have witnessed the same in the presence of these, your family and friends, -- we observe joyfully that you have declared yourselves to be ... husband and wife.

I present to you Mrs. Rebecca and Mr. Ric Arthur




ElderD's Podcast

00:04 Jan 10 2006
Times Read: 927

Click here in order to hear ElderDaniel's podcasts. The one where I joined him was posted January 8, 2006.

Yes, I'm a great big dork.




Laundry, Take II

07:40 Jan 07 2006
Times Read: 937

I think I may be becoming OCD about laundry.

I have maintained an almost constant state of having all my clothing clean except what I am wearing, ever since my New Year's saga of the laundry.

I don't know if I should worry about this.

It's a better thing to become OCD about than some ... like masturbating, as a friend said.

I still loathe it.

But I do it about every other day.

Is this a bad thing?




For those who will understand

01:21 Jan 07 2006
Times Read: 945

I tried my new numminess. It was decidedly odd. I think it's going to take a bit of figuring out as to what works and what does not. It's a complicated thing, and the instructions and options are a little daunting.

I think I need someone else to work the controls. Heh.

At least while I figure out other things.






There is this thing called UPS

01:14 Jan 05 2006
Times Read: 959

I know there is. I've seen the brown trucks, the cute legs sticking out of brown shorts, the packages with the UPS logo ...

But, the home hunting grounds of the UPS are well cammoflaged and dueced hard to find.

I had a package coming to my house (much numminess), UPS delivering to me, indeed wild prey, but my signature was required.

They, for some reason, only come to my area about 2 in the afternoon.

I work.


I asked that they hold it at the "Customer Center."

That is in quotes because it took me several hours (okay TWO) today to become convinced of its existence.

When I asked them to hold it for pickup, the people at the 800 number gave me what I assumed, at the time, to be fairly detailed directions.

I took off from work a bit early today to retrieve my numminess, and lo and behold!

Half the streets do not exist.

I called back a second time, to get directions and see if they could maybe provide me with a local phone number so the DENIZENS of the "Customer Center" could give me directions.

No dice.

Maybe they just don't have phones there.

If, indeed, they really are there, I was thinking.

Oh, yes, the second time I called back, I was given completely different directions.

Not fair to do to a blonde.

By this time, an hour and a half had passed, I had to pee, I was grumpy, frustrated and plain tired. The thought of retrieving my numminess no longer filled me with glee. Only irritation. And, at $1,400.00, I ought to damn well still be gleeful.

I saw a UPS store (not the elusive and wily "Customer Center")and a kind young woman there both allowed me to go potty and gave me GOOD directions.

Thank you Amanda at the UPS store on FM 1978 in San Antonio, TX.

The UPS "Customer Center" is a real animal, but it keeps its lairs very sheltered, and frequently removes street signs in its immediate vicinity, thereby making the operators at the 800 number rather futile. I'm sure they got tired of me calling them today, "But that street DOES NOT EXIST!! I SWEAR! I's not even on MAPQUEST!!"

I went and retrieved my numminess, carried it to the car, and took forever getting home as I was stuck in traffic.

I stopped to get a box in which to store my numminess. It's teak with lovely designs on it. It had a small chip on the back, so I got an additional $20 off, and Maxewell called me, "Such a Girl."

I can live with that.




I stabbed myself in the foot

03:20 Jan 02 2006
Times Read: 972

Well, not actively.

I dropped my knife. It's pretty darn sharp.

My foot was doing little rhythmic squirts.

Not good.

I put a pressure bandage on it and called my friend (he's a trauma nurse).

He fissed me. =)




The saga of the laundry

18:03 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 989

Copied from Dec 31, and continued here.

I am working on my copious amounts of laundry.

Copious is a good word.

I think there may be twelve loads.

I'll update as I go.

6:18 pm

We're at two loads done. Three are either in the washer dryer or on the floor in front.

My bedroom floor (where the remainder is) scares me.

8:08 pm

Four loads down now. One in the washer, one in dryer, one in front of washer waiting, and ... Sweet Christ i can't have THAT many shirts! I have to wade!

On the positive side: I did find about 15 pair of my favourite lacy type underwear. My cat, the little freaky thing, had stolen them. She was hoarding my already worn panties under the bed. But only the pretty ones. Who knew cats were into pantsu?

10:41 pm

Six loads down now, almost seven.

I sort of have a floor.

There are now 4 sorted dirty loads on my floor, one in the washer, one in the dryer and one on the floor in front of it.

I am seriously conisidering joining a nudist colony.

I think I have way too many socks. And unders. And bras. And, well, just about everything. Maybe buying new underwear so I don't have to do laundry is a bad idea.

Who knew?

2:56 am

10 loads done.

Five left.

Never a-fucking-gain.

Tired. Cranky. Why do my arms hurt? From folding and sorting and cleaning? MEH!

It was my goal to finish all of my laundry by dawn. I don't think it's going to happen. I think I'm going to go to bed soon.

The only things left are jeans, slacks, flannels (a load each) socks and hanging shirts.

Right now, I wish there were a santa claus of laundry gnomes who could see all the work I've done (never mind my laziness and procrastination which created the issue in the first place) and whisk the rest DONE.

We'll see how long I last.

4:01 am

The fucking socks refuse to dry.

4:46 am

Socks are dried, sorted, put away.

Four more loads. Later. I sleep now. I got a shit load done. Yay me.

I loathe laundry.

12:01 pm

I slept. From about 5:15 until about 11:45.

But, go me, first thing I did upon waking was start laundry. THEN I went pee.

I had folding dreams.

This, too, shall pass.

1:23 pm

Four loads remaining. The end is in sight. After many years of NOT making new years' resolutions (after the ironing fiasco), I have decided to make one this year.

When I have a load of dirty laundry, it gets washed. None of the whining and waiting bullshit.

I still have too many shirts.

2:31 pm

Twelve loads done. Only three more left.

Words cannot express my joy in that I am soon FINISHED with this MESS!


6:25 pm

Only one more load left, and it is in the dryer.

Holy fuck. I'm actually going to do it. :)

8:51 pm

I am so done! Yeah! Go me!

Everything is clean except the clothes I am wearing!


I. So. Rock.





00:18 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 904

I am working on my copious amounts of laundry.

Copious is a good word.

I think there may be twelve loads.

I'll update as I go.

6:18 pm

We're at two loads done. Three are either in the washer dryer or on the floor in front.

My bedroom floor (where the remainder is) scares me.

8:08 pm

Four loads down now. One in the washer, one in dryer, one in front of washer waiting, and ... Sweet Christ i can't have THAT many shirts! I have to wade!

On the positive side: I did find about 15 pair of my favourite lacy type underwear. My cat, the little freaky thing, had stolen them. She was hoarding my already worn panties under the bed. But only the pretty ones. Who knew cats were into pantsu?

10:41 pm

Six loads down now, almost seven.

I sort of have a floor.

There are now 4 sorted dirty loads on my floor, one in the washer, one in the dryer and one on the floor in front of it.

I am seriously conisidering joining a nudist colony.

I think I have way too many socks. And unders. And bras. And, well, just about everything. Maybe buying new underwear so I don't have to do laundry is a bad idea.

Who knew?

2:56 am

10 loads done.

Five left.

Never a-fucking-gain.

Tired. Cranky. Why do my arms hurt? From folding and sorting and cleaning? MEH!

It was my goal to finish all of my laundry by dawn. I don't think it's going to happen. I think I'm going to go to bed soon.

The only things left are jeans, slacks, flannels (a load each) socks and hanging shirts.

Right now, I wish there were a santa claus of laundry gnomes who could see all the work I've done (never mind my laziness and procrastination which created the issue in the first place) and whisk the rest DONE.

We'll see how long I last.

4:01 am

The fucking socks refuse to dry.

4:46 am

Socks are dried, sorted, put away.

Four more loads. Later. I sleep now. I got a shit load done. Yay me.

I loathe laundry.



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