Here is a spell I use for luck! Hope it helps!
You need
-A small box
- three small gem stones
- A piece of paper
- One green candle
Place your hands over the wooden box, and say:
"By the powers of the Earth,
By the powers of the Air
By the powers of the Fire
By the powers of the Water,
I empower this spellbox.
This will assist me in my spells
So mote it be.”
Light the Green candle and the FrankincenseWrite a short paragraph about a happy event that occurred in your life.
Roll up the paper and gently place it in the box.
Visualize the experience you wrote on the paper… re-living your joy at the time that it
Hold each gemstone in your hand one by one and say:
" Powers and Energies
send good luck my way.”
Place each gemstone into the wooden box.
Snuff out the green candle.