18. So-and-So was mean to me! I want you to delete their account!
Administrators will not become involved in member disputes. If you find a member offensive, use your block button. All messages from the blocked user will be blocked, along with any comments they may leave on your Profile or Portfolio. Do not ask for a member to be deleted or reprimanded. You will be ignored if you ask.
So why did a ADMIN on this website basically get involved with my brother
there was a he said she said scuffle and a member of the website sentoran's decided to get involved with something he felt was wrong.
Funny thing is he lived with the person who was feeling wronged.And recently found out to be having an affair with with the chick who was supposedly wronged.And yet This Sentoran he not only had my brother blinded but also caused issues for about 2 weeks on my brother
I wont release names for most should know who it is,However that first part is taken from the FAQ of the website.
Not only did he get involved but he made my brothers life a living hell I can dig house/coven politics and cant do much about that however when the person who is a sentoran uses his position as leverage to cause someone living hell perhaps they should be kicked out of the position if not the website for total abuse and disregard to the rules of this website
So apparently they are deciding to re make a cult classic film called dark shadows originally a early 70s series they later made 2 movies based after the series then re created the series in the early 90s which wasnt so successful unfortunately now they are stepping it up again and well its rumoured that
Mister Barnabis Collins will be played by none other then Johnny Depp, who originally refused the role as lestat for some other roles.
I know I saw this somewhere...maybe on a specific DarkShadows site. I love this series. And Johnny...well, he is beautiful. I think he has a bit of a twisted soul. I can not wait! You know who else should get involved w/ project Angelina Jolie and Rob Zombie!
When you said that I swear Eca went running away from me scared. That was funny
So day one of metro con had lots of disaters
1 abstract fell on a super wet bridge one of the special guests went to make a sandwich from a buffet line which had no signs up saying he couldn't and got chewed out.
one of the bands snapped their guitar strings or they were misplaced or something lol.
had to leave early thus missing some panels I wanted to see really bad AGAIN.
today though there is the human anime chess match and a few other trinkets of interests to me.
woot net is back up again Ive been jonesing for my net addiction >:>
23:24 Jul 26 2008
The rules here, like on most other websites, apply generally to the public. An Admin's friend/someone he/she knows isn't included in that public, and thus, they will receive special treatment. This is especially the case on VR.
01:03 Jul 27 2008
But when they are on VR and all communication between two people are done on this site it looks wrong when an Admin (that has been now uncovered to be fucking this person) gets involved.