The Violet Shades
by: Razael
Chapter 1: T.V; weeds, and newts oh my.
I pick Tommy, Then I pick Lucas.
That is how recess usually started Micheal and Henry picking teams to play kick ball that is.
And where am I well do you see that kid sitting in the back with his hoodie on.Well thats me,Usually I am either over looked or picked last.I choose Jordan.Except for this day it seems.Today didn't seem right I mean after all I wasn't the fastest nor was I even remotely the most athletic.My sports ability was sitting at a table making sure my time did not run out for the chess matches turn.However I seem to be getting ahead of myself.
So lets start from when this all started shall we?
I believe it was Early this past summer.You know when the breeze sets in and the air conditions start all running at the same time as your neighbors and you get that irritating humming noise from the entire block.
I was sitting at home watching a little television as I have been known to do the standard bratty sister who loves to get in your line of sight.And then when you give her a slight shove with your shoe she cries to your mom.Yeah that kid sister,Thanks to her I had been restricted from just sitting around during my summer and was forced into child labor known as mowing the lawn and weeding away in the flower beds.Yeah thats when I first noticed how when picking the weeds out there would be some strange purple like haze that would slightly float from the roots.
My dad always said I was only imagining the whole thing and one day this imagination of mine would get me in some serious trouble.Now granted there was that one time when I phoned the cops cause I thought someone was setting fire to Mister Alister's back yard.And it turned out only to be a pit barbecue for his sons 17th birthday.However that was only once and they never let me live it down.I swear though its only around that time of the year in mid June that that purple haze would do it.So obviously my mom and dad would hardly with their work schedule and all, weed the garden at the exact time of year that the haze would appear.
Now before I lose focus of the story that I am telling you lets get back on track.Weeding these blasted little plants which if mom hired a decent gardener would prevent them from coming back everytime it rains.Hey Jordan, Jordan earth to Jordan.That broken record would be Jackie a friend of mine who Ive known for years now.Hey whats up? The usual kid sister getting in my way my foot pushing her away,mom making me do chores.
Yikes its times like this I am soooo glad I'm an only child.Ya know Jackie I really wish I was you sometimes minus the being a girl part.Hey being a girl isn't so bad.Yeah if you want idiot jocks hitting on you as I squint my eyes and stick out my tongue at her.Then she does her usual tries and grabs my tongue to pull it out of my mouth.
So what are you doing after your done with your community service Jordan?Honestly I really dunno for sure I can find our real quick though, why what did you have in mind? You know the usual walk in the park throw stones at police get arrested and turn into a teenage pregnant mother and lose my life due to being a adolescent teen.Ah ok so probably the movies and mall hopping then ?
You got it, as we both laughed.Ouch ouch ouch ok time to stop laughing I will be right back.Now the hard part convincing mom to let me go off with Jackie, I love you mom. What do you want now Jordan? Well ya see there is this movie playing over at the truent and Jackie wanted to find out if I could go her treat.Hmm so you kick your sister and have to do make up chores to get out of trouble then you come to me asking about this? Yeah thats about right as I lowered my head.Under one condition since your obviously finished with your chores enough to bother me and ask me about this then you have one more chore your sister can tag along with you and give me some peace and quiet.What? you want me to take Ally to go see that new horror flick? You know she easily gets nightmares,Well then your either going to have to change movies or not go then won't you.
And wouldn't you now it Ally is already dressed up to go to the freaking mall before I even talked to mom I swear that kid ease drops and then runs to mom and tells her she wants to join in cause this happens way too often for my own enjoyment.
Ok fine I will find out if Jackie will watch some little kids movie if not we will just walk around and window shop for early Christmas lists.
Whats the newt doing with you Jordan and please do not tell me she is coming along again ?
As I look away, what ya talkin bout ?
You know perfectly well what I am talking about,
Bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean, lets go go go go go.Hmm we could put her in the trunk or tie her to the roof to keep bugs off the car. No no no that won't do Im going to tell mommie.Chill newt I was kidding.
Anyways lets get going before it gets too late.
So what are we seeing ? Huh huh huh?
Well there is that horror movie me and you have been wanting to see Jordan but knowing the newt being with us thats probably out of the question knowing how she is such a baby.I am not Im a big girl almost a teen.Ok then its settled The Darkened Desires it is.I don't know Jackie this sounds bad if Ally comes home and has nightmares when she gets to bed or isn't able to sleep mom will kill me.
Oh be a man once in a while just say it was all me. You know she is a little hesitant on liking me anyways.
You know Jackie you do really need to learn how to watch the road when your driving.Some people would think your a maniac,Who says Im a maniac"as Jackie swerves the car." Oh no one no one at all ok so should we eat first or movie first ?
Lets look at it this way Jordan if we eat first and Ally gets too scared she will puke all over you.Cause thats what big brothers are for didn't you know?Fine fine movie then food lets just get going before the critic shows up. You know he won't let us in to see that movie and will make sure we are in the theater watching the movie we paid for to begin with.
"Now playing in theaters". Oh cool we just made the previews, yeah that was very close the stupid newt would have ran us late if she would've eaten first we all know how she plays too much while eating"Ally kicking the arm rest next to Jackie" I do not.Shh lets just watch the movie and enjoy ourselves .
"sounds from the movie rings threw the audience shrieking and the sound which can only be described as a wood chipper cutting up human bones,and the sounds of someone softly speaking." " You can't hide,There's only so many places ya can go in here."
"sitting scared and about ready to cry Ally gets up and walks to the restroom".
"psst" Hey Jordan I think the newt is going to be sick."ah hell" I will be right back I'm going to check on her.
"Jordan quietly gets up and sneaks away to the hall way trying to locate where is sister ran off to".
"slowly Ally walks back to just where her brother is waiting at"
Are you ok Ally?"yyyes, why wouldn't I be ?
Well lets see scary movie plus 9 year old girl equals scaredy cat."Ally kicks Jordan's shin" Am not "sticks out her tongue".
Any ways lets head back to the movie ok?"I dunno if I want to can't I just sit out here the rest of the movie Ill behave". Hmmm I don't know Ally some stranger might wanna kidnap you and then you will never get to pick on me again."Chuckles","you know Jordan sometimes you stink.Lets go back in to finish this stupid movie.
"hours later and a much more scared little girl."