i fear its on a perminent pause. that or the story is over.
have you ever been so scared of something in your life that you stand in the hot shower the water beating your skin raw and shiver. from pure fear. welcome to how im feeling. so cold and so alone. thats how i feel. but yesh thats not what this entry is about is it. hmmm
Well after a long night of talking with a friend on the phone and many different conversations, a friend and I have come up with an erotic short story. I will not let any details other than it is basted on eroticy. He and I will be doing the writing. He will be writting the first draft of the story and then sending it to Me for revision. I will then send it back and He will do another revision of the story. I am sure that it will be sent back and forth until we are able to colaborate both our ideas into the story to make it work. But the point is, keep a look out for the story to be place in both his and my journals.
Yes i stole this from his journal. it just fit. so i changed it a bit. HAHA how well we wrok togeather
Okay i figured i would start entering in this thing. tell you whats on my kitten like mind i shall warn you now that if you read this you are reading exactly what i am think at that moment in time. not all the thoughts will make sense. but does that really matter with an entry.
Well i am here in paris. i have been here for about 3.5 months. Its crazy cool, but its just not home to me. and the fact that i dont speak the language as well as i wish i did sucks. Im working on it tho. also its hella lonely here. But i guess you get that when you dont have any friends here. i have maybe one or two. but only one of them has the same interests as i do. and i just met him.
well cool thing and i think i am to report about it later after i go. but there is a vampire museum here in paris. and i think i will shell out the 60 euros to become a member so i can see all the hiddin chambers of this place. and its year long which is how long i will be here. weee. something to do on the weekends, i really need to go see the new harry potter movie. yes thats right im a dork and i watched all of them and read all the books so sue me. hehe. im kinda tired of being all the time baby sitter. its getting kinda annoying. but i love the kids that i watch so. dont get me wrong. its annoying but i will stay with it. plus the holidays will be soon and i thnk i get alot of time off during that time. i think. EH. if not i will take them to the park and just let them go. well im getting hella tired and i think i need to go to bed. snuggle snuggle purrrrr. yay night all
writen while listening to Miss me by The Dresden Dolls.