This past year has been rough. April of last year I lost my stepmom to a septis in her chest. I also lost a friend this past March to heart problems. Also this past March I lost a friend to domestic violence. Last month I lost another family member. She had a heart attack. Depression sucks. When I thought I was getting better things would happen to make it worse. Now a good friend of mine is no longer on this site. Since my stepmom passed away I have also been dealing with anxiety. Once again I am working my way back to being my old self whichis harder than ever, but I am determined to make it. Being on here more frequently has helped tremendously. For the past few days I have also been able to write. That has also helped. I normally don't don't put my personal business on social media, but I felt as if I needed to get it all off my chest.
04:25 Jun 30 2018
I'm glad that you were finally able to get it off your chest. But know this ad one you close and best friends and your Coven Master I am here for you when ever you need someone to talk to ok. Just let me know