RavynDarkrose's Journal

RavynDarkrose's Journal


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04:13 May 16 2011
Times Read: 619

Mara looked over the cliff that over looked the sea. She watched the waves crash upon the jagged rocks below. Her brown, shoulder length hair blew gently in the silent breeze. She thought of what her future might hold for her. In her thirty-five years in existence it had been only in the past ten years she had felt like Juliet.

She was walking through the small village near her home. It was early spring and the weather was still cool. She was wearing a simple tan dress with only a light cloak to keep the chill from her skin. She was going to a small farmer’s stall to purchase much need vegetables for her stew. Her mother had also asked her to buy a little meat for the next day’s meal.

She was picking out some carrots when she felt some one standing behind her. She turned to see a rather tall man in dark clothing. He didn’t look at her when he reached into her basket removing the carrots. He handed them back to the vendor and chose another bunch. He placed them in her basket without saying a word. He then turned and walked away.

Mara watched with curiosity. Once he was out of sight she paid for the vegetables and made her way back home. She knew she had been out longer than she had anticipated. She also knew her mother would be waiting for her.

It was a month later she had ran into him once again in the village. It was warm so she wasn’t in need of her cloak. She was there to purchase some eggs. He approached her hidden under the hood of his cloak.

The stranger took Mara by the hand. “Come with me.” he commanded.

“I certainly will not.” she protested.

Despite her words he led her down the path that lead out of the village. She tried desperately to wrench free to no avail. His grip was too tight.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked giving up the struggle.

“You will see.” he replied cryptically.

“I demand you tell me.” she said with some annoyance.

“No one commands me, my dear.” he said without even a glance in her direction.

Silence accompanied the rest of the trip. He came to a halt at the edge of a valley just a few miles outside of the village. The grass was green and a large group of deer grazed happily.

“Why did you bring me here?” she asked in of the sight.

“Why do you not hunt for your food?” he asked. “It would last you longer and save you money. Those vendors overcharge on everything.”

“They need to make a living as well as we all must do.”

“That doesn’t answer my first question.” he stated.

“I vowed not hurt any living creature for pleasure of food.” she said watching the deer graze upon the spring grass.

“It is in our nature to survive. Hunting is part of survival. It is instinct.” he said simply.

“It is not my nature to kill. I’d rather become a rabbit than take a life.” she said defiantly.

“Does that include human life?”

“Of course it does. What kind of question is that?” she asked defensively.

“It was only an inquiry.”

“Please take me back to the village. I have not finished my shopping and my mother will worry.”

“What about all this?” he asked pointing at the beauty that was before them.

“It is quite enjoyable, but mother will worry.” she insisted.

“I will escort you back if you agree to meet with me again.” he said gently taking her hand.

“I will.” she promised unsure if she could keep it.

They walked back in silence. He stopped just outside the boundaries of the village. He let go of her hand and began to walk away. “What is your name?” she asked before he could walk away.

“Alec.” he replied and strode away.

She finished her shopping and returned home to her simple cottage she shared with her mother. She was the only reason she stayed in the village. Mara wanted to travel and see what else that was beyond this familiar place. Her mother was not well enough to travel so she stayed to take care of her.

That night as she tried to sleep she thought of Alec. He was such a curious man. Since she had yet to see his face she tried to imagine what he would look like. She envisioned him as handsome with neatly coifed hair. He voice although commanding had an air of sophistication. There was also something else about him. Something mysterious. She just couldn’t put her finger on it.

A couple of years later she was married to him and living happily in his modest cottage in the forest. Her mother had passed from pneumonia a few months after her and Alec’s meeting. He was there to comfort her. He would hold her and allow her to cry. He, then, would put her to bed when she was too exhausted to move. He watched over and cared for her. His tenderness is what led them to marry.

There wasn’t really a courtship. She knew she was in love with him, and him with her. When he asked her to be his bride she accepted with great happiness. They married on a bright summer day in the same valley he had taken her to the day he dragged her from the village.

His seductions were everything she never knew before. He made her feel as she had never felt before. He was just as she envisioned, and more tender of man than she had ever known.

They didn’t spend all their time at home. They traveled to Ireland, Scotland, China, and beyond. The only place they hadn’t gone was America. She didn’t mind though. She would go there soon enough and didn’t care how much time it would take. She was content to just be with him wherever they were.

Now she stood on the cliff, as he slept, watching the waves crash upon the rock below. She was with child. Her thoughts were not on that at the moment, but on what adventures would come with a newborn. She tried to imagine the child, or children, experiencing all she had and more.

As the moon began to sink into the sea she made her way down the path to her home where she would lie beside her husband and dream of what was to come.



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