How does one find,
The one you have lost,
Even if it was you that was lost?
I search for both.
Without the one,
I cannot find myself.
I am lost in a world,
Full of chaos and confusion.
My world was once was,
A calm and peaceful place,
But now it is no longer,
A place I wish to be.
I would like,
To find the one,
That had kept me,
In my place,
And helped me,
Free myself,
From my fears,
And the bounderies,
That had held me prisoner,
By revealing hidden desires,
I never knew I had.
I need that part of me,
To return,
For I am not whole.
Only one person,
Can return me,
The person I once was,
But he is lost.
I will remain,
In my personal purgatory,
Until I am once again found,
By the one I need to complete me.
My loyalty is still strong,
Even if I can no longer find you.
My heart bleeds,
Without knowing,
If my Master is doing well,
And knows I miss him dearly.
He was my first,
And only.
I know I have disappeared,
But I always come back,
Seeking his embrace,
And coforting words.
Wherever he may be,
I hope he knows,
I still care for him,
And always will love him.
I beg for forgivenss,
From the one I had harmed.
That night is forever,
Etched in my memory,
But it was a choice
I was forced to make.
It was a night,
My heart ached,
And still aches,
When I go to that place.
I loved you with all my heart,
But as time passed,
I no longer could,
Live with the secret.
You had killed once,
And I no longer,
Could live with that knowledge.
You had blood on your hands,
As yours was on mine.
It wasn't easy,
Watching you die in my arms,
But I was unwilling,
To allow you to die alone.
I whispered loving words,
Until you took your final breath.
I cried through out the night,
Holding on to you,
Rocking you,
Until I had to let you go.
I asked for your forgiveness then,
And I ask for it still,
Hoping you know why,
I had to do what I did,
And that I never stopped,
Secretly loving you.
07:32 Jul 22 2016