I've discovered that I passed my statitics exam. I was 17% above the pass percentage so that's one less thing to worry about. If only I could get rid of, say, another ten things.
I'm having ever such a successful day today with my assignment. For those that don't know me well, that's called sarcasm.
The internet is playing up. So far I've managed to get onto four sites: VR, BMI Baby, I Can Has Cheezburger and Google. None of which, as I'm sure you can imagine, are of much use for writing an essay on the treatment of equine tendon injuries. Not even Google since we're not supposed to use anything other than scientific journals.
On top of that, my boots haven't arrived yet, the oven is still broken, my room is a mess and things just keep going wrong.
Must update journals more often.
Must start doing proper updates rather than just random ramblings and song lyrics.
Must get my assignments finished.
Must start my assignments.
Must get better.
Must stop moping around the flat.
Must stop sleeping all the time.
Must stop wondering whether it's all worth it (it's not).
Must not buy food just because it's reduced or on offer.
Must not buy any more gloves for at least a week.
Must not spend large amounts of money in an attempt to make myself feel better.
Must learn not to put all my faith in others (it only brings pain).
Must stop making lists rather than doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Must stop surfing the web rather than doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Must stop staring blankly at the ceiling rather than doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Must stop fantasising about killing the mature student on my course.
Must actually kill the mature student on my course.
Must go back to whatever I was doing before I started this list.
Must solve all the problems of the world in under a minute (kill everyone).
Must stop all ongoing wars (kill everyone).
Must cure incurable diseases (kill the doctors).
Must be nicer about my doctors.
Must not fantasise about killing my doctors.
Must not kill my doctors.
Must not kill my doctors.
Must not kill my doctors.
Must kill my doctors.
Must buy milk.
My statistics exam is now in just under three hours. I am so screwed.
Moving on, should I go to Southwell or Nottingham in the gap before my afternoon lectures?
Today is National Fetish Day. An unofficial holiday created because of those of us who believe we should be allowed to express our loves and ideas. Rather than going into work in PVC or dropping the kids off in nothing but high heels and lingerie, you can express to the world that you don’t conform to society’s ideals in one simple way. Wear purple.
Personally my wardrobe deviates little from black but today I intend to wear one of my purple corsets under a purple hoodie and I shall do my makeup in shades of lilac and violet. I shall drink Ribena from my purple glasses and write only in purple ink during my lectures. Then afterward I shall use money from my purple wallet to buy food in a purple wrapper to eat while reading a book with a purple cover. Yes, I am being a little ridiculous now but you get my point.
Now onto sometime a little different but probably just as ridiculous. I am going to do an analysis of the poem Warning - When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple in the context of nonconformity and fetishism. Bear in mind that this is not as much a serious poetic discussion based upon my literally background as much as a random sequence of thoughts presented by my often counterproductive mind during the middle of the night before an exam. Now try saying that sentence without taking a breath. I recommend it as a cure for hiccups.
Happy National Fetish Day everyone. Remember to wear your purple clothes. I'll be wearing mine.
I'm working on my stats. I am so fucked. I've missed too many lectures and I don't know this stuff and I have my final exam in it on Monday. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I've had my smaller waspie on for approximately 27 hours. It's four inches smaller than what I'm used to and I've got it laced as tight as it can possibly be laced. I am rather pleased.
For nine years I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I was going to do a university degree in Forensic Science and then specialise in document analyse. Then, in my last year of grammar school, my plans changed and I ended up here, at Nottingham Trent University studying Equine Sports Science And Equestrian Psychology. The only thing that the courses really have in common is that they are both BSc degrees and involve some laboratory work. Other than that, they could not be more different.
I always thought that there was something guiding me here. I found the course by chance and changed by entire life plan to come here. Then I discovered that all my friends here were originally planning to do different courses at other universities. We all ended up here purely by chance. Or so it seemed. However, I’m beginning to wonder what the cosmic plan for us is as it seems we were all meant to arrive here at the same time.
Last week I was sorting through a huge folder of images I had gathered over several years but had not organised. While doing that I came across one that I had saved in early 2004 (I know the year because of the information stored during the saving process) that caught my attention. I flicked past it and my mind went ‘that looks like Robbie.’ At least point I should clarify who Robbie is. This particular Robbie is a small bay gelding owned by and stabled here at the university. When I looked I realised it was Robbie. I don’t mean it looked just like him. I mean it was him. I recognised both him and the stable he was in. It was right here at Brackenhurst. You might not think that’s particularly strange but bear in mine that, in 2004, I had never even heard to Brackenhurst and yet, by chance, I saved a picture from the internet of a horse I ended up working with several years later.
That was the first odd coincidence. Then, last night, I was reading through stories I wrote when I was 16. That would have been in 2003, well before I changed by mind about doing Forensics. In one story a girl moves to a new school named Bracken Hall Academy. It’s located on a formerly privately owned country estate. The main hall on the estate was converted to offices and classrooms. Now none of these may seem outstanding until you consider the fact that I now live on a country estate that was once privately owned. The main hall has, at least partly, been converted to offices. And the name of this place? Brackenhurst.
Now is this a case of pareidolia, in essence the idea that you can perceive patterns in a series of random events or stimuli, or something more? Am I imaging links or am I following the path of my destiny? There’s no way to say for certain but it’s an interesting idea.
My phone appeared to be fucked today. There were two options. The first was that I'd damaged it when I threw it across the room last night. The second was simply that the network was down due to the weather yesterday. Whatever the reason, it's sorted now.
I’m not a typical twenty-year-old girl, far from it, and I think my reading material reflects that. I’ve got a bit of a backlog of magazines at the moment since I’ve purchased rather a lot in the past few days. I’ve currently got nineteen unread or partially read magazines sitting on my bedside table and there isn’t a single women’s or celebrity one among them.
Here’s the breakdown:
2 Alternative Japanese Fashion Design magazines
6 Equestrian magazines
1 Gaming magazine
3 Alternative Lifestyle/Fetish magazines
1 Alternative Lifestyle/Vampire magazine
1 Tattoo magazine
1 Music magazine
1 Aircraft/Flight magazine
3 Science/World Affairs magazines
And what they all are, just in case you were wondering:
Alternative Japanese Fashion Design
Gothic & Lolita Bible (Volume 1)
Volume 9 of a magazine I can’t name as most people will not have a computer enabled to read the Japanese characters
Your Horse (Issue 304)
Horse & Rider (January 2008)
Horse & Rider (February 2008)
Horse Deals (Issue 82, January 2008)
Horse & Hound (January 3rd – 9th 2008)
Pony (January 2008)
Games Master (Issue 194, January 2008)
Alternative Lifestyle/Fetish
Bizarre (January 2008)
Forum (Volume 41, Issue 13)
Forum Presents BDSM (Volume 2, Issue 1)
Alternative Lifestyle/Vampire
Chronicles (Volume 2, Issue 7)
Tattoo Collection (Issue 23)
Kerrang (Issue 1191)
Yeah Baby (December 2007/January 2008)
Science/World Affairs
New Scientist (December 22nd – 29th 2007)
New Scientist (January 5th – 11th 2008)
National Geographic (January 2008)
Well that’s all for now folks. I’m off to read something. I just have to choose what.
Earlier I watched Bill Oddie’s Wild Side and the sound man said the following:
“Doctor Who may have a sonic screwdriver but this is a sonic coat hanger.”
It amused me.
Two pictures that sum me up well on various occasions...
moar funny pictures
moar funny pictures
Happy New Year Everyone and Bloody New Year to you Emma ;)
Tomorrow I'll discuss resolutions but today I have minimal time. I'll just share one quick thing with you: a message recieved by a friend last night.
"After careful and concise consideraton, your contract of friendship has been renewed for another year. So don't fuck up in 2008."
And, on that bombshell, we'll end the show. ;) Night, readers.