I wish it would just shut off! I cant make my brain shut down. Think think think think...
blue think the color or the feeling? think think hunting think think music think work tomorrow think a van think passport renewal think think think seaks think think natural philosophy think think singing "puff the magic dragon" to two children think think think think is she OK? think think think money think think appointment for doctor think think escape think think think when will this stop? think think think Why cant I make this stop? think think think a ukelele think think JUST STOP!
Racing images, ideas, emotions. Questions but never a pause for an answer. Close my eyes and a movie plays inside my head. A movie where all the frames from 1,000 different movies have been cut up and spliced together randomly...and the god damn projectionist is playing it backwards, at 10 times the regular frame-rate! AND IT JUST WONT SHUT OFF! The drugs arent working...