Good morrow my friends to my journal, at this most festive of times i tend to take stock of my life my beliefs and general nature of christmas.
Many who know me know i have little or no love for this holiday time even though i do have two children, i make no excuses for not liking Christmas though this year more than any other i am really struggling.
I have tried to look at Christmas in all its incarnates as a celebration of the birth of Christ, however the fact that Christmas has become so comercially driven and is by default now a holiday of excess i find it difficult to find a true Christian meaning in it all, there no longer seems to be the celebratory fervour that there was of yore for Christs birth, and this is from a non Christian.
There is also the good will to all men, which i find strangely lacking you no longer have neighbours wishing neighbours a merry christmas, this may only be representative of where i live, but even the ideology of good will has gone like today i received an email from my ex partnerbasically saying that she hopes that soon i will be dead and that PricessChild my eldest sons mother takes my son away from me just as she has, to me that doesnot smack of good will, however i may be somewhat biased there.
Believe me when i say i know that i sound like the Grinch of fables but i am not i do try to enter the spirit of Christmas as much as i can, i do buy everyone i know presents and actually take time to think of what they would like and appreciate and not just buy the first thing that comes to hand, i wish everyone a merry christmas that i meet wether or not i know them, but every year it just gets that much more difficult to believe in.
So my final line i think should be thus, please help me to understand what Christmas is, as i no longer have any clue.
I thank you for your time and patience.
I am forever,
Your humble mage
23:06 Mar 30 2010
i agree.every year xmas becomes more about sales and less about giving.ouch...thats a vicious email.but perhaps its a lesson...respon to hate with forgiveness and goodwill.benevolence.perhaps THATS the meaning?or maybe im never knows.
18:30 May 13 2010
I would like everyone to know no matter what I will always be together with raistlin within this darkness side by side we stand and I would never take his son away from him as some may wish for
raistlin I will always be your barefoot princesschild always and forever xx xx