While we give thanks for our abundance, we can restore the vision of harmony by making a commitment to see that all people share in the nation's prosperity. Set a candle on your table as you gather for Thanksgiving (some autumnal scent works well, like cranberry, pumpkin pie, etc. Otherwise, use any pleasing color and fragrance) As you light the candle say:
As we light this candle,
to give thanks
for all the good things we enjoy:
peace, prosperity,
the love of friends and family,
and so much more,
Let us be ever mindful of the blessings
that are here for us each moment,
hour, and day.
And as we express gratitude
for all this goodness
and all of the opportunities
that are available to us
let us also remember our debt
to the land itself,
and to the people of all races and creeds
whose personal and historical sacrifices
have laid the ground of our well-being.
May we fulfill our duty
to protect this land and its creatures,
May we truly commit ourselves
to prosperity for all its people