Teaghan is 8 months old.
It's gone so fast. Definately the best 8 months of my life. My little man is so amazing.
He crawls, sits up, laughs, pulls my hair, the usual stuff & he can say "heya" when he can be bothered, and "dadadadada"
Hes a great little sleeper, I used to get up with him at night & Phil would get up with him at 7am.
Phil still gets up with him at 7am, hes such a good dad. He does everything.
Life is great.
I dont come on here much anymore, but I will be doing once my laptop is fixed. I am on facebook if anyone wants to reach me, the name is Rachel Katherine McCarthy.
09:08 Feb 21 2010
You've had a baby?! Congratulations.
One of the best things I have ever done is have babies.
And I hope it's something you love too. I reckon you make a good Mum.