RASHMI's Journal

RASHMI's Journal


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13 entries this month


12:37 May 08 2013
Times Read: 361

Give me tiny little wings to fly.

Give me a song, to sing.

Give me a piece of the sky.

Give me a dream to, live in.

I want to live for no reason,

But live for my wishes.

I want to feel the meaning of this life.

Freedom is all I need.

See it in my eyes.

When I wake up every day,

There are a million things I am supposed to do.

I feel broken so many times.

In the name of custom, we are enslaved to lies.

Freedom is all I need.

See it in my eyes.

I want to be able to picture my world for myself,

I want to take no orders.

Have my life, my own way.

I want to feel alive, in true way.

And when they say they love me,

I love my parents & sisters as they are my family,

They were there when I needed !

When i needed them to stand by me

I look for truth in this society.

Where women deserve no dignity?

Women are not a reason for sorrow!

I look for a free girl of tomorrow.

To be born, to be educated

To be capable, to have no fear.

Freedom is all she needs.

See it in her eyes.





12:28 May 08 2013
Times Read: 362

I had this dream

where I'm standing in the rain holding hands

A beautiful man

who tells me I'm his one and only woman

Tell me if I dream too much

it's just the way I am

Sometimes I need a touch

A reassuring glance

Hold me when I'm down

Clutch me when I frown

Show my eye's what yours see

Tell my ears you love me

I'm in this dream

Snow is falling yet I feel so warm

A beautiful man

harbors all of me inside his arms

Tell me if I feel too strong

my heart is on my sleeve

Wake me when I sleep too long

tell me it's not a dream

Laugh for me when I smile

Hold on to me all the while

I know it's not a dream

I know you love me

Hold your hands over my eyes

Lift your head when I fly

Tell me I'm hopeless





12:27 May 08 2013
Times Read: 363

Frogs croak their mating calls and songs from their heart all night long then hop clumsily away.

Crickets gracefully rub their legs together creating a sound nearly more beautiful than a master violinist.

The night birds sing their most relaxing lullaby as the sand man's sleep sand is strewn across the night sky, sparkling like diamonds, as it falls upon billions of yawning beings.

The wind whispers its sweet secret to all, making sure we hear and feel it deep within our souls, resulting in every tiny hair particle standing straight up, sending cascading tingles throughout our bodies, and placing kisses on our cheeks.

The wind continues whispering sweet secrets, the birds sing their hearts out during their favorite chorus, the crickets play their mock-string instruments for the backup music of the frogs' heart-songs, and the trees are having the time of their lives as they giggle and dance in the moonlight!

As you lay your head down to sleep, look out the window and perhaps, crack it a bit. Do you hear the music? The soundtrack of the night is on repeat with the 'sleep' button set for just after sunrise, when a whole new soundtrack begins.




***** A GHOST & A BLACK CAT ********

12:22 May 08 2013
Times Read: 364

A ghost, though invisible, still is like a place

your sight can knock on, echoing; but here

within this thick black pelt, your strongest gaze

will be absorbed and utterly disappear:

just as a raving madman, when nothing else

can ease him, charges into his dark night

howling, pounds on the padded wall, and feels

the rage being taken in and pacified.

She seems to hide all looks that have ever fallen

into her, so that, like an audience,

she can look them over, menacing and sullen,

and curl to sleep with them. But all at once

as if awakened, she turns her face to yours;

and with a shock, you see yourself, tiny,

inside the golden amber of her eyeballs

suspended, like a prehistoric fly , Yet .......

My Black Cat

A cat as black

As blackest coal

Is out upon

His midnight stroll,

His steps are soft,

His walk is slow,

His eyes are gold,

They flash and glow.

And so I run

And so I duck,

I do need his

His black-cat luck for I have Fallen for the Black Cat !




******* OUR DEEPEST FEARS *******

12:20 May 08 2013
Times Read: 365

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

We were born to make manifest

The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us;

It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.




***** DEAR FAIRY , BE MY FRIEND , WILL YOU ? ********

12:19 May 08 2013
Times Read: 366

Fairy, fairy! Why do you live in the sky?

I can’t reach you; you are up and high.

I want to touch you with my hand.

I wish to feel your magic wand.

Fairy, fairy! Please come down.

We can run in the fields, up and down.

Will you play hide and seek with me?

It will be lots of fun; just me and thee!

Fairy, fairy! Shall I come to your wonderland?

We can walk hand in hand.

Will you take me to your god mother?

I read, she is dressed in silver feather!

Fairy, fairy! You know what?

My parents call me angel, fairy and all that….

They find me cute and sweet like you.

I am called as beautiful as angel and you.

Fairy, fairy! My birthday is coming soon!

Would you help me with a boon?

Let me decorate my home like your wonderland.

Please come to my party with your magic wand.

Fairy, fairy! Hey!!! Its’ my birthday.

You too have come! It is a great…. Day!!

Plea….se perform some magic.

Wow! My cake is on the table by your magic!!!!

but I still want you to be my friend !




***** OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT ......... *******

12:17 May 08 2013
Times Read: 367

Look behind shut closed doors,

And search slippery, fleeting time;

Even amidst your daily chores,

Opportunity rings a happy chime.

It comes in every size and shape,

It is there as you rise to new day;

It is there in every narrow escape,

You make to light up a new way.

Opportunity knocks but just once,

Once lost, it may be gone forever;

It pays to accept the sudden bunce,

Overcoming the fetters that sever.

Opportunity knocks, are you there,

There may be not a moment more;

Grab, take all named in your share,

Avail and add to the treasure store.

Like the phoenix rise high, claim,

Another chance at renewed breath;

Look beyond, the world's the same,

Opportunity shadows even death.

There is refuge in life's endurance,

And in the wake of the ticking clocks;

All you need is to shed repugnance,

And stay awake, opportunity knocks.




****** JUST BE HAPPY DEARS ********

12:14 May 08 2013
Times Read: 368

Go where you like,

Like where you go...... yes where ever !

If you don't try it,

How can you know,

Then you won't be happy,

That’s what they all say.

And even though that’s pretty much true,

If you really can’t, don’t be sad and blue.

Because really...

It doesn't matter,

If you never get to be on TV.

It doesn't matter,

If you never see,


Or new york city.

As long as you make someone else happy.

You've done it all...

Take from someone who's been up,

Down and all around,

Happiness is still a bit better,

Than the cha-ching sound.

You want to know how,

To get that wow.

Just stay in bed,

Better yet,

Give it to someone else instead.

And just be happy.

You know these times are tough,

The devil’s everywhere,

And he’s calling our bluff.

You’re only helping him out,

If you sit there sad,

Thinking about all the good times,

You could’ve had.

No matter how bad,

He makes the rat race,

Just be glad,

You ain’t with him face to face.


And for goodness' sake, just be happy




****** SEED a GREEN PLANT ********

12:12 May 08 2013
Times Read: 369

You may not have wealth or green,

Or home palatial with treasure cove.

You may not have The Wonders seen,

Or felt the pang for deep, real love.

You may not have the will to want

To do something beyond the self.

You may not think beyond flaunt,

Living a life with fairy tale elf.

But, you don't really need much to be

Energized for thought and good act;

To grey with soul a-flame and dignity,

To bear witness to the age old fact.

That when you plant a seed potent;

A seed of simple, healing thought.

There is more in it for your content,

Than a richer, encompassing lot.

Sow an act and reap rich life.

Spread the fragrant, sweet scent.

Shed the dreary, robotic strife,

As you plant a new seed potent.




***** SOOTHE & COMFORT MY HEART ********

12:10 May 08 2013
Times Read: 370

Lay down your head on my trembling arm

Let me comfort you through the night,

Allow me a moment to hold you close

Before I give you a night of pure delight.

The touch of your skin is like woven silk

Your hair as soft as the white driven snow,

The feel of your touch upon my sensitive body

Allows me to make all my feelings show.

You’re my Lady, my Butterfly, my Queen.

You are both my weakness and my strength,

From you I know that I can live again in life

And to keep this I’ll go to any given length.

So to gain your love is to touch your heart

And to touch your heart is to know you’re real,

You are part, whole, you are everything to me

So my heart and soul you don’t have to steal.




******* FREEDOM ********

12:05 May 08 2013
Times Read: 371

The breath if the air whispers against me

A soft caress against bare skin

The night speaks to me

Calling me to come to it

I become brazen, bold

Yearning to be released from my bonds

I struggle within to no avail

The chains grip tighter

Biting into my being

Holding me like the jaws of a dog

I snatch at the empty air

A stream washes down my face

I look down at an empty forest

No leaf stirs, no animal scurries

The world frozen in time

Bark scratches against my face

I feel without feeling

My soul floats above my body

Rises above the forest

Twisting a furious tango with the wind

My heart stops beating

The forest comes to life

Its music sings to me

Accompanying me in my mad dance

Turning me around and round

Twining with the strings of fate

A miasma of madness

I give myself over

Losing myself in the melody

Lost in a sea of unconscious emotion

Displaced and pleading for escape

Lights float around my body

Wisdom, grace, and violence

The lights show brighter

Entering the shell of my body

I scream, once again I feel

My soul is washed in a purple glow

I am enraged

Woken from my daze

I snap back into my body

Then the siren wails

Quickly I run

Hitting bushes

Tripping over stumps and logs

I am blind, without sight

No direction

The animals lead me

Running eights through my ankles

Guiding me

Towards the freedoms of water

I plunge myself into its cold embrace

Immerse myself in its dark, shadowy protection

The siren is drowned out

My hair floats around me

I release my breath

Water fills my lungs

Burning fire spreads though my chest

Suddenly, I can breathe

My body changes

Legs merge

Fins cover, gills sprout

Then I am on my way again

Through the darkest hour


Towards my freedom.




****** PERFECT WORLD ********

12:04 May 08 2013
Times Read: 372

In my perfect world,

I'd whirl around in time,

Dashing through my life,

Erasing errors and mistakes,

I'd find my true destiny that I missed because I slipped,

In my perfect world,

I'd be sure to read, study and follow all the Creators directions,

I dot those i's and cross those t's,

There never would have been the first error,

I'd keep myself just as they are,

In my perfect world,

Yet... I wouldn't be me,

Who knows that without the Creator I will forever seek, I wouldn't have been allowed to dream, fail, and rise again,

Brush myself off...and say, "Regardless of where I've been, Someone still loves me,"

So in my perfect world is the one God allowed me to create,

In my perfect world,

I am me, as I am today,

Waiting to be lifted up in love,

Shedding this ole' flesh,

Leaving my mistakes in the dust,

Yes, I'm in my perfect world!!!!!......................

Come with me, into my imagination, allow me to share my illustration, we will travel into the depths of my mind, here in this place there are no clocks or time, no pennys or dimes no money at all, no telephones and nobody to call, here in my head its just you and me, with happiness and splendor as far as we can see, here in this world we can truely live, and do everything wonderful life can give, do everything good that life can offer, here in this world we can raise our son or daughter, here in this world they will not die, here in this world there are no tears because theres no need to cry, here in this world everything IS as good as it seems, for here in this world you can make dreams, and after they are made we can see them through, here in this world the sky is not the limit, we can go as far as we want, no worries, sorrows, jealousy or pain, here in this world it doesnt even rain, here in my world it is always sunny, here in my world i feel only love for you hunny, Back we go to the real world, where everytime you watch the news there is a missing girl, everytime you turn on the tv, somebodys going to kill us and it could even be me, here in this world everyones going to die, maybe from a rock falling from the sky, here in this world there is nothing but fear, anything will kill you no matter how far or near, here in this world nothings as it seems, open your ears and hear all the screams, everybodys dead and you will be too, so lets take the journey again, just me and you.





12:00 May 08 2013
Times Read: 373

Peaceful warriors have the patience to wait

until the mire settles and the waters clear.

They remain unmoving until the right time,

so the right action arises by itself.

They do not seek fulfillment, but wait with open arms

to welcome all things.

Ready to use all situations, wasting nothing,

they embody the Light.

Peaceful warriors have three great treasures:

simplicity, patience, and compassion.

Simple in actions and in thoughts,

they return to the source of Being.

Patient with both friends and enemies,

they live in harmony with the way things are.

Compassionate towards themselves,

they make peace with the world.

Some may call this teaching nonsense;

others may call it lofty and impractical.

But to those who have looked inside themselves,

this nonsense makes perfect sense.

And for those who put it into practice,

this loftiness has deep roots.



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