PrincessSkittles's Journal

PrincessSkittles's Journal


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16 entries this month

I just hate that...

10:49 Jan 31 2013
Times Read: 364

I just hate when you're in the middle of writing something and your webpage gets closed, losting everything...

Freak snow strom. I don't know what happened to the wether we had this afternoon(yesurday I guess is more like it) but I sure as hell want it back.





People are so mean

10:21 Jan 30 2013
Times Read: 373

Driving home from work minding my own bussiness, and this car comes up behide me, rides my bumper and flashes the hell outta me, slows down backs off, speeds up does it again, slows down blah blah blah so on so forth. For a good three to four mintues before turning off on some other road. Mind you I was doing the right speed(actually about five more) and was in a passing zone. So it wasn't that.

However, I am so enjoying the weather. I just love it when the moon shines bright in the night sky! And being right between cold and hot, thats great. Its going to really suck when it gets cold again. :




-_- sleepy

19:12 Jan 29 2013
Times Read: 378

Work is such a pain. Over time is really going to kill me. Last night all I could do was make it to bed before I past out. Today I have to go in early for a metting, then stay over again! I hope they have their minds made up and don't switch me around three billion times...

It sure is nice out thou. I love it when it rains and its warm. And the pretty grey sky just tops it all. :3 I am so tired still... Speaking of...

Remember, life is like a box of chocolates, it goes better with blood






19:38 Jan 28 2013
Times Read: 382

Party Hardy!

Of couse the weekend's over and its back to work... At least the snows melting, its warming up and the sun still isn't shinning.

Sugar sugar, aw honey honey... XD






05:58 Jan 25 2013
Times Read: 393

It sucks...






10:35 Jan 24 2013
Times Read: 399

A tidbit here for you about my all time favortie band. Most people don't know this, and I think its food for thought lol :3

The word AC/DC is actually a slang term for bi-sexuals. Now with that said, think about these lyrics from TNT...

I'm dirty, mean and mighty unclean

I'm a wanted man

Public enemy number one


So lock up your daughter

Lock up your wife

Lock up your back door

And run for your life

The man is back in town

So don't you mess me 'round

We also all know that AC/DC stands for Alternating Current / Direct Current(at least I hope so), and their signature thunderbolt.





So cold... So tired

10:20 Jan 23 2013
Times Read: 402

Goodnight Picture Cards

Over time is going to kill me in this cold wether. I should by a heat lamp... Nightynight. Bloody Nightmares :D





Remind me not to do this again...

10:40 Jan 22 2013
Times Read: 411

Monday over time, four hours late... GAW shoot me please! Of couse I will, I could use the money...

Today was fine, until midnight and I found out that they stuck me in the clean room. Now my only promble with the clean room is that it has this smell (that people fight with me over, cause they say it doesn't) like the hospotal, the inside of the dishwasher(on the dry cycle), and evaporated bleach... This causes exteme nausea, and me to be a bit shaky. I've told the super about this, back when I was actually working 3rd shift. Of couse, taking one look at me, he didn't believe me. I really don't care about having to grown up and wear a hair net. Its part of the job its what they pay me for. FOUR HOURS OF TRYING NOT TO PUKE ALL OVER THE PRESS! is what bothers me. One of these times I won't be able to stop meself or hold it til break. And I'm just going to laught telling them I told them so.

Then, thanks alot dad, my piss of shit car almost didn't start. The heater is missed up, so defrost is all I have to warm the car. Today I could hardly use it! I tryed to turn it on full blast and it started squealing. It almost tends to pull to the right when driving. When the car is super cold, you can't help to swerve all over.

Thank you for listening. Wasting time, at least I gave you something to do for a mintue. Stay freaky my darlings.





I wanna be a mongoose

16:56 Jan 20 2013
Times Read: 417

Angel Comments

How many can say the know their guardian angel? Well I'm going to hang out with her today. I love(platonic) this girl to death, and know her so long. Oh but say one thing about no God and its a beat down! lol

Grabing my Monster and running out the door. This is where I'm glad she only lives a few mintures away. Rushing to noon!

When life gives you lemons, squirt people in the eye!





Peanut Butter Jelly

08:19 Jan 20 2013
Times Read: 426

Hi, Hello, How are ya'?

I'm a little hyper, nevermind me... Funny random moment for you.... I'm sitting talking with my mom. She says, "You know the conditioner I bought the other day?" A little confused I say yeah... She replys "It's shampoo." Our Rott was standing right there looking at her, he made a bark/growl and hand to god it sounded just like Duh. XD

This might not be funny to some, or any. Maybe that random stoner or two. Never the less I decided I'd Ear(technically Eye) Rape you with this tidpid o' information.






About to give up on life...

07:20 Jan 19 2013
Times Read: 442

Try to edit my profile and it wipes all I had written! :< BAD SITE! I spent a good amont of time getting songs together for a playlist and the laptop reboots on me! LOST EVERYTHING! Bullshit! Stupid shit! GRAW!!!!!

Like work, had two easy presses, ran them good, was making great parts, was in the black with both of them(running fast like they want) and they swich me to a horrible press I hate, gives me eye pains cause I can't see the parts! Plus I'm workig Saturday, tomorrow... Sucky...

Where's my rainbow in the dark? Lost today! C'est la vie... Thank you to those that wasted the time to read, and please forgive my wording if it upsets you.





Sickly little me...

06:35 Jan 18 2013
Times Read: 450

Was feeling fine. Until about half an hour into the work day. The more I move around the more woozzy I get. Almost a whole week of being sick, well might as well count it as the week.

Chicken noodle soup, OJ, Pudding and Rootbeer, if not for you I would be dying. Or at least feeling so much more like it.

Still working on figuring out why I can't get pictures on my profile or in my porfolio...





Feeling odd

06:16 Jan 17 2013
Times Read: 454

I'm feeling a little better. After three days, I'm going back to work tomorrow. It's a wonderful feeling when you can stand up normally and the room doesn't spin!

On the way home today, I hit a bat! :< Poor little thing. Actually he was pretty big, but luckily he flew away like nothing happened. Never hit a bat before, I feel so bad. :'




Feeling sick

00:56 Jan 16 2013
Times Read: 460

I've been feeling sick for a few days. Don't really know what's wrong. Really light headed and dizzy... Had to miss work, thats really not good. My groundleader was kinda, off befor I couldn't stand work and left early on Monday. It turns out he got yelled at for ripping into me and the other girl Saturday.

So hungry... Which sucks, its hard for food to set right now. My body just isn't letting it. See you when I feel better.

~ Skittles




Good Morning Night Creatures

14:00 Jan 12 2013
Times Read: 468

Good Morning! And what a wonderful and prefect morning it is. The sky is a beauitful light gray, the sun is hiding. The air is somewhere between cold and warm, and the smell of rain is on the wind. Time to grab me a Monster and kick it into high gear! Stay bubbly and happy hunting ;D lol

~ Skittles




Randomness of random, I guess

10:36 Jan 12 2013
Times Read: 472

If I may rant about my day for a sec to all of you who don't know me.

I work 2nd shift in a stupid little factory over ran by lazy asswholes. I hate working like this, it really bums me out. However, in life there's just some things you have to do. So everyday I wake up and drag my happy ass to work. I bust my ass and work hard, really give it my best. I'm always in the black and green when I'm running my presses, which is really good. It means I'm running them just they way(if not better than) want. There's never a promble with my parts, I always help my other co-workers when I get the time and I always listen and do what I'm told. Every friday we have to clean up and blah blah blah. Every friday, its just this one girl and me left to swipe up the whole floor because everyone is lazy. Today, well I should say last night, we cleaned up in front of our presses and took out of there. The group leader hunts us down and yells at us. "If you ever take off like that again, I'm writing you up!" "I'm pissed off, that's what I am" ONE FUCKING DAY I DON'T CLEAN UP AFTER THE WHOLE FUCKING BASEMENT AFTER BUSTING ASS ALL WEEK EVERY WEEK AND BEING ONE OF THE BEST WORKERS IN THE GODDAMN PLACE AND HE BITCHES AT ME WHILE WATCHING THESE LAZY FUCKS DO NOTHING!? What the fuck I ask you...

Sorry about wording, for any one that it might bother... And thank you for wasting time and listening for those that read.

~ Skittles



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