Today was a good day,nothing of dire importance or concern occured.This tuesday was one sole meant for relaxation and meditation,though it held some reserves of work.It begun with school,fairly straight forward and quick as far as school days go.Next came after-school,and that is when nothing but peace was attained.As for the night,a time I can scarcely described,for a lack of better words,it brought some unique changes.
A very dreary day to say the least,perhaps it is because it is closing to the winter season.Arriving at this particular moment has been peaceful and calm,though it is a slight chill in the air that harken to something deeper happening later this evening.My plans are to relax,do some writing,and maybe go out if I have need or want to.Until next time inhabitants of Vampire Rave,a pleasure as always.
Night always held a mystery in it's winds,since the dawn of time to the end of days this should be so.Humorous that it is also one of the more intense and dangerous times for one to venture from their homestead...a time to be in sleep,partying and socializing or meditating and reflecting.Each a key time to relax and time to enjoy in whichever way one sees fit,certainly has two different sides depending on one's scenery.
This day was full of optimistic and joyful engages,a very well-received message that was traveled though various pathways until finding it's own way.Many encounter's highlighted the day,most noticed this morning when a chance meeting and opportunity was worked to complete favor and skill to my advantage.
I am both optimistic and pessimistic over the past few weeks and the next few weeks.It is becoming something of a ironic symbol that duality is occuring not only in the physical and human aspects and also in the deeper,more spiritual matters that are interchanging now.Perhaps it is simply a time for reflection and meditation,and I believe it just may be.