PhoenixFlame's Journal

PhoenixFlame's Journal


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4 entries this month

Chap 4

00:01 Feb 19 2007
Times Read: 521

4. Call it a father's Intuition

"I thought he would've find us by now." said Selene with a worry look on her face about her father's where abouts."

"Maybe there were more and he's protecting the others."

"Maybe', she looked up and saw a figure coming towards them. she said the word 'Luminius' and a bright light formed in her hand , lifted it up and saw the face of her cousin boyfriend Crusher,'What are you doing here?"

"I don't know, I was walking around and these guys out of no where just jumped me and thats all I remember, then I bumped into you two." he explained.

Snowman started to sniff the air and smelled blood it was close to them.

"Let me see your neck." Snowman said to Crusher.

He lifted his neck and it was covered in blood. Selene looked closely at Crusher's teeth, his canines began to sharpen.

"What happen to you? Did you get bit by a vampire?" asked Selene.

"Oh, so that what bit me? Guess when you got to feed you got to feed,' he said with such evil and hunger in his voice. He pushed Snowman half way across the ally and grabbed Selene and pushed her up against the wall,'now this is only going to hurt.....alot."

She closed her eyes tightly as he made his way to her neck, but see didn't feel the fangs going into her she opened her eyes as she felt his rip loosen and saw he was a brunt crispy with her dad behind it.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Call it a father's intuition. You okay?"

"yeah, Snowman,'she ran over to him as he was rubbing his head from the fall,'are you okay?"

"Yea, how about you are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. How 'bout you?"

"I got a headache but fine."

"Dad, Eos and the others are they okay?"

"They're fine, don't worry. Come on let's get back."

And the three of them started to head back to the shop.




Chap. 3

23:56 Feb 18 2007
Times Read: 522

Family Reunion

Brooklyn, New York 4:30 p.m.

Coming back from London, Blade and Snowman enter the garage, where they saw Whistler working on his latest project. He had a blowtorch in his hand wearing one of those protective mask. He was in blue jeans overalls and gray tee shirt.

"Whistler, Whistler!" shouted Blade so he could listen.

He turned off the torch left up his mask and squinted his dark eyes at Blade."What is it, kid?"

"Guess what I found in London."

"Queen Elizabeth?"

"No. Someone you know."

"How can I not know the queen?"

"I saw Selene, she couldn't be more than 16."

"What? Are you sure? I mean its been---"

"Ten years I know, but it was her, she has her mothers eyes and some of her features."

"I can't believe it, that little girl is know a teenager." Whistler said as he put his mask back on and turn on his blowtorch.

"So what are you going to do know?" asked Snowman.

"Don't know I might go back tonight."

London, England 11:30 pm

Eos and Selene both came back home, both covered in blood.

"I just hope that mum and dad aren't up yet." said Eos.

"Yes, we shouldn't be up for hours,'said Aunt Artemis,'what the are you two cover in? Do you realize how late it is?,'she looked closely at the liquid on their cloths,'is this blood?

"Well we went to this club that my friend offer us---"Eos lying excuse was cut off by Selene.

"It was a vampire night club, Aunt Artemis, it was disgusting, then blood came from the celling, and then I saw him."

"Who did you see?" asked Uncle Helius.

"My father, Blade, I know he's all the way in America, but I am certain that it was him."

"Impossible,' Artemis,' he walked out on you when you were 6 and you think he gonna come back to patch things up with you after 10 years."

"Don't you dare talk about my father like that." said Selene angrily, she tighten her hands into a fist.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I mean I'm sure that the girls are tired." said Helius.

"Good night." said Selene as she went upstairs to her room.

The next morning Eos did as she said that she was going to help Selene with inventory, both of them were checking on the number on candles and books. Watching her cousin in a mood that Eos never saw her, she grew worried. Selene was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt, her cousin was in a pink peasant top and white caprise, Eos was into some metal, but more R&B, Selene was your average goth girl, into heavy metal, hard rock all that.

"You ok?" asked Eos to get rid of the silent.

"Yea, I mean...I just don't get it why Aunt Artemis hates dad I finally found him and she makes this statement that he hates me which I know that is not true."

"I don't know, you haven't seen him in 10 years and..."

"And what? You think that she's right and I'm wrong? I can't believe you, Eos, for of all things you should be happy that I found him."

"I am, but I'm also happy that you a very cute guy in the process. What was his name?"

"Dad called him Snowman."

"What kind of name is that?"

"I don't know, but-----" her voice was cut off by the bell on the door ringing as someone entered.

She went to the cash register and forced herself to a smile on her face to be polite.

"Hello, and welcome to Luna's Magic Shop, how may I help you?"

She gasped as saw Blade standing in front of her, she also saw a figure cover in a black sheet it came off and it was Snowman. she came out from behind the counter and stood in front of Blade.


"Yes it is, baby."

She smiled and jumped in his arms and hugged as tight as she could as he did to her.

"I can't believe it's you, after all these years. You haven't aged in 10 years."

"And you, you just like your mother, I can't believe how beautiful you are."

"We meet again,' she looked at Snowman,' how did you guys get here?"

Artemis came out from the back.

"What are you doing here, daywalker?"

"Good to see you to, Artemis."

"What are you doing here? She doesn't want to go with you, Blade."

"What are you talking 'bout, Aunt Artemis?"

"Just go away, alright? She doesn't want to have anything to with you."

"You don't have a right to butt in my life, ok? It's my choice, not yours."


It continued even when the sun went down and it became dark, Eos changed the sign from open to closed. Artemis and Selene kept going at.

"I'm just trying to protect you."

"From what, from a man who made one mistake in his life and came back to make it up?"

"No, from your destiny."

"What destiny? From living my own life I don't get it, Aunt Artemis, I known the truth for years that mom died by vampires and dad couldn't do nothing, ok. He couldn't do nothing to save her, I was there."

Before her aunt could say anything a group of four came in. The all were wearing black.

"We came for the girl." said one with an Russian accent.

"Eos?" ask Selene.

"The one they call Selene." he said.

"That would be me, may I help you?"

After she said that he took out a knife and try to cut her, she jumped back and kicked it out of his hand, bend down really fast and used her leg to trip him.

"Artemis, Eos, get back." warned Blade.

Snowman put them in the back room and closed the door. Another one came at Selene and Blade stopped him by shooting sliver bullets in him, he turn to burnt crispy.

"They're vampires?" she questioned.

"Snowman, get her out of here."

He pulled her arm and they both ran out while Blade finished off the other two. They ran to an ally a couple of blocks away.

"Does this happen every time you to go fight someone?"

"Not really, actually I should be glad that Blade helped me when he did."


"Because he cured me from a virus a while back, so I be lucky to have him as an allie."

"Cool. I'm glad he came when he did or else..."

"Don't nothing will happen to you, they would have to go through Blade and me."

She looked up at him as she leaned against the wall, he walked towards her, lowered his head and kissed her gently and pulled away.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know."

(I know, I know, but I want to but some romance in it. I know that Snowman is suppose to be quiet, but it's my story, I hope you like the rest.)





23:53 Feb 18 2007
Times Read: 523

Chapter 2

Present Day Brooklyn, New York:

Remembering that day still haunted his dreams, the day that his wife died. The day he had to give up being a father to Selene, to make sure that she was safe from his duty, the daywalker killing vampires by the truckloads, to make sure the she didn't turn evil.

(Flashback to London, England)

"You just can't leave here her,' screamed a middle aged woman that kind of looked like Diana,' she needs you Blade, she needs you!"

"I can't keep an eye on her every second, Artemis, she to young for this, I don't want her to get killed."

"She's not gonna get killed if you leave her with Whistler when you go on these missions."

"Whistler are you crazy, I rather let her play in a lions den instead leaving her with Whistler."

"Then what are you going to do huh? You just gonna walk out on her like you let your wife, my sister die?"

"no, it's not like that, Artemis and you know that. Selene will find me when the time is right and she will know it. There's no more to discuss, Artemis."

He opened the door and slammed it shut. Selene was listening the whole through her new room, hoping that he was right, hoping that one day they will find each other.

(Present Day London, England)

Sitting at the counter, 16 year old Selene Luna was reading 'Wicca Candle Magic' while sitting at the cash register of "Luna's Magic Shop". She was wearing a black tee shirt say 'I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you" and black jeans. She heard the door open looked up and it was her cousin, Eos, wearing a black tank top dress that was down to her knees. Eos arm was wrapped around her latest boyfriend, he was wearing a black tee shirt, a black leather jacket, and blue jeans, his hair was dyed purple, and his skin was pale as milk.

"Where did you dig this one up?" asked Selene.

"Ha Ha. Very funny, cous." said Eos.

"How old are you exactly?"

"I'm 28 and the name is Crusher." he responded.

"Crusher? uh, Eos can I have a word with you for a minute?'she pulled her cousin to the side,' are you psycho?"

"No, and what do you mean psycho?"

"He's 28, you're 15 which makes you the rape victim."

"Oh stop being a worrying git, ok? I can take care of myself."

"Oh yea, wait till I tel Uncle Helius."

"Don't you dare tell dad."

"Watch me, I'll be saving you the trouble keeping him from getting killed."

They looked back at him watching him sticking a silver pendent in his pocket.

"Ok, Rusher or whatever your name is, empty your pockets."

"Ok, copper, you caught me,'he gave it back to her,'i thought it would look great for my death angel."

"Aww thanks, Crusher." said Eos.

They kissed a passionate kiss.

"Ok, can you guys take that somewhere else?" said Selene.

"Alright, why won't you come to this club that my friend invited us to, lot of cute guys." suggested Eos.

"I don't know, I mean I have to do inventory of the new shipment of candles and books for the shop and--"

"Come on, I'll help you with that ok? Please?"

"Ok, ok, I'll come, but I probably won't like it."


"It's 10:30, tell me why we snuck out at 10:30 at night?"

"Uh, cute boys, great music, I mean look at this place." said Eos as she was referring to a big room with different color strobe lights, flashing white lights, and a fog machine. Selene looked around the room, saw someone bleeding from the arm.

"What the hell kind of place is this? I'm calling the house."

"oh come on, Sel, have fun."

"No way, I'm gonna find a phone and the three of us are out of here."

She walked across the crowd trying to find a phone when she bumped into a Asian man a little taller than her, wearing a black tank top and black leather pants, with a sword on his back being supported by a strap.

"Excuse me." she said.

"No problem." he said as he looked at her.

"You don't know where there's a phone around here do you?"

"There's no phones in here,' he said with a strong accent,' that way no one could find the humans in here."

"What? What op you mean humans?"

After she said that, red liquid started to pour for the ceiling everyone except for her and the man beside her seem to get excited, she watched Eos and Crusher jumping up and down as the liquid kept pouring. Little of it came into Selene's mouth.

'This can't be,'she thought,'blood?'

She looked up everyones mouth open taking in the liquid like a drink.

'They're vampires, Aunt Artemis was right.'

Then she heard screams coming from behind her, she turned and saw a black man, he looked familiar to her and he was. She wasn't sure, but it looked liked her father Blade. The man who had sen her to live her aunt.

"Snowman, stop flirting with that blood sucker and kill her."

"Who are calling a blood sucker, you jackass?" she responded that made her glare her fangs at him.

"Do I know you?" ask the tall man.

"Selene, let's get out of her this place is getting crazy." said Eos as she pulled her arm and they all ran out leaving Blade and Snowman alone.

'Selene,' thought Blade,' no it can't be she wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this.'

He saw the group of three running out, Selene looked back at him one last time before she left.

'He hasn't aged one bit since I was six.'




The beginning of my story, Blade's Daughter

23:50 Feb 18 2007
Times Read: 525

Chapter 1

10 year ago:

"Go get out of here!" said a woman in her 30's with a british accent, with long brown hair flowing to her back, her black eyes watering with tears, her dark skin practically covered with blood. Her long sleeve black shirt torn, her black jeans that hugged her leg and her petite curves had fresh holes.

"No, I'm not going to leave you, Luna.'said a black man wearing black sunglasses, wearing a tight black leather outfit and a long leather jacket,'I need you, our daughter needs you."

He was referring a small little girl hiding at the exit, she was in a blue jumper and a white tee shirt. Her black hair was pull back in a ponytail.

"Blade, you have to protect her, she's your only hope, for her being a wiccan from me and a vampire from you, she will make a most powerful warrior, to help you on your quest,' she fell to her knees she was dying from her blood lost, Blade rush to her side and held her close to his chest,'please, protect Selene she's needs you, more now than ever."

"She also needs you, to help her with her witchcraft, with everything."

"I----know,' she coughed,' but please watch over her before they have a chance to use her in evil, promise me."

"I promise. I love you, Diana Luna."

"I..love you,...Blade." and she died right there in his arms.

Trying to hold back his sobs, he laid her lifeless body carefully on the ground, walked over to his daughter and picked her up.

"Let's go, Selene, you have to stay with your mother's family."

"No,'she said in a british accent,'I want to stay with you, Daddy."

"You can't, not now, you need to learn alot more about wicca before you can come with me, I'll wait till your older." he said as he began to walk with Selene in his arms.

"I'm 6, I'm old enough."

I know you are, baby, but I think you by safe with them. Do this for me?"

"Ok, Dad, for you." She rested her her on his shoulder and fell asleep.



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