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Several men have been keeping me company all night the last few nights. They are very intriguing and learning all about them makes the long nights go a little faster.
Dahmer, Ramirez, Gacy, Burkowitz..... just to name a few. They're disgustingly sick and fascinating all at the same time. There's many more on the list but I'll get to that some other time.
I'm not. I'm an asshole to everyone. I just got off the phone with my mom.... she's a talker (to say the least).
She talked so long that she only had 5 minutes to shower and get ready before she has to leave. I lovingly told her.... "Well you'd better get your ass in the shower and hose out that buttcrack fast then!"
She laughed. Why wouldn't she? She never knows what to expect me to say next, but hopefully it will make her laugh. Someone has to cheer her up every now and then... it might as well be me. ;P
SciFi is doing a Tales from the Darkside marathon today! =/ If I hadn't already popped my damn sleep meds I'd be half tempted to stay up all day until I have to work again tonight and WATCH THEM ALL! (er... or until 1:30 at least.. hahaha looks like that's when they stop)
and on a side note... I looooove Jelly Belly's. I just don't like when I reach in and pull out something phunky like grapefruit, coffee, peanut butter, or buttered popcorn. heheh
How did my interview go, you ask? Well no you didn't but I'm going to tell you anyway...
It was quite honestly the shortest interview that I was on the receiving end of ever! LOL Not that it's a bad thing. I was notorious for keeping interviews down to 15 minutes when I was in upper management. I could usually tell within 5 minutes whether or not I wanted to deal with someones ass in the work place or not.
It didn't go bad, but they didn't hire me on the spot either. They gave me the ol' we'll call you by the end of the week.
Will they hire me? I dunno. I gave them significant schedule restrictions, and if I don't kill myself working 2 jobs I'm willing to pick up occasional extra hours.
Will I cry if I don't get hired? Hells no! I'll just keep looking. If I get desperate I can always get a job at a call center. One of the girls I work with swears that 'any schmuck' can get a job at a call center. She also says they offer part time, and pay decent.
HAHAHA I think I'm entirely too crude of a female for the 1800's.. lol
16:56 Sep 23 2008 Times Read: 1,401
Why yes.... yes I am.
Sometimes I find myself having the urge to call my mother and ask her if she dropped me (possibly several times) as a baby, and if she just wont own up to it. heh
Quite frankly because there are some rotten no good douche bags in existence that deserve to be kicked smack dab in the center of their frontal vertical smile.... or their droopy stretched out overused lower jowls they have the nerve to call a cooter!
19:41 Sep 30 2008
you know lol i cant say a THING about this one !!