Honor: 6 [ Give / Take ]
11 entries this month
07:57 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 1,005
I'm texting back and forth with my sister about the current wild fire here in Colorado. For those who don't know, it was a controlled burn done by the forestry department that got out of control. All to late the governor halted controlled burns, and the forstry department has apologized. Much too late for the people who lost homes, and lives.
Controlled burns are a necessity, however it's not something that should be practiced with high winds in the forecast. We had ridiculous winds in the city. When that happens they're usually stronger in the mountains. It was a very unfortunate mistake. As of yesterday evevening over 4100 acres have burned and the fire is only at 15% containment. We have wind in the forecast again. I'm hoping for more containment before it get's out of control.
My sister and I were reminiscing about past fires. I was in AZ for the Rodeo-Chediski fire, where two large fires merged to make a ridiculously large fire. If you read the link, it tells about the morons who set the blaze, and the large amount of money it took to put it out.
Last summer AZ actually had a bigger fire. The Wallow fire. It burned during the end of May, all through June, and the beginning of July. A campfire started that one.
It's sad to see all of that devastation caused by irresponsible people. This year has been really warm and super dry so far. It's only the beginning of the fire season. It could get ugly this year. I hope not.
23:14 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 1,017
Sometimes when I look around the internet, I wonder if people over exaggerate to make themselves seem special, or more important than they are. I wonder if they know others can tell that they're full of shit. I also wonder who's paying for all of the people who don't have jobs to sit and dick around the internet all day. Are they getting government checks or something? O.o
Ok, time to ponder offline. I've got dishes, laundry, and cleaning to do.
12:38 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 1,062
It's very difficult to listen to someone when what they say not only contradicts what they've said before, but also the truth.
I don't understand why when people get upset by the way someone else has treated them... they don't reflect on whether or not they've also treated someone the same way. Is it not hypocritical to get angry if you have?
There's a lot of mixed feelings for me out there about a lot of crap going down regarding people I care about.
I have enough awkwardness in my immediate surroundings, so I'm not really sure how to feel about anything these days.
I'll be going back to work by the end of the month. It's cutting my maternity leave short, but there's nothing I can do about that. I want to take the entire time off, but I just can't. Bills don't pay themselves. And I feel pretty pathetic when I have to ask for outside help, or rely on other people to help pay the bills. I don't understand how other people do it. I wanted to take the whole time off, because once I go back to work not only will I be exhausted all of the time, but time will fly by. My little munchkin will grow so fast while I'm preoccupied with work and life stress. Some of the happiest memories from my childhood are from when my mom was a stay at home mom, and we were home with her. It hurts that I wont be able to give my kid the same thing. I have many more struggles that I'm battling right now, but I'm not really up for airing them publically right now.
Things have to get better eventually. I know they could always get worse... but I'd like for things to improve sooner than later.
05:43 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 1,080
I killed 3 beer brats, fries, and coleslaw for dinner.
I eat like a damn heifer, but I've lost about 40lbs since I had the baby 6 weeks ago. This is weird.
11:02 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 1,096
Breast feeding the kid is causing me to have an appetite that rivals a teenage boy. WC sometimes gives me a surprised look when I eat more than normal, or more frequently than I usually do.
I dug out the blanket I'm working on for her and started working on it again. It's proving difficult to crochet with carpal tunnel, but I'm managing. Hopefully I'll have it done before I go back to work.
Holy shit
03:28 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 1,120
Alright no more smoking crack before bed. O_o Just kidding, I've never smoked crack in my life. Unlike Whitney Houston I'm actually telling the truth when I say that (Crack is whack!). But seriously.. no more looking up country music videos before I go to bed. During only an hour of sleep I had a very fuckity bizarre dream.
Blake Shelton was in my house, and Reba McEntire was my mother in law. (How cool would that be.) My mother in law clogged both toilets in the house... literally shitting until the whole bowl was full of poo. One of them was so funky looking that we called it the Who Poo (as in Dr Seuss). We finally got brave enough to flush it and it just spun around (similar to a blender with the top off) sending shit flying all over the place including all over all of us. It was disgusting.
Yeah.. I dunno my brain is fuckered up. Hence the crack joke.
06:00 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 1,140
One of her friends is having her ears gauged. I don't agree with it because I think it looks gross, but to each their own.
WC knows this girl, so we were discussing her decision. He mentioned that once it's stretched out it stays stretched out, there's no coming back from it.
o.0 and then the gauged ears were determined to be similar to his ex's vagina.
21:37 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 1,143
I'm so lonely08:02 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 1,163
That is all.
06:51 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 1,177
I've had the itch to be artsy again.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to incorporate this aspect back in to my life again.
Good Times
09:24 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,209
Well if there's any question about if my family knows about my kinky side...
When I was texting my sister earlier tonight she reminded me of a time that I pulled a riding crop out of my car in the parking lot of a restaurant. According to her I horrified not only her boyfriend but also my father. (I bet you my dad doesn't even remember that.) It was fun to see her boyfriend move that quickly to the other side of the parking lot though.
I also had a conversation with my mom on the phone tonight, where she was kind enough to remind me of the time that I smacked my very flaming male coworker on the ass with a riding crop in the adult store making him cry. He learned very quickly that when I ask how hard I'm allowed to hit someone.. the answer is NOT as hard as I can. I confessed to her that he did manage to get me back for that one. He, another friend of ours, and myself went on another late night trip to the adult store (we're not porn addicts, it's where we went to blow off steam after working until 11pm when most of us were not old enough to drink yet). He bought a vibrator on that trip, batteries and all. When we were pulling out of the parking lot to leave (he was in the back seat, I was shotgun up front) he turned his vibrator on and stuck it in my ear. No one really expects to have a goddamn vibrator stuck in their ear. I screamed so loud it scared the shit out of the girl who was driving. Good times. hahaha
Anyway me and my mom discussed those incidents, skanky ho coworkers, vibrators, friends and family members. There's not a whole lot I won't talk about with my mom. We spare each other the details of our personal sex lives because we don't want that information. I have however taken my mother to the adult store before. We didn't buy anything. I figured no one else would take her, and she sure wasn't going to go by herself. The woman needed an education on the stuff somehow.
I know.. I'm weird.
And apparently kinky. :P