Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
19 entries this month
11:10 Feb 28 2009
Times Read: 1,127
I knew it I knew it! I'm not just a crazy slacker like everyone thinks! I just found this on yahoo news. It explains why everyone in the classes I just took who were taking notes the whole time know less about the computer system we were learning about than I do. I was doodling the entire time...
See.. I told people it helped me listen! :P
Take Note: Doodling Can Help Memory
By HealthDay - Fri Feb 27, 8:48 PM PST
- FRIDAY, Feb. 27 (HealthDay News) -- You might look like you're not paying attention when you doodle, but science says otherwise.
Researchers in the United Kingdom found that test subjects who doodled while listening to a recorded message had a 29 percent better recall of the message's details than those who didn't doodle. The findings were published in Applied Cognitive Psychology.
"If someone is doing a boring task, like listening to a dull telephone conversation, they may start to daydream," study researcher Professor Jackie Andrade, of the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, said in a news release issued by the journal's publisher. "Daydreaming distracts them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task, like doodling, may be sufficient to stop daydreaming without affecting performance on the main task."
For the experiment, a two-and-a-half minute listing of several people's names and places was played for test subjects, who were charged with writing down only the names of the people said to be attending a party. During the recording, half the participants were asked to simultaneously shade in shapes on a piece of paper without attention to neatness. Participants were not told they were taking part in a memory test.
When the recording ended, all were asked for the eight names of those attending the party as well as eight place names mentioned in the audio. Those asked to doodle wrote down, on average, 7.5 names and places, while those who didn't doodle listed only 5.8.
"In psychology, tests of memory or attention will often use a second task to selectively block a particular mental process," Andrade said. "If that process is important for the main cognitive task, then performance will be impaired. My research shows that beneficial effects of secondary tasks, such as doodling, on concentration may offset the effects of selective blockade."
In everyday life, Andrade said, doodling "may be something we do because it helps to keep us on track with a boring task, rather than being an unnecessary distraction that we should try to resist doing."
Ramble On..
09:37 Feb 28 2009
Times Read: 1,129
We passed out in the living room together. The TV woke me up. The cell was on. It was the scene where he dad was beating the shit out of him, then picked up a hot iron and burned him. I love the movie, but child abuse is still disturbing. It may be fictional, but knowing that things like that happen in real life disturbs me. Some people just have to pass on their dysfunction, some people will never grow. Maybe they just don't realize that when you traumatize a child, it is a major determining factor in who they are as an adult. The why's don't matter it's just wrong regardless.
Radio Flyer was the first movie to ever make me cry. If you've seen it, you know.
I watched the rest of The Cell. I knew if I went back to sleep that scene would corrupt my dreams. In my opinion my dreams, as disgusting and vivid as they get sometimes, are designed to be that way because I am meant to decipher them and learn from them.
Like the choking dream I had recently. So far what I've gathered from that one, is that I'm keeping things inside that I need to be working through. I'm not releasing thoughts and feelings that are troubling me, and it's killing me slowly, asphyxiating my soul if you will. There were other minor clues in my dream that lead to this conclusion, but I'm pretty sure it's accurate. It's not a final thought. I'll continue pondering the possibilities and see if there's anything else I can come up with. After all, I'm still working on figuring out a dream I had when I was about four.
Alright enough rambling for me right now. It feels great to have the ability to purge my thoughts though. So many have already been lost along the way.
19:49 Feb 27 2009
Times Read: 1,150
We'll just call it praying shall we?
OH GOD YES... OH.... GOD....... YES!!!!
That's right... PD is going to heaven after all bitches!!!
Just for the record..
04:20 Feb 24 2009
Times Read: 1,192
I want absolutely NO PART of the BS that happened here today.
I tried to do what I could when I could and that's all I'll say about it.
I have NO idea who the guilty party was other than the one person I could actually see initiating what was going on. Frankly the hole situation didn't surprise me given the source.
I know A LOT of people are pissed about the situation, and I'm not happy about it either.
I don't care who is fighting with who over it. I don't care who is being mean to who about it. Obviously people are going to be pissed when something like this happens.
This is NOT my problem. I didn't participate. I doubt there is much that can be done after the fact.
And I absolutely am NOT taking sides regardless.
I may just keep to myself for a while until the fur stops flying.
Just keep me OUT of it.
Thank you.
oy vey
17:04 Feb 22 2009
Times Read: 1,205
Lord help me... I'm going back to the herp store with WC.
I'm taking the fookin camera and making a wish list!
Bwwwaaaahahahahahahaha! >:D
13:25 Feb 22 2009
Times Read: 1,217
Ok... lizard pics are up. I'll tackle snakie pics after the sun comes up and I've done some cleaning.
Let me know what you think so far. =)
10:41 Feb 22 2009
Times Read: 1,227
I slept all day... and I mean all day.. and woke up at 2am. I'm wide awake and have plenty of energy (for once) and I cant clean anything. lol If I clean the kitchen I'll wake WC's kiddo and the dragons. If I clean the bedroom I'll wake WC. I cant clean critter cages... because this silly human will need light to do it, and I don't want to disturb their nocturnal cycle. Many of our critters in that room are night creatures. That leaves the bathrooms, but I also risk disturbing people & critters doing that. I think I'll just sit here for another hour resizing pics to go in my port, and then go take a shower. I'll probably crawl back in bed for another hour or two after that.
I miss 24 hour coffee shops. That's something I have yet to find here in CO. If I had one of those nearby I could go read a book and sip a mocha for a couple of hours. I do have a couple of books that need reading, but the bathroom isn't the most comfortable place for reading o.0 well for extended periods of time. I suppose if I cant muster a few more hours of sleep.. I could grab a pillow and plop into an empty bathtub.
I thought that breathing and swallowing were things that come naturally. I've found myself unable to master the breathing and swallowing thing lately. I found myself choking on my own spit about 30 minutes ago trying to breathe and swallow at the same time. o.0 I can tell you right now... it doesn't work people. I find it very disturbing because I had a dream Friday where I choked to death over and over and over... at least in my dream it was different objects and not my inability to manage my own saliva.
Ok.. I'll ramble on forever.... Off to resize pics.
♥ to my people!
just a bit grumpy..
10:08 Feb 19 2009
Times Read: 1,234
I walk into work, to find out that I'm the manager on duty... there's a ballroom FULL of drunk construction workers... we're over sold by half a dozen... and my security TARD called off sick... so I get security duty tonight too..
I have to stay 3 extra hours and do labs on something I've already learned and do not have issues with...
I have about 5 hours worth of cleaning that needs to be done when I get home...
My freakin eye has been twitching for 17 days now...
I'm just a bit grumpy... so if I'm short with anyone in the next 48 hours or so... it's not you.. it's life.
Loser party of one..03:20 Feb 17 2009
Times Read: 1,259
So.. loserish as I was feeling sleeping most of valentines day, and working all of that night.. I decided to treat me and the sexxay girl I work with to VD Dessert.
I sat down with my plate ready to eat it and announced "Dessert for loser party of one... loser party of one." She replied with "Excuse me! That's loser party of two thank you!". hahaha I fuckin' love that girl. She always makes me laugh even when I don't want to. I'm going to miss her when she moves.
Here's what we had for dessert:
Pound cake, fresh strawberries, whipped cream, shaved white chocolate, topped with a chocolate dipped strawberry.

Not bad if I do say so myself. =)
A very deep fried dinner charlie brown..03:12 Feb 17 2009
Times Read: 1,261
I got to make dinner a day last week. I decided to bust out the oil and fry everything I could. I stopped when we had more food than we could eat in three meals. This is the results.


Zucchini (the fries were baked)

All coated in home made beer batter. hehehe I wanted to do green beans and hot cauliflower too, but I was talked out of it. =)
It actually tasted better than it looks in the pic. WC was nice enough to make home made tartar sauce to go with it. That's a bit beyond my skill level.
02:22 Feb 15 2009
Times Read: 1,285
I don't date very romantic guys...
usually their idea of Valentines Day chocolates is dipping their wiener in chocolate.. and telling me to suck it. o.0
kk and I agree..
02:10 Feb 15 2009
Times Read: 1,297
But just for today..
fuuuuck this
12:19 Feb 09 2009
Times Read: 1,316
This waking up at 5am crap is.. well I would say for the birds, but that's obvious..
quite frankly it's bully-O shit-O is what it is. Time to get my ass ready and go fight thousands of other commuters to get to the other side of town where work is.
If I can't have fun with the little bastards, what's the point? ;P23:00 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 1,330
I'm sure WC thinks I'm torturing them. I told him not to look at me like I'm a crazy cat lady... it's not like I made the little fuckers poodle skirts, leather jackets, and wigs.. THAT would be a crossover to crazy cat lady.
I thought it was cute. I'm still laughing about it.

10:40 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 1,342
The vet's office sent us a sympathy card in the mail yesterday. It was completely unexpected. I started crying all over again. It's nice to know they care enough to let us know they do. I've never heard of an animal hospital doing that before.
I'm still sad and heartbroken over the whole thing.. even though arrangements have been made to acquire a new breeder male. On a personal level, it would be too soon. Fortunately this isn't entirely a personal decision.
Sometimes I wonder if I just get way too attached....
♥ Love to the KK09:47 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 1,346
She is probably the most heartfelt and sincere person you will meet on this site.
What you see, is what you get with this one.
That's extremely hard to find online.
She really is a treasure... I hope you all treat her that way.
01:42 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 1,354
I'm not one for cookie cutter religions. I have a small bit of education in the matter though..
I had a dream about Jesus today. It was... weird.
It left me with the lingering feeling I get when I watch Se7en, or read about serial killers. I wonder if that was the fuzzy other details that were there too.
11:07 Feb 03 2009
Times Read: 1,368
I'm frigging tired already, and I still have 9 more hours today.
I've just got to keep telling myslef..
After today... only 3 more days.. of 14 hour days..
Only 3 more days this week anyway.
I'm tired, cranky, and lonley... I hate to see what I'm going to be like by friday morning.. hahaha
Letting go..
10:43 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 1,383
Making the decision for someone that you care about to live or die is probably one of lifes worst tortures.
It's full of second guessing and self doubt in your ability to make such a decision.
Do you hang onto them, do you let them go?
Do you hope that they can be saved, or do you let them go peacefully and in their sleep.
Do you have them fight until there's no fight left, or do you end their suffering?
We had to make that decision the other day. It was as painful as I knew it would be. It still hurts today. We chose to end the suffering.
There's slight ease in the fact that after the necropsy was done the doctor called and said it was the best thing to do.. there was nothing to be done. Death was inevitable.
It only makes it sting slightly less.
I'll miss you 'S'... I really will.
I already do...