Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
21 entries this month
♥ Yay Friends! ♥
18:55 Dec 31 2008
Times Read: 1,226
For everyone coming over tonight...
The abode is just on the other side of the tallest hill.
When you get to the bottom go left at the second light.
When you get to twice the same name, take a left on the way.
Take the road until you see the dirty Chevy Cavalier on the right. (I would give you the color, but lets face it.. in the winter it's dirt colored.)
Take path right to the side of the auto.
Down a few short steps... it's the door with the trash heap currently outside.
o.0 Though that will probably be gone by the time you get here.
See you in a bit!
o.0 WTF?
09:10 Dec 31 2008
Times Read: 1,231
Note to self: DO NOT write craptastic journal entries from shitty phone.. while lying in bed half asleep and feeling like poop.
blech23:28 Dec 30 2008
Times Read: 1,237
Puffy.. Stupid pain... Do the fuck away and leave me in peacee.
20:31 Dec 30 2008
Times Read: 1,242
I'm cleaning..
I'm cleaning everything..
I think he's domesticating me when I'm not looking.
Maybe he plays subliminal "get in the kitchen bitch" and "clean this mo fuckin house" cd's while I'm sleeping...
and this whole time I thought I'd been sleeping to classical music.
I bet somehow ayw is in on it too... he always has a hand in the best conspiracies.
21:03 Dec 29 2008
Times Read: 1,249
I took pics of the animals today. They need to be resized before I can post them anywhere. I don't know if I'll put them on my profile or not.
Who knows.. maybe I'll start up a port again. Minus the pics of myself most likely.
I'll get to work on resizing them this weekend. I have too much to do in the next couple of days.
I can't wait to get to the zoo and shoot some pics..
I just l♥ve animals soooo much.
I swear, one day I'll have my own damn zoo. LOL
Shhhh don't tell WC that.
It's good to have people who care in your life.22:37 Dec 27 2008
Times Read: 1,261
I was in kind of a funk this morning. I'm not sure I was going to achieve anything other than sleep today.
WC stuffed me in the car and took me for a drive. I love escaping to nature every now and then. As much as I despise people, and the city.. I know I probably wouldn't do good living far away from a major city. =/
The mountains were beautiful. I got to see elk, deer, horses, cattle. No buffalo this time, and I'm still waiting to see a mountain lion.
It was just the break I needed.
Thank you WC! ♥

02:01 Dec 27 2008
Times Read: 1,265
Surf & Turf for dinner.
Toss in a baked tater, and don't forget the cheesecake with fresh berry sauce for dessert.
20:57 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 1,282
My cheesecake is in the oven..
in 5 hours, it will be an orgasm for the taste buds.
Happy Holidays to me..
17:59 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 1,292
I gifted myself with a new profile look this morning. I have no idea how long the last one was up for, but it was quite a while.
I forgot how much I l♥ve redoing the look of profiles. =)
Great Jumpin Jeebus...
08:47 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 1,295
I seriously... SERIOUSLY... can not stand the fucking securityTARD I'm fucking stuck working with.
Is it to much to ask for someone with a little common sense, or even half a brain?
It seems people don't have to have either to have a job these days. =/
A decision from the indecisive...
22:59 Dec 24 2008
Times Read: 1,301
I have decided that some people are just not worth my time anymore.
To everyone who has been supportive of my purging, I thank you. You're support has been saved along with my thoughts. I wont forget.
22:46 Dec 24 2008
Times Read: 1,302
Cookies Happen...02:14 Dec 16 2008
Times Read: 1,320
The results of my 8 hour kitchen session.

(And one with a soda bottle tossed in for size comparison.)

So far I've made:
6 loaves of banana nut bread
10 dozen peanut butter cookies
8 dozen snicker doodles
and 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies
Am I done?
Very unlikely.
It's fuggin cold!17:36 Dec 14 2008
Times Read: 1,327
Local Weather
Live Conditions 10:29 AM
Hi: 6 °F
Lo: -4 °F
Snow Showers
Occasional snow in the morning...
then scattered snow showers in the afternoon.
17:18 Dec 14 2008
Times Read: 1,328
I'm a little stressed out right now... I've started baking. Ok, so maybe I'm a lot stressed.
We'll see how far I take this.
It could get ugly, or tasty.
Depending on how you look at it.
Fucking Hell
16:20 Dec 10 2008
Times Read: 1,339
I feel so run down right now..
I'm going to disappear to bed.
Holy shitballs... o.0
17:32 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 1,374
Ok... time for bed. The happy pill kicked in... I clicked on the 'who's online' looked at the top 3 or 4 people, and thought to myself... "Who the fuck are all of these strange people and why are they visiting my shit all of a sudden o.0?"
Wow... wrong fucking page genius. I love meds that fuck up the thought process. Good thing I make a point to not drive on this shit huh?
I have a freakin headache...
05:10 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 1,392
fun stuff.
I can't stand people....
16:43 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 1,412
I really have issues when trying to deal with fucktards. I can't fucking stand them. They're impossible to deal with.
Unfortunately since there are so many people on this goddamned site... there is a plethora of them here. I can't take you emo fucking drama kings and queens and the stench of the fucking hell that you create.
Fucking losers.
I'm going to go take a crap now... for it will smell far better than your fucking bullshit.
05:17 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 1,326
Time for work again.... time for work again.... time for work again.... time for work again...