Phedre's Journal

Phedre's Journal


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1 entry this month


13:09 Feb 20 2011
Times Read: 601

Okay, so the first hash was actually fun. I did get drunk as shit though, but the exercise is worth it. The trail was only about two miles; I was sort of thankful for that because saturday trails could be anywhere from 2-6 depending on who's laying the trail down. We figured it would be shorter since they were marking it with flour and had only half a bag... plus the fact that they liberally used it since the beginning.

Anyway, it was a fun trail, and as it was my first hash (and probably not my last for drinking out the goblet) I (plus three other people) had to drink out of the goblet (which was one of those plastic baseball bats). which anyone who wanted too, gave donation to topping off what was in the goblet at first. I came in third out of four, and probably would have done better if the beer wasn't do damned cold lol.

Actually people gave number four hell after that cuz i was new and not even a heavy drinker to begin with and still won. drank it all under a minute but it felt like i took forever.

After all the introductions (us four were "virgins" to the hash) in the circle then came the naming of one of of the four virgins, who has been to seven hashes. (usually named if you attended from five to fourteen hashes, but could be more and could be less, less being you did something spectacular the first few runs).

So, i had the goblet (3.5 beers, including one whole Smirnoff) plus two more Smirnoff's, one before the goblet, and one after.

Needless to say I was fairly drunk after that. Now fortunately i didn't do any stupid shit or anything. Actually the only thing I did out of the normal was that the alcohol made me tired.

It kind of made other hashers kind of worried for a little because the normal response to doing that was to be nauseated and puking in the bushes, but honestly I felt more nauseated walking there than i did after I drank all of that.

As for the walk, it was fun. Tim let me be second to last to reach point B because it was my first time (and later in circle they call DFL on the last person).

We might not have been last but two of the girls auto-hashed (got a ride) to point B. And we would have been able to catch up lol if i wore the appropriate shoes..

see, i wore sneakers but i wore those curved things that tones (trust me they work the muscles) and my ankles were already bad from before the run so.. yeah. To make sure i didn't get dehydrated, as I am almost want to do, we brought two big bottles of water to take with us for before the alcohol, during and maybe after.

Lol... during our little introductions as virgins, we were asked who brought us and asked to tell something about us or a joke. There were two things that came to mind and I was...well... not thinking too straight so no actual jokes came into my head, though I knew several, and learned several in the past few weeks.

So they had me do a demonstration of my martial arts skills instead. I just did a simple dodge and counter with a backhand to the neck at one of the choroted (sp?) arteries. Though, that was before the goblet so my ability was much better, and I didn't overdo any moves or attacks.

Everyone thought I was gonna really let Tim have it (he was the volunteer to help me demonstrate) but on the contrary lol...

anyway, i moved so quickly and everything, when i was done everyone had an impressed look about their faces. Rarely ever see that look in anything i do so for a moment i actually thought i did something good. Well, being third in the goblet race also put the expression on their faces too.

anyway, i think my name might be karate kid from the naming now, someone already kinda nicknamed me that a few minutes after our little introductions.

Well while they did the naming us unnamed had to go away for a bit. After that I kinda laid down for a bit to try and reduce the feeling of being drunk (not fond of the feeling), then went back to circle after a bit until it finished (which it finished earlier than usual) and then Tim and I got the ride back to our ranger, but before we went anywhere, we stopped at mcdonalds, got a coffee and mcchicken sandwiches (i was still trying to sober up). Tim had about a six pack, explaining some of the stuff that happened when i went to lay down, and some of what went around when i was there so i didn't miss anything.

the only thing i missed was, when we went away for the naming of the one, i was with another virgin so that he could make sure i didn't fall over on the uneven dirt ground (uneven ground + curvy soles + being drunk = good potential of falling flat on face). but actually i didn't even come close to falling over. anyway, the part i missed was the coming back to around the circle before laying down, it wasn't the other virgin who made sure i made it back, it was peanut butter (guy who provided the B truck for our drinks and for a ride back to A for half the hashers) who made sure i could walk the few meters over. Tim met him there, and when we were at circle and Tim had to go get something he asked S&M to watch over me for a second. she kind of didn't but i didn't care; i was capable of standing on my own it was just my shoes and drunkness made me kind of sway on my feet (again, dirt + curvy shoes + drunkness...) but i didn't lose balance or anything like a lot of drunk people i knew to do. then again i wasn't that smashed as they were either. I mean, i didn't reach my limit last night but since i was new the other hashers didn't know what was my limit so we all just played it safe.

we were going to go to an adult store afterwords, but we couldn't find it since it was so dark, so we just decided to come home and sleep whatever we had off. so yes, this was my first hash and it was quite fun.

good workout, nice people, didn't come last in a challenge and impressed people with my martial arts... and hell, had a few beers in the process.

well, i am done my journal for now. supposed to wake up in a bit to take a four hour drive.



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