well, the rp hubby I had left me no biggie I just found new people to rp with if you like rping and you want to rp with me the I have changed my imvu name it is now kajirauta I do many different styles of rp.
So I got my first tattoo last night it hurts like a bitch today like a sunburn but anyways My yorkie whom my mom is taking care of now cause when i moved out i wouldnt have been able is what i got a tat of in my own home bey my friend did it free hand from the pic pretty much and it looks just like him really did a marvelous job now you may be thinking why would any one want a tat of a yorkie well I had inherited said yorkie from my grandpa when he passed away when i was very young. the dog is losing all his fur and teeth and has chronic athrites in the hips he is 19 years old he has had a good long life and I wanted to get it before he passed so i could remember him as he was in the pic i got it done from and not like he is now at the end of his life line. His hourglass may be about to run out but his memory will never fade nor will his cute lil face for I have it marked on my body for life no matter how old or wrinkly i may get it is a tattoo worth being proud of. Eventually I will be getting a memorial tattoo for my father who died of esophogeal cancer when I was younger. But that wont be for awhile I think I am getting a tat some time probably in the near future of my affinity animal which is the wolf.
Apperently my kingdom is going to war with another kingdom. I am the queen sad that I was informed of this last.Anyways,I am also going to be a teacher at Submissive Cove Academy on imvu we have our own webisite. I will be teaching about the Books of Gor and the difference between gorean fantasy and rl D/s.Ect. My class will only be 3-4 students and mine will not start untill after all the bdsm classes are finished.They give you all the basics you need to know.If you would like more information on the school just drop me a msg. I am also a drow Priestess of Vhaeraun the masked lord for my friends Kingdom.hmmm, lets see My friends Coronation into the JC as Queen there(friends Kingdom) was 2 nights ago Because I am the only priestess I did the coronation. They are still looking for more healers and gaurds if any one is interested you can drop me a line about that also or contact me on imvu at AphroditeGate. Yes I am a nerd yes I rp dont like it get over it :P if you dont want to know about the going ons of my imvu life then dont read my personal entries.Anyways I will keep posting stuff here. blarg.
So here I am starting a new journey on a new site hoping to find some like minded people or maybe even some who are not like minded but open minded and to learn new things and make new friends as I go. I will keep my journal updated and thank you for reading.
Welcome to VR you will find all sorts of people here so have fun and if you need anything just ask.