Hello... You all know me as PerfectFreak... And its good to see you reading this. :) This journal is to let you know that I won't judge you like most people do... Freak in my book is being yourself and in the end isn't that all we can be??? Anyone who labels another for being different should get DUMBASS tattooed on their forehead because THEY'RE DIFFERENT TO... They're just to dumb too realize it...
Anyway back to the point... Feel free to talk to me about things ya normally wouldn't.... I don't judge.
11:13 Jan 30 2012
i like and agree with your perception of things :)
i mean if someone says"y cant u jus b normal?" i would reply with something along the lines of..."normal?? ..normalcy is only a state of mind...every individual is normal in their own mind and rightfully so, tho society as a rule would most likely call them crazy, insane or abnormal...lol"
also, it is nice to meet someone who doesn't judge others... i'm not perfect, i am only human and to me that means i have no right to judge anyone else, especially since i really despise others judging me w/o gettin to kno me, usually based solely on the way i dress, color of my hair, people i hang with, down to the way i talk or my accent, etc.
i think people would be amazed at what and how an individual can do/say/be if they would just give them a chance by at least attempting to getting to know them
catch ya around V^^V
Blessed Be,