People seems to have opinions about me little here and there. Some good opinions and also some bad opinions. I always wonder how can anyone judge someone they dont even know? Even here on vr it have happend i have seen an opinion about me from a vr member i never even have talked to or even have seen earlyer. To be honest here i find that very pathetic and i somehow laugh pretty good at it because when i see an opinion about me from someone who dont even have talked with me judge me on grounds without any true reasons. I have great friends here on vr. On my work it is same things. workmates have opinions about me as i have about them aswell. But the weird thing is a couple of workmates have bad opinions about me based on things they have maded up themself. I guess the way of the life.
01:24 Mar 27 2009
Don't worry, Pantervamp...people who usually judge without an iota of information are usually asses...
09:23 Jun 30 2009
Very wise *nods head*