Im sitting here infront of the compiter that seems to have been my home several years. So much time i have sacrified to be able to be online and learn to know people over the world. I suddenlye got a feeling about lonliness, like everything i have builded up is actually on way to fall apart. Maybe everything is just somekind of a ballon that grow and grow just to crash one day. That all the communityes i spend time in online just may be false hopes for friendship. On internet many people dont give a shit really about to think in a longer perspective. 1 person do something and that lead to a couple of others follow that person. Left is a couple of humans just wondering wtf just happend. This is how 99% of all communityes on the internet works. The funny thing is i never learn it even when it happen everywhere again and again. Some of the friends we got we manage to keep contact with and some dont. I guess that is the way of the internet.
01:56 May 13 2008
I agree, man...
02:34 Jul 13 2008
i so know that feeling to well i realy hate it.
some people can be so fake at times.
well i am not one of them i will always try to keep in contact one way or another.