Watching the couples figure skating and wondering how many of them have done the funkey monkey together........? Imagine the possibilities with all of that flexibility *grins*.
I can't believe what a bunch of poor sports the Russians have been and its not just the ridiculous statements made by them and Plushenko over him saying he deserved the Gold over Evan L., how insulting to Evan who clearly deserved it for his outstanding performance. But they are crying fowl over everything and taking it out on the athletes from their country who certainly don't deserve such disrespect for all of their hard work and dedication, everyone in the Olympics is a hero and should be treated as such.
Shame on the Russies, tsk, tsk....
Its a shame when your on the grandest of stages with the whole world watching to display that kind of sportsmanship.. They are saying that what he said on tv is nothing compared to what he said on Russian networks.
It most certainly is....and Evan handled it with style and graciousness, perhaps too much.
Evan has class alright. Not only did he not stoop to the level directed at him he gave the guy praise. Now that is class and a lot of it.
I noticed that as well...the South Koreans are the same way, especially in short track skating.
What happen to the good will in sport? That's what the Olympics are suppose to be about, right?
Yes, its a sad state of affairs. But I'm proud of the Americans.
I don't want to believe that we only got one medal....ok it was gold but 1 bloody medal Bah!!
Haven't been around here much lately, been glued to the telly watching the Winter Olympics, go team USA! Excited to watch the Ice Dancers tonight....I imagine I'll be back in about a week in full force and then again maybe not, life has been busier than usual for me I'm happy to say :)
My hair has been falling out and I'm not talking wee strands but clumps. My hair is already fine and thin and now you can see right through it. Even my friends have noticed and when I went to the salon my hairdresser told me that I need to see a doctor she thinks its a problem with my thyroid. She said it was a drastic change since I was in a few months ago and its not from breakage.
I was in tears tonight after washing it, this is after brushing it out real good before hand and getting a ball of hair as big as my hand and then more as I washed it, it just doesn't seem to stop. I don't mean to be vain but damn...this sucks.
Thing is, I don't have medical insurance, I need to get back on the medicare I had due to my disability and soon I'm thinking...
Damn Jadee,that sucks...I hope you can find out what is really causing it.
Jadee, I hope you might find something out , friend just had same thing i guess lost hair on his head had to shave it, My dear I hope and pray for you
Dam that's not good, hope you manage to sort it out!
I am sorry to read this. I hope that you'll get medicare ASAP.
And I hope that you don't lose anymore of your golden locks.
Whenever my ex husband comes to pick up our son he never looks me in the eye when talking to me or when I'm talking to him, its the weirdest thing. Or if I invite him in while Justin is getting his things together he acts like he never heard me, he'll stay on the porch or wander off to look at the backyard or wait in his jeep. WTH? We were married for 10 years for christs sakes and you can't look me in the eye? It weirds me out....
It their way to dissacciate (sp) my ex's do it as well, its like their way of pretending we don't exist in their world. I just ignore it and do my own thing.
Well then I guess I should be thankful lol
Hmm, perhaps it's because he is worried he may still fancy you!
Looks like some major guilt issues to me.
My money is on Isis statement. He knows what he lost, and doesn't have the courage to look you in the eye. What a coward! You deserve so much more, Pandora.
Maybe he feels guilty for being shitty when he knows that you are doing nothing wrong.
maybe he feels guilt..maybe he knows he messed up and he's having a hard time accepting that he was wrong.
You know those people, usually rebellious teens, that insist on walking right down the middle of the road even or especially if they know you are in a car right behind them and they won't budge? Well just once, just once, I would love to run their asses right over, back and forth until they are a puddle of mush and they are unrecognizable! Little punks....grrrr.
*pops a xanax*
Tell us how you really feel *grins*
Oh you know me Jay, I always hold a little back lol
This is when one of those small boat horns comes in handy. Smile at them, and when they look away, poke that baby out the window and let her rip. I did that, and this teen age guy pooped his pants. I swear I saw something brown appear on his butt. Heh. They jump straight up into the air, crash into each other, and fall down. Fun! :P
LMFAO! I feel an investment coming on...
Let me be in the car with you, it will give it that extra weight that comes in handy lol
giggles coming soon to a theater near you, pancaked teen!
I'm so glad that I don't have kids...Anyway, there are a lot of bad-ass disrespectful teens around. Here, I'd like to line them up along the Golden Gate Bridge, and kick them off, one by one...
Six years ago today I suffered a major and severe stroke that devastated me and changed my life as I knew it forever. This is my story and for those of you that don't know what a stroke is it is a blockage or hemorrhage of a blood vessel leading to the brain, causing inadequate oxygen supply and, depending on the extent and location of the abnormality, such symptoms as weakness, paralysis of parts of the body, speech difficulties, and, if severe, loss of consciousness or death. As taken from the Dictionary.
In case you didn't know sexual intercourse can and has caused individuals to have a stroke (I no longer see the humor is the saying"I hope I go having sex"), with that being said my then husband, Jason, and I were doing just that when I had my stroke. Without going into any detail I had just had a multiple orgasm when I realized that the feeling wasn't quite right anymore. I knew something was wrong. I slowly got out of bed and started walking to the bathroom, my husband asked me what was wrong and I turned to him to to tell him and found that I had no speech, I had no idea how to say any words, all I could do was moan and grunt like an animal. Then my right arm went completely numb and felt like a lead weight on the side of my body, it just hung there with no muscles to hold it up totally paralyzed. Thats when I really started to freak, I had no idea what was happening and I was scared! Whats more I had no way of relaying what was wrong to my husband. Thats when my right leg went out from under me, it too became paralyzed. I dropped to the floor.
So Jason is like "whats wrong" and I'm like "@!%!", you can laugh here, heh. He figures out I need to go to the hospital and picks me up like a bag of potatoes, throws me in his truck and drives like a madman. Now at this point I am going in and out of consciousness, he keeps trying to keep me alert. My body slides off the seat so that most of me is on the floorboards but parts are still in the seat, if it wasn't so serious I am sure it would of looked comical. When your body is paralyzed its not like its as light as a feather and you just can't feel it. It feels like a TON of bricks, so frickin' heavy like a truck is hanging off your side and yet alien.
This story is getting long so I am going to condense it. It took them awhile to figure out what was wrong with me as I was so young to have a stroke and one that nearly took my life. Soooo, I was in intensive care for quite some time, they wanted to send me to a bigger city where I would get 24 hour care at a live-in rehab center but I couldn't bare to be away from the family that was my support system.
I have to tell you that the worse part of the whole thing was when my 3 year old son came to see me and didn't recognize me, he was scared and cried when he saw me. The right side of my face was slack and I looked like death. I bawled my eyes out after he left.
Well, I had lots of rehab, and I'm a stubborn woman as you all know, I learned how to talk and walk all over again but I never got the use of my right hand from the elbow down back again. At the time of my stroke I had one full time job and 3 part time jobs that I fit in where ever I could. I had 5 children to support. I'm not going to sit here and throw a pity party for myself but as you can imagine it has changed everything for me. Maybe thats why I spend so much time on the the long run I am just lucky to be alive.
Oh wow. That sounds like a horrifying experience. It's great that you keep on with your life though, as one ought to.
Thats great that you are doing good now. i have had a small stroke and never knew that i had one. i found out that i had one, when i went in for a really bad migrane. keep up the good work that you are doing.
Thanks you guys :)
Things happen to people in their lives that can be for the better or worse.They learn something about the world,themselves and other people from these things.You are a survivor of something terrible and it made you stronger.Glad that you are here to share with your friends,the things you learned from something bad happening.
I am also glad you are stubborn, life wouldnt be the same without you here..and we are all richer for knowing you.
Wow...thanks for sharing your story, as many do not know about strokes and how they can affect one's life and the lives of those around them.
You were indeed lucky to have lived through it and receive therapy. Looking at your pics here, no one would have ever thought that you suffered from a stroke.
I have heard the story before but as I read this journal new thoughts came into my head, much I can not say in your journal ha ha but one thing I will say is that you inspire me and through your strength you give me strength. I love you.
You are living proof that you can get through something devastating and come out the other side stronger. That is one amazing story. I'm sure people joke about strokes all the time and never realize how serious they are.
It's an amazing story and I am so glad you are here to tell it!
Raise your head with pride, and grieve not for nature. You have overcome obstacles, and are stronger for it. The courage, the will power, and the unbeatable strength to fight even when you physically could now. Yes my dear, you are magnificent.
Thank you for all of your kind words, they mean a lot to me...
*huggles* I am glad you are still here!!!
Yep and me : )
Now that's an anniversary that's worth throwing a party for hon.
How many of you actually read other members journals not because you are looking for the latest VR gossip, trash talk or vindictive spite but because you are truly interested in that persons day to day life?
I ask because ever since I stopped writing so much about my "vr experiences" and I'm referring to the negative ones, and have been writing more about my personal life, my readers have gone down in numbers.
Maybe my life is boring to them, could very well be, it is to me lol but that isn't my point. People are just drawn to the negative, how sad is that....
Personally I really enjoy reading about other members families and their lifes away from here but maybe I'm an anomaly...
I try to read all my friends journals...if I know they wrote something.I only seem to get comments from people if Im ranting about something...but not all the time.
I only Mostly Read Stuff That catches my Attention ,Doesn't have to be Drama Or Gossip Just depends on how it sounds when I read the first part, I love reading funny stuff even if it is day to day stuff, I try to read my friends First.
I still read everything you post - as much as I can when I learn you have made a new journal entry. Mainly because it allows me to keep up with how you are doing when I haven't gotten to speak to you in awhile:) And by the way I LOVE the new avatar pic. You are truly a beautiful woman.
And you are far from boring, by the way. Just my 2 cents.
If something catches my eye - something of interest to me, ie a poem, story, etc - I will read. I also like to peek into the lives of others here.
On rare occasions, I'll read the drama shit - maybe grab some chips or popcorn to await the train wreck.
*raises hand* Oh I know this one! pick me pick me! I read! *licks the screen*
You are boring, that's why I like to read about you. It calms my exciting life *chuckles*
I read journals that I find interesting. I tend to go away from the VR drama journals. So every once in a great while I will go back a few days and see if a new person's life catches my interest and if not then oh well.
Just watched my fav show LOST! I am sooooo in love with Sawyer, when I grow up I'm gonna marry him. I also think Richard is hot, he's my back up *grins*. LOST has got to be the best TV show I have ever seen, I am seriously going to cry at the end of this season. I am sure I will have much to say as the last season unfolds...and I will invite you all to the wedding, if I ever grow up ;)
I lost interest three years ago. Now the ads represent a strange silly plot that I cannot grasp. I wonder if they will all make it off that damn island at the end or if a huge tidal wave will destroy it.
Well its my Birthday today and I started it with a breakfast of peanut M&M's and grape koolaid...does it get any better than that? Actually it will most likely be a day just like all the rest, boring with an extra dash of depression thrown in. I hate aging, it truely sucks.
My best friend called me at midnight cuz she wanted to be the first to wish me a happy birthday, it would of been great if I hadn't been sleeping lol. Oh well its the thought son Brandon just called and his family and my son Darren are coming over this afternoon as he baked a cake for me, so sweet, my favorite too, carrot cake. Tyler and Justin will be here too so all of my kids except one, Brianna, we are still not talking to each other and until I get an apology we won't be.
Soooooo......I'm wondering how many more years I can turn 30 *snickers*.
Happy Birthday * with lots and lots of hugs and good wishes!*
Happy Birthday! :)
You guys are so sweet, thanks!
My dear you do not look a day over 25
HAHAHA!!! Wanna have sex?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL!!! THAT sounds like the perfect birthday breakfast to me.
Ps- You can turn 30 until you and 55... that's what I am doing. Have the best day!!
No's my birthday too! LOL!
Happy Birthday to you!
Yay...have a great day hon xxx
Happy Birthday, sorry I missed it!
I so love carrot cake yum!
I hope you had a great birthday and you got everything you wished for. Most of all I hope you got to kick back, have a little fun and be with the people you love the most.
17:56 Feb 23 2010
Naughty Naughty
18:02 Feb 23 2010
That would be me alright :D
19:13 Feb 23 2010
Only you lmao
19:51 Feb 23 2010
04:35 Mar 02 2010
I always think that but then I wonder if any of them get their legs stuck in awkward positions.
09:42 Mar 04 2010
Wicked, glad to know it's not just me who has these sort of thoughts...