I made a bunch of friends tonight. So cool!
I'm sleepy but I'm bored too. I can't help but pace even though it's getting really late.
We went for a walk today and I think it's really weird how people yell "Weiner dog!" at me when I go by.
I hate it when she blows in my ears... GAH!
Run, doggy, run!
For a bath..it needed to be a serving platter. ;)
Soooo...Pai, I want to know about the night you were locked in with a certain other dog. The bathroom was trashed and there were two small poops in the corner. In your own words, can you tell us about the night in question?
*shiver* She has demons and I think one wanted to eat the laundry basket thing. I just tried to make myself small so she wouldn't eat me...
Dum dee dum dum... Bah bah badooo.
Sleepy -.-
14:36 Jul 25 2009
*pat pat pat*