21:17 Oct 18 2010
Times Read: 948
Vampire Rave was set up in 2004 as a social-networking website with the aim of "an all-inclusive database-driven website that cataloged every occurrence of the vampire throughout history" (Cancer, Jan 03 2006). The VR database currently holds around 30,000 entries. The procurator team are responsible for maintaining the database. One of these procurators is LordxofxWar and I decided that I simply had to interview him to find out what a procurator does, his aims for his VR life, and more importantly, if he really is as goodlooking in person as he is on screen...
LoW was in Chicago for Halloween and I hoped he'd have time to give me the lowdown on what being a great procurator means. I knocked on his door and waited to be let in...I could hear clunking noises and wondered what on earth he could be doing...just then the door opened and I was met by a person with overalls and black hands...what the..? Aha, I then remembered that LoW liked to work on his car....giggling I waited for him to wash up and when he returned I was indeed stunned by how incredibly beautiful he was... I wanted to know Who Is LordxofxWar?
This is what he told me:
Honestly I am a very relaxed guy most of the time. I am easy to talk to. If I am respected I respect back. I am also very rule oriented. I like rules, they shape the world around us and help maintain order. When someone breaks those rules it breaks my relaxation and that makes me grumpy lol. I am actually dyslexic and it has taken a lot of practice to overcome the symptoms. Sometimes I slip up, but I double check and triple check my work so I catch my slip ups most of the time. I certainly don't rush myself when I am working, I am too relaxed for that.
I am a man of few words most of the time, and I like to watch a lot of things. Sometimes I pop into the Vamp Box every now and then and I won't say a word. I am just watching the conversations, making sure everything is going alright in there *if not I contact an appropriate admin*. I read through the forum, I read through the VR manual randomly looking for changes to VR, and I beta test whatever is going on whenever I find time to do it.
Sometimes I find myself with nothing to do when I am logged in so I head into my House and post and see if any pages need updating. I am always looking for something to do. I have a lot of time on my hands and I finish up what needs to get done pretty fast.
That was interesting I thought, and I couldn't wait to find out more about him. Can I ask when you became a procurator?
He said:
*Funny I was just thinking about that the other day*
Oh wow.... That was some time ago... Currently other than Art I am the most seasoned Procurator... I was made a Procurator within my first year of membership which was before Sept 2008 I believe. As for a specific date I am not sure. I posted about it some time ago, but it was well after I was a Procurator. I actually didn't start going through database submissions for a few weeks to a month once becoming a Procurator. I was trying to learn as much as I could about my job before I stepped into it head on.
What are your duties as a procurator (I asked)?
This is what he said:
Only approve submissions that contain correct spelling, case, punctuation, and grammar. I may directly edit an entry before approving.
Define Links are custom fields. Define is the left portion, Value is the right portion. These are great fields for listings like events where prices, times, or locations are necessary. If a member does not use these fields properly I use them for additional info on whatever is being listed.
If I approve an entry or an edit, the user who submitted the entry or edit will have their submission count increase by one.
And I try my best to not approve duplicate entries. I also go through the database every now and then checking for duplicate entries or something that needs to be edited.
What is the best and worst thing about being a procurator (I wanted to know)?
He thought for a minute and told me this:
Honestly I like my job here on The DarkNetwork. I don't have any gripes about it. All the changes for the database I have suggested have always been listened to and taken into consideration which is something I greatly appreciate. Not all admins of other sites are like that, but Cancer is willing to listen to suggestions. Some are approved. Not all are approved, BUT that is because he knows what is best for this site and I respect and support the decisions he makes and try and help out as much as I can.
I nodded at that. I had submitted a few articles to the database and LoW was always ready to help when I was stuck, so I knew he took his job seriously. All the other procurators looked simply ancient in comparison to him and so I wondered if LoW would still be a procurator for VR when he was older. My next question was, what would you like to be doing in a couple of years time?
He replied:
Well hopefully I keep aging well lol.
Ahhh well that's no secret. I have openly said that I want to move up in position and help out more with the site. It's not something I hide from anyone, I am a straight forward guy when I want something. How would Cancer know I would like to help out more without me saying so? I am happy with my position, and I strive to do my best in it, but I would like more one day.
...and I nodded at that, here was a guy who knew what he wanted out of life. I hoped he got it... I had to leave then, and with one last gaze at the most beautiful man I have ever seen (surely he should be in some art gallery he was that beautiful), I said goodbye and wished him every success for his future both on and off VR.
21:27 Oct 18 2010
Doh, it was set up as social networking site? And there I was back in 2004 thinking the aim was to catalogue everything related to Vampires. Nice interview once again Pagan :)
02:07 Oct 19 2010
What a nice interview of my Lil Brother lol
02:08 Oct 19 2010
A fine read. Thanks to Lordxofxwar, and of course, Pagan. ;)
18:57 Oct 19 2010
I always enjoy these interviews of Pagan's, she writes them so well :) Wish we had them more often though!
20:12 Oct 19 2010
Great person to interview and a great interview itself! Reminds me I need to get on the ball with one of my next ones as well!
23:33 Oct 20 2010
cool..nice interview