I have always felt that one of life’s greatest joys is having a pet. They bring so much happiness, companionship and enjoyment that I can’t imagine life without them. But when a loving pet dies, it begs the question, "Do animals have souls? Will I see my pet in heaven?"
Well, the answer isn't an easy one. In the past few decades, scientists have proven beyond any doubt that some species of animals possess intelligence. Porpoises and whales can communicate with other members of their species through audible language. Dogs can be trained to do relatively complex tasks. Gorillas have even been taught to form simple sentences using sign language.
Animal rights activists point to this intelligence to claim that all creatures have equal rights to life and to certain treatment. Some activists even bristle when someone says they own a pet. They prefer the term "caretaker."
But does animal intelligence constitute a soul? Does a pet’s emotions and ability to relate to human beings mean that animals possess an immortal spirit that will survive after death?
Most theologians say no. They point out that man was created superior to animals and that animals can’t be equal with him. The bible says that
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." (Genesis 1:26, NIV)
Most interpreters of the Bible assume that man’s likeness to God and animals’ subservience to man implies that animals may have the "breath of life," nephesh in Hebrew, but not an immortal soul in the same sense as man’s.
Later in Genesis we read that by God’s command, Adam and Eve were vegetarians. There is no mention that they ate animal flesh:
And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." (Genesis 2:16-17, NIV)
But after the flood, God gave Noah and his sons permission to kill and eat animals:
"Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything." (Genesis 9:3, NIV)
God prohibited the killing of man ("You shall not murder," Exodus 20:13) but he placed no such restriction on the killing of animals. Man is made in God’s image, so man must not kill one of his own kind. Animals, it would seem, are different from man. If they do have a "soul" that survives death, it is different from man’s. It does not need redemption. Christ died to save the souls of human beings, not animals.
Even so, the prophet Isaiah says God will include animals in the new heavens and new earth:
"The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, says the LORD." (Isaiah 65: 25, NIV)
In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, the Apostle John’s vision of heaven also included animals, showing Christ and the armies of heaven "riding on white horses." (Revelation 19:14, NIV)
Most of us can't picture a paradise of unspeakable beauty without flowers, trees, and animals. Would it be heaven for an avid birdwatcher if there are no birds? Would a fisherman want to spend eternity with no fish? And would it be heaven for a cowboy without horses?
While theologians may be stubborn in classifying animals' "souls" as inferior to those of humans, those learned scholars must admit that descriptions of heaven in the Bible are sketchy at best. The Bible does not give a definitive answer on the question of whether we will see our pets in heaven, but it does say, "... with God, all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26, NIV)
My mini pincher, Michelle, is an important part of my life and I often feel she is a gift God has given me. You probably feel the same way about your pet. But last night, she was viciously attacked and killed by stray German Shepard.
We were out on or usual evening walk. Me her and her two children (Buster and Sandy, both just over a year old) when a the stray dog that has been hanging around the neighborhood for the past few weeks. came running toward us. This was it's usual tactic. It would run up to other dogs or into yards barking and snarling. then it would run away being rather pleased with itself. But last night..it didn't run away. instead it openly challenged me and my three much smaller dogs. Michelle. being a doting mother and a very protective toward me and my family. Did not take the challenge lightly. and strained her leash to get at the mutt. I tried to calm her down..but when the mutt nipped at one of her pups..all bets were off and she sprang free and jumped between us and the mutt.
The mutt just simple took my little dog in it's mouth and tossed her aside like a rag doll..The male (Buster) went total berserk at this and he and his sister leaped and attacked the mutt..And if I had not intervened..they probably would have been killed as well. The mutt had no desire to take on a much bigger human and ran away.
But the damage was done. My sweet little puppy-girl was seriously hurt and yapping in pain. The mutt and bit clean through her and punctured the lungs. She died in my arms within a few minutes
As I carried her home. I looked up to heaven and wondered if she was up there now..playing fetch with her favorite ball. Or was this cold lifeless form I held so dearly all that is left of my sweet caring pet.
They say that how you love is a reflection of your soul. And if that is true. then pets have a deep and pure soul. But if theologians are right. Then it's nothing more then pure instinct that drives them. After what I saw last night, and after a lifetime of having such wonderful pets in my life. I'm convinced I will see them again.
13:44 Mar 31 2012
I'm sorry to hear about Michelle. She was a wonderful, sweet pet and I know she will be missed tremendously. She will always be remembered in your heart and whereever she may be, she will remember you for being her saving grace on the night you found her and brought her home to share your life with her. Hugs.
14:49 Mar 31 2012
I have a degree in Theology and I am not stubborn about the souls of animals :) You can't argue with what you feel. You can't see love, but it is there. You can't see the wind, but you can feel it. We can't see God- but believers BELIEVE in Him.
I believe your dog felt comfort in taking its last breaths in your embrace, and I believe she is at peace with all the other valid souls.
15:40 Mar 31 2012
The Bible is just one theological reference.
Remember that the Egyptians used to mummify favorite pets to rejoin them in the afterlife but also to be reawakened with them.
I think different religions view ensoulment differently.
The theory of reincarnation for example, a person can return as a dog or a flea or a raindrop.
15:48 Mar 31 2012
Too true Moonkissed..There are many different views on the subject and I respect them all....but being a Christian..I view the bible as the path to the truth.
Thank you everyone for your comments and sympathy.
01:14 Sep 13 2012
The story about your dog being killed was
so sad, I felt I wanted to cry. I really believe
that animals do have souls, and the reason for this is that my own daughter has seen the souls
of our dead animals. They would come to her in her room at night, like to comfort her, not wanting
her to be alone. I believe her. She doesn't see
them now that she is older, but I am sure they
are still with her.