Opilia's Journal

Opilia's Journal


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15 entries this month

15:33 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 719

come on Cancer, log in already :((




00:21 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 720

This might have been stupid... maybe I should have waited to get my PM membership upgraded to lifetime... but I am such an impatient person.




21:27 Jan 16 2006
Times Read: 721

I finally got a digital Camera! woohoo!




5 Simple Things

06:30 Jan 14 2006
Times Read: 723

5 Simple ways to improve my mind:

` 5. Read a new book every week

` 4. Make sure to spend an hour writing a day

` 3. Make sure I spend at least four hours OFFLINE a day.

` 2. Find a new way to get home.

` 1. Learn a new word a day.

5 Simple ways to improve my body:

5. Walk around the block before I head home each day.

4. Eat healthier food, and probably more often.

3. Get more sleep every night.

2. Let my eyes rest at night.

1. EAT

5 Simple ways to make someone happy

5. Give away balloons to random people

4. Give a flower to a store worker

3. Help someone with their grocieries.

2. Bring home something sweet for someone your sweet on.

1. Compliment someone who looks sad.

5 ways to say thank you

5. Thanks

4. Thank you very much.

3. I am so grateful!

2. I appritate this soooo much!

1. This is so great, THANKS!




Lilly Teaches other's her great new FACT

19:20 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 734

Y keem was over here and didn't beleive me about the pants and the glue... so luckily enough I had some left over from my own spillage.

I am truly cruel to this poor boy because he didn't beleive me and let me pour it on his pants... with him still in them!

Anyway, IVORY please darlin, take your pants OFF!




20:40 Jan 12 2006
Times Read: 740

I've started to keep track of the oddest things in life... little things like how many customers I can get to smile, or how many have really tiny noses...

I think watcing my status level has started to leak over into the real world...

# of Coven contests already planned 4

# of birds that have flown over my house and left a shadow 7

# of times Bulldog has annoyed me today 3

# of times Boogeyman has pissed me off 2

# of ways I thought of getting revenge 23

*don't annoy me*




I love Daire

17:13 Jan 09 2006
Times Read: 747

I've always thought that people should stop being stupid and read what they sign up for.... It's always been annoying to find copywrited stuff on the portfolios... and when I leave messages about it... well they get ignored... and that's even more annoying...

So imagine how much I love Daire when I got this message along with everyone else!





Jan 09 2006



Move to Saved

Email to Self

Although this message does not apply to every member of the site, it does apply to a large enough number to warrant a system message.

The following is a quote of the rules for creating a portfolio.

No copyrighted work unless you own the copyright.

In the future I will not be sending personal messages to people asking them to change their portfolio because so far about half of the people I have asked have either just ignored the warning or have given me a whole heap of attitude. From now on portfolios containing images not allowed will simply be deleted.

This is also written in the rules of a portfolio, which can be read on the edit portfolio page.

“Portfolio's not meeting the above criteria may be deleted without warning by the administration.

Any portfolio I find with copy written images after this message has been sent out will be deleted without warning and the user will be given a 3-5 day suspension. I do not want to get any messages from people asking me questions about this message, if you are not sure if the image should be there remove it. The only people exempt from suspension are people who join the site after this message has been sent.

Anyone who logs on after this message has been sent and fails to do anything about their portfolio will have their portfolio deleted and they will be suspended.

I will start to delete portfolios and suspend members 3 days from now on January 12th this gives you 3 days to clean up your portfolios and get everything in order.

* * * System Message * * *




04:17 Jan 09 2006
Times Read: 753

Para cuando una mujer se somete, ella vive... por su esclavitud ella es libre




23:41 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 756

I'll actually have to get off tonight and get some sleep... I have to work a good chunk of tomorrow... though I might be able to stay connected at work if I'm sneaky about it... lol

Ah well, even when I manage that it's never any good... the computer at work sucks.. too slow.




Everything Quietus

17:59 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 758

If you look up the definition of Quietus you'll find this in the dictionary.

Definitions of 'quietus' 3 definitions - American Heritage Dictionary

quietus (n.) Something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate.

quietus (n.) Release from life; death.

quietus (n.) A final discharge, as of a duty or debt.

In the case of our Coven we're focusing on the second meaning. The Obscure Quietus... the unkown end...

If you look a bit more into the word Quietus you might find a bit of information on the Roman man who managed to find his way into the Imperial Office...

Titus Fulvius Iunius Quietus (d. 261) was a Roman usurper.

Quietus was the son of Fulvius Macrianus and a noblewoman, probably named Iulia. He gained the imperial office with his brother Macrianus Minor after the death of emperor Valerian in 260. The support of his father and the influence of Ballista, praefect of the late emperor Valerian, proved instrumental in his promotion.

Quietus and Ballista stayed in the east, while his brother and father marched their army to Europe to seize control of the Roman empire. After the defeat of his brother and father in Thrace in 261, he fled to the city of Emesa, where he was killed by Odaenathus of Palmyra.

You might even find some music...

Quietus (Silent Reverie) is the 5th single released by the Dutch symphonic metalband Epica. The album comes in two versions; one with 2 tracks and one with 4 tracks (which was released one week later, October 28). Although at the point of the release of Quietus (Silent Reverie) a newer album entitled The Score ~ An Epic Journey was already out, this single comes from the forelast album Consign to Oblivion.





16:04 Jan 03 2006
Times Read: 765

I saw this in Daire's journal and had to try it...

Watch the dance

Watch the sluttier one





06:38 Jan 03 2006
Times Read: 767

When you reach Sire, do you plan to open a Coven?

[Poll # 609]



Yes 77 37.56%


No 116 56.59%


What's a coven? 12 5.85%






Total Votes: 205




just putting these in here for when I need them

22:36 Jan 02 2006
Times Read: 774


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no name

22:32 Jan 02 2006
Times Read: 775

You know what... I think before we had all this technology and games and such....

we may have been less bored




no name on the vamp box

20:33 Jan 02 2006
Times Read: 776

I love the way everyone reacts in the vamp box.. it's like a validation of every observance I've ever had... the stupidty, the complete preditiablitiy...

ok now I sound like an ass and I'm not that kind of person...

but jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



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