I don't like pain, physical or emotional, yet there are times when I crave for it. Sometimes I wish I had a scab that I can pick at or the sting of a paper-cut that I can scratch.
Is it crazy to think like that? Does that make me a freak?
I'm pretty sure that if my parents found out I have thoughts like that, they'd send me to the nearest loony bin and as tolerable as my two closest friends are to my oddity, I'm not sure they would take that well.
10:51 Nov 17 2015
it doesn't make you a freak it's called masochism hurting yourself for pleasure isn't a bad thing if it makes you feel better but it depends on the reason you desire pain if you don't like yourself or you feel bad for things you've done in the past it's a form of self punishment you should keep in mind that pain doesn't help the problems go away :)